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Ace decided, why not? What could be the harm? "Keep it tame, Poly. Otherwise...." Ace looked directly at Poly, "Don't make me dump a bucket of ice cold water on your head, because I will not hold back."

"Keep it tame?.. OH!" Realising what the two of them were on about, Dusk decided to leave them alone. However, he tells Ace "If your sister comes, can you tell her to come speak to me, please?"

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Ace decided, why not? What could be the harm? "Keep it tame, Poly. Otherwise...." Ace looked directly at Poly, "Don't make me dump a bucket of ice cold water on your head, because I will not hold back."

"... Okay. You do remember that when I was doing crazy things, I had a crazy alternate me in my head, right?" Poly replied. Still, he was glad to know that Ace wasn't about to abandon her sister.

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which one do you WANT me to read

First. It's decidingly more awkward and embarassing since Silvia didn't fully remember a lot of basic human emotions and wrote them all down in detail.

This applies to a lot of things.

Use your imagination.

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Well...being in this body is a bit...awkward...Oh well...Let's see what goes on around here, eh? *begins to walk off*

Kat, you nor is anyone else allowed to automatically KNOW its not me.

(…I swear to fucking god if there is another ally vs ally fight, I am fucking done. NO ONE is changing weapons until AFTER THE DAMN TIME SKIP!)

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First. It's decidingly more awkward and embarassing since Silvia didn't fully remember a lot of basic human emotions and wrote them all down in detail.

This applies to a lot of things.

Use your imagination.

​I'm going to cry dan if you do this. And give away my working position.

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First. It's decidingly more awkward and embarassing since Silvia didn't fully remember a lot of basic human emotions and wrote them all down in detail.

This applies to a lot of things.

Use your imagination.

​I'm going to cry dan if you do this. And give away my working position.

I'll give you a bowl of chips

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(…I swear to fucking god if there is another ally vs ally fight, I am fucking done. NO ONE is changing weapons until AFTER THE DAMN TIME SKIP!)

have you even been reading what demon dan has been doing? gosh >_>

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"Keep it tame?.. OH!" Realising what the two of them were on about, Dusk decided to leave them alone. However, he tells Ace "If your sister comes, can you tell her to come speak to me, please?"

Ace: "Will do." Ace replied before turning to Poly.

"... Okay. You do remember that when I was doing crazy things, I had a crazy alternate me in my head, right?" Poly replied. Still, he was glad to know that Ace wasn't about to abandon her sister.

Ace: "Yeah. I kinda had a nightmare about why all that crazy stuff happened and it was that reflection of yours. And frankly, that scared me. Mostly because I thought it was my fault but yeah. I still care, and worry too much."

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First. It's decidingly more awkward and embarassing since Silvia didn't fully remember a lot of basic human emotions and wrote them all down in detail.

This applies to a lot of things.

Use your imagination.

"'...today, I got to experience 'happiness'. It gave me all sorts of giddy feelings in my stomach. It also made me think of crows. Crows that remind me on Henry.' ...What the fuck is wrong with this person? 'Dear diary. Today, I felt a weird feeling. I think it was called lust?"

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have you even been reading what demon dan has been doing? gosh >_>

(I wrote that before I read all the way through because the LAST TIME your demon took over Kat ended up with a broken nose and I DON'T want to deal with that sort of Drama again. Also, like I've been saying, repeatedly, no one is changing weapons for a bit.)

(I'd like to note that I've had a Light Brand since my first fight and have not had it added to my "official" inventory. pls fix this.)

(That's fine.)

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Ace: "Will do." Ace replied before turning to Poly.

Ace: "Yeah. I kinda had a nightmare about why all that crazy stuff happened and it was that reflection of yours. And frankly, that scared me. Mostly because I thought it was my fault but yeah. I still care, and worry too much."

"Right. Thank you, Ace" Quickly backing off, he decided on checking up on Kat, to make sure she has calmed down even a bit, and maybe even ask if he could help organise her convoy. However, on his way he noticed Silvia's door was open. Curiosity beating him, he peeped through the door and noticed Dan reading one of her diaries. "Dan. What are you doing?"

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Ace: "Yeah. I kinda had a nightmare about why all that crazy stuff happened and it was that reflection of yours. And frankly, that scared me. Mostly because I thought it was my fault but yeah. I still care, and worry too much."

"It's cool. I like the fact that you're going into so much detail to keep her safe." Poly replied, smiling. "Makes my job easier knowing I have backup."

"'...today, I got to experience 'happiness'. It gave me all sorts of giddy feelings in my stomach. It also made me think of crows. Crows that remind me on Henry.' ...What the fuck is wrong with this person? 'Dear diary. Today, I felt a weird feeling. I think it was called lust?"



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(I wrote that before I read all the way through because the LAST TIME your demon took over Kat ended up with a broken nose and I DON'T want to deal with that sort of Drama again. Also, like I've been saying, repeatedly, no one is changing weapons for a bit.)

(That's fine.)

(im not having him steal the weapon, demon dan is just gonna faff about everywhere...maybe go into people's rooms when he shouldn't...panty raids are a go)

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Anon: Alright, now all I must do is wait until Alicia returns, then I can rest at-

"'...today, I got to experience 'happiness'. It gave me all sorts of giddy feelings in my stomach. It also made me think of crows. Crows that remind me on Henry.' ...What the fuck is wrong with this person? 'Dear diary. Today, I felt a weird feeling. I think it was called lust?"


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"Right. Thank you, Ace" Quickly backing off, he decided on checking up on Kat, to make sure she has calmed down even a bit, and maybe even ask if he could help organise her convoy. However, on his way he noticed Silvia's door was open. Curiosity beating him, he peeped through the door and noticed Dan reading one of her diaries. "Dan. What are you doing?"

*turns head with a huge, shit-eating grin all over his face* "Take a look at this."

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