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At the last moment, Glaedyr switches her strike's direction and pretends to stab him when he doesn't manage to block it in time. "Hehehe, it might help if you're more focused! Otherwise anyone could catch you unawares if you aren't 100% focused on your surroundings! ...Though we have been training for a while, I must admit. We could stop for now, if you want?"

I laugh at how we're just doing some pleasant training and all hell breaks loose elsewhere

"Heh, gotcha..." Nathaniel leaned on the base wall, trying to get all his thoughts together... Glaedyr, Dusk, Elise, death...? It was all too much to think about without a cup of coffee. "See you later." Nathaniel waved as he walked back into the base, thirsting for coffee.

I've gotta go now. Byeeeeee guuuuuuuuuuuuuuysh! Make sure you don't kill each other or yourselves, okay?

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(A bit of elaboration [i was gonna save it for the Mount Prism Paralogue PM, but fuck it]:)

(After Poly took out his mirror self, he went unconscious. During that time, the prism shattered and the reflection was supposedly banished from existence... except not. It burrowed into Poly's mind, slowly causing him to lose his sanity and inhibitions and, essentially, become this world's variant of him. That's why Poly was suicidal before: because it wasn't him (well, this him) that was in full control of his mind; rather, it was the reflection that was yandere for Silvia. Of course, that yandere-ness hasn't popped up yet, but M!Poly had to kill everyone else in the Dreamers who tried to fuck with his plan first; ergo, that's what he's trying to do in this world.)

(Make sense?)

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(A bit of elaboration [i was gonna save it for the Mount Prism Paralogue PM, but fuck it]:)

(After Poly took out his mirror self, he went unconscious. During that time, the prism shattered and the reflection was supposedly banished from existence... except not. It burrowed into Poly's mind, slowly causing him to lose his sanity and inhibitions and, essentially, become this world's variant of him. That's why Poly was suicidal before: because it wasn't him (well, this him) that was in full control of his mind; rather, it was the reflection that was yandere for Silvia. Of course, that yandere-ness hasn't popped up yet, but M!Poly had to kill everyone else in the Dreamers who tried to fuck with his plan first; ergo, that's what he's trying to do in this world.)

(Make sense?)


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It's all your fault dammit

Ever since you regained conscious hell has broken loose



Glaedyr is actually main villain CONFIRMED

Glaedyr confirmed main antagonist in TWFOF


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(A bit of elaboration [i was gonna save it for the Mount Prism Paralogue PM, but fuck it]:)

(After Poly took out his mirror self, he went unconscious. During that time, the prism shattered and the reflection was supposedly banished from existence... except not. It burrowed into Poly's mind, slowly causing him to lose his sanity and inhibitions and, essentially, become this world's variant of him. That's why Poly was suicidal before: because it wasn't him (well, this him) that was in full control of his mind; rather, it was the reflection that was yandere for Silvia. Of course, that yandere-ness hasn't popped up yet, but M!Poly had to kill everyone else in the Dreamers who tried to fuck with his plan first; ergo, that's what he's trying to do in this world.)

(Make sense?)


But ya, I gotcha

Edited by Hero-King
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"Heh, gotcha..." Nathaniel leaned on the base wall, trying to get all his thoughts together... Glaedyr, Dusk, Elise, death...? It was all too much to think about without a cup of coffee. "See you later." Nathaniel waved as he walked back into the base, thirsting for coffee.

I've gotta go now. Byeeeeee guuuuuuuuuuuuuuysh! Make sure you don't kill each other or yourselves, okay?

"Bye!" She waved as he left.

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"So the two of you have finished? Right. Please tell me why you thought having a battle, using REAL weapons, between two comrades was a good idea? Look at your wound, Dan. You're a bloody idiot..." He turns to face Poly. "And you. Running away from your emotions like a coward only because somebody told you to? Last time I checked, the Khan of Ferox listened to no man or woman, except his or her's other half. You're better than that, Poly. Anybody who says otherwise, you can ignore them or send them to me. The Grand General does NOT take infighting lightly. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again... I hope this battle doesn't happen again..."

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(Get what he's saying or get why I'm confused? Because I'm more confused about how that even works.)

Ever heard the fairytale "The Snow Queen"? When the Snow Queen's mirror shattered, a piece of the mirror went into one of the hero's heart, turning it into ice and making him cold and ruthless. It's a similar vein to that, except when the prism broke, one of the pieces went into his mind and began to corrupt him.

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(A bit of elaboration [i was gonna save it for the Mount Prism Paralogue PM, but fuck it]:)

(After Poly took out his mirror self, he went unconscious. During that time, the prism shattered and the reflection was supposedly banished from existence... except not. It burrowed into Poly's mind, slowly causing him to lose his sanity and inhibitions and, essentially, become this world's variant of him. That's why Poly was suicidal before: because it wasn't him (well, this him) that was in full control of his mind; rather, it was the reflection that was yandere for Silvia. Of course, that yandere-ness hasn't popped up yet, but M!Poly had to kill everyone else in the Dreamers who tried to fuck with his plan first; ergo, that's what he's trying to do in this world.)

(Make sense?)

Got it.

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(Basically, Yandere!Poly went from the prism into Poly's head, and has been eating away at his sanity ever since. Hence his suicidal nature of late.)

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(Basically, Yandere!Poly went from the prism into Poly's head, and has been eating away at his sanity ever since. Hence his suicidal nature of late.)

Which is SO horrifically ironic considering what happened to Henry... O.O

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After his little speech towards the two Dreamers he ran back to Kat, knowing that she was upset by what just happened. Hugging her, he whispered "... I tried... Are you feeling any better now?"

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After his little speech towards the two Dreamers he ran back to Kat, knowing that she was upset by what just happened. Hugging her, he whispered "... I tried... Are you feeling any better now?"

"Sure, fine. What do I care?"

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"Sure, fine. What do I care?"

Dan walked past Kat. "The next time I want to fight someone, please tell me whether or not someone is possessing them so THIS doesn't happen?" He said as he sulked back to the infirmary to get someone to heal his shoulder.

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