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Silvia folded her arms and rocked twice, once to each side before finally clasping her hands behind her back. "And... THAT'SwhyIhaven'ttalkedtoTharjalinliketwoyears,okay,bye," she stammered out, moving around him and immediately bolting down the hallway.

And for reference, she said "And that's why I haven't talked to Tharja in two years."

*In ally way* "Stop. I need to talk to you."

Edited by shadowfrost zenbiniar
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Anon: It's late, so tomorrow. Thanks for this

Ace: "Alright, just let me know what time tomorrow so I don't accidently oversleep."

Alicia: "Wonderful, (now I don't have to deal with Frederick again, Ace has to. Wonder if she'll lecture him.)" *leaves for infirmary* "I ought to find something for Ace's headaches there."

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Anon: Well, I will sleep now. 'Night.

Ace: "Goodnight Anon." (Lecture my sister about who she can and can't love eh Frederick? Ohohohoho! Expect me to give you an earful.)"

Alicia: *halfway to Infirmary*

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"I can't believe it... It happened! Abysm has grown stronger which means my will has grown stronger." Sorin picks up the blade to marvel at it. "It has even gotten bigger... I have to show everyone. I'll be able to defeat that Anna for sure now. I'll have to thank the Elibean Mother-Son combo again later." *Leaves to show off Abysm.*

For anybody wondering, Abysm is about this size now:


Does anybody want to talk to Sorin? *Lonely*

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poly y u no ship dan and silvia it is perfect pairing

(She's always in an OT3)

Does anybody want to talk to Sorin? *Lonely*

"…Wait, where is Sorin?" *leaves to find him*

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"Sure..." Silvia murmured, skidding to a halt and running her fingers through her hair. "What is it?"

"First let me apologize. For two things. I'm not the best guy. I'm just a mercenary who travels with his brother and sister trying not to end in a ditch. I try to live my life to the fullest. But I have to apologize for doing things that hurt you in a way that no one likes. Jxemas if he were here would have been yelling at me for years. But I'm going to have to give myself punishment. No one likes people who trample in on others. Nobody. Even now I think about this happened to Angie. I would be pretty mad, upset, and furious. My second apology comes from this....I am craven. Being a soldier I have disobeyed laws. So right here, right now.... do two things. Leave without a word or hurt and beat me down as much as possible. That is my wish."

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[spoiler=Phoibus and Rosaline conversation]Rosaline: Any minute now... [/sits on the rail of one of the balconies, looking down at the ground below] Finally.

Phoibus: *waves up at her* "You called me too soon, milady. I was unable to find a rose to match your grace!"

Rosaline: Phoiby! [/hops down from the balcony with a thud, brushing off the dust before straightening up again] What brings you by? Checking on your investment?

Phoibus: A small bird whispered a sweet tune that you might need my assistance. True or false? I live to serve you.

Rosaline: Well, company's always nice. And yeah, I'd like this to go off without a hitch, for your help is most obliged.

Phoibus: Merely tell me what you need, milady. As far as I can see, everything should go according to plan, but is there something in particular you want?

Rosaline: Honestly? I don't care who wins this particular battle. What are the numbers for Anna Theresa's troops anyway?

Phoibus: Including herself? I counted 107. I would suggest, milady, that you wait closer to the ships during the battle. Let the Dreamers take the brunt of the damage. Many would weep if you were injured.

Rosaline: 107 versus... Well. They're SORELY outnumbered. Good idea, although you flatter me too much. The only person who would have cried over my death was blown up.

Phoibus: Ah, but I would. The thought of you being injured… it's enough to bring tears right now! *smiles* I would not underestimate them. If numbers were enough, then Michel would've already won.

Rosaline: You tease. You're just saying that! [/scoffs] Oh, I am well aware of THAT. And that's only because half the Annas she controls aren't even living things anymore.

Phoibus: Milady, you wound me so! I never just SAY anything; I pick my words with great care. *sighs but then appears to remember something* Ah, did I inform you of the tragedy at Mount Prism, milady? All of the prisms have been destroyed, and the newborns… I dare not speak of the horrors that befell them before their untimely deaths.

Rosaline: If you say so, Phoiby, but I never said I didn't believe you. [/smiles] ... Wait, how where they destroyed? There's no bloody way Michel could have gotten there to...how.

​Phoibus: Nor would I think even Michel could be so… psychotic in her killings. If I had to guess, perhaps your sister who has dabbled in necromancy? That dangerous line of magic almost always warps the mind. We need only look at the tragic tales of Nergal and Lyon to see that. If not her, though… perhaps...

Rosaline: As sick as her magic is, Aimee wouldn't hurt a fly. But you sound like you have an idea in mind... what is it?

​Phoibus: As per your instructions, milady, I have been keeping an eye of Theresa and… frankly, milady, some of her recent behavior has been quite… disturbing. She jumps at noises that no one else can hear, for instance.

Rosaline: You don't think she would have... no. Theresa's a good girl, nothing would cause her to... Margeaux. Margeaux. She's been absolutely crushed... you don't think she's going off the deep end entirely do you?

Phoibus: It's possible, though I am no expert. But, Lady Margeaux was quite kind and gentle, and Theresa has been under so much stress due to Michel's… actions of late. *shudders* I have seen quite some disturbing letters from Michel of late, the few that even make it. Many, many messengers have been killed recently.

Rosaline: That explains why it's so difficult to stay in touch with her. Phoibus. [/squares her shoulders and tips her head back, thinking] She could go on a complete... rampage. And Aimee was supposed to be there to check on her too, if she snaps and kills Aimee... alright. Worst case scenario is that Theresa kills Aimee, doesn't kill Michel, kills all the Dreamers. We have to ensure at the very least one of those things doesn't happen. ... Question is, which one?

​Phoibus: …With all due respect, milady, it is most important, I think, to ensure that the Dreamers survive, if it is to be debated. It isn't often that you find such capable pawns. *smiles* If you would like, though, I can… arrange that Aimee's ship must return to the dock, thus sparing her?

Rosaline: Excellent point. And if we want Michel's latest demon-spawn Serena gone, I'd definitely need to employ their services again. And that... that would be lovely, Phoiby, thank you.

Phoibus: *smiling* Then I best be on my way to make sure they're intercepted. Perhaps I shall find that rose for you on the way.

Rosaline: [/smiles] Be careful then, okay? And I'll be waiting for that rose!

Phoibus: I'm always careful, milady. Fear not! I shall see you in the port with that rose! *leaves*

Rosaline: Yeah... kind hope he does, actually…

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