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"Fine, fine. Just answer me one little thing." *smiles softly, warmly even* "Your kind and sweet Margeaux, the only one who ever heard you, truly the paragon of patience and humility and peacefulness… Just what do you think her reaction to this wanton slaughter, so horrific that even the most hardened criminal would balk, would be?"

"No, no!" Theresa dropped the blade and covered her ears with her hands, clawing at them with a feral desperation. "She... she would love me... regardless... she always will... she never... won't..." With each heaving gasp, with each word her belief in herself wittled, faded into nothingness. "Believe in me... she trusts me... if... you wanted... to know so badly... why did you... kill her, why?" She sunk to her knees, her shoulders shaking. "... Why?"

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"No, no!" Theresa dropped the blade and covered her ears with her hands, clawing at them with a feral desperation. "She... she would love me... regardless... she always will... she never... won't..." With each heaving gasp, with each word her belief in herself wittled, faded into nothingness. "Believe in me... she trusts me... if... you wanted... to know so badly... why did you... kill her, why?" She sunk to her knees, her shoulders shaking. "... Why?"

"Are you so certain?" *walks forward so that she's towering over her* "You killed one of your sisters, who Margeaux was close to as well. You allowed many, many others to be transformed into creatures who cannot even be called living. You, alone, have painted the streets, the buildings, the docks crimson-black with fresh and dried blood. Even the ocean itself flushes in fury over your rampage. Do you think that she'd trust you after something so horrific? Believe in you when you have turned against everyone who once called you ally?" *kneels down so that she's looking right at Theresa* "Actually, tell me, if I could bring her back, right here and now, would you kill her too? Would you steal her weapons like you did poor Rosaline, using a hug to hide your true intentions? Would you tear her into pieces and scatter her into the waters, like you did the others?" *smiles* "Well? I'm waiting."

Sorin, would you put your plan in motion soon? There's only so much breaking I can do before I start to feel sick myself.

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(Reminder - "-" is talking, - is just thoughts. Yes, I'm being mean to her. That's Kat's point at the moment. yay for playing distraction!)

Edited by Kat
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(...if I saw this no one would have te right to all me nuts or a jerk for te rest of history)

(Pardon? Anon WAS insane for blowing up the plegian castle, which is the main reason why people started distrusting him, without telling anyone. Also, that's what triggered this SO… [i'm mostly teasing btw])

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"No, no!" Theresa dropped the blade and covered her ears with her hands, clawing at them with a feral desperation. "She... she would love me... regardless... she always will... she never... won't..." With each heaving gasp, with each word her belief in herself wittled, faded into nothingness. "Believe in me... she trusts me... if... you wanted... to know so badly... why did you... kill her, why?" She sunk to her knees, her shoulders shaking. "... Why?"

"Are you so certain?" *walks forward so that she's towering over her* "You killed one of your sisters, who Margeaux was close to as well. You allowed many, many others to be transformed into creatures who cannot even be called living. You, alone, have painted the streets, the buildings, the docks crimson-black with fresh and dried blood. Even the ocean itself flushes in fury over your rampage. Do you think that she'd trust you after something so horrific? Believe in you when you have turned against everyone who once called you ally?" *kneels down so that she's looking right at Theresa* "Actually, tell me, if I could bring her back, right here and now, would you kill her too? Would you steal her weapons like you did poor Rosaline, using a hug to hide your true intentions? Would you tear her into pieces and scatter her into the waters, like you did the others?" *smiles* "Well? I'm waiting."

Sorin, would you put your plan in motion soon? There's only so much breaking I can do before I start to feel sick myself.

I suppose I should just let you have your fun but seeing as how I'm beginning to tire from this... *Steps toward Theresa* "I believed it is time you joined your beloved sister in the afterlife. Maybe your apology to her and the rest of your allies will reach if I put you in enough agony. Last chance to offer your head quietly before I take it forcefully."

Ender's Game was good. The book had more detail though.

Edited by Sorin
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"I suppose. I thought I'd just let you have your fun but seeing as you asked so nicely..." *Steps toward Theresa* "I believed it is time you joined your beloved sister in the afterlife. Maybe your apology to her and the rest of your allies will reach if I put you in enough agony. Last chance to offer your head quietly before I take it forcefully."

(That was thoughts, but okay!)

"It's about time. I was starting to feel bad."

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"Are you so certain?" *walks forward so that she's towering over her* "You killed one of your sisters, who Margeaux was close to as well. You allowed many, many others to be transformed into creatures who cannot even be called living. You, alone, have painted the streets, the buildings, the docks crimson-black with fresh and dried blood. Even the ocean itself flushes in fury over your rampage. Do you think that she'd trust you after something so horrific? Believe in you when you have turned against everyone who once called you ally?" *kneels down so that she's looking right at Theresa* "Actually, tell me, if I could bring her back, right here and now, would you kill her too? Would you steal her weapons like you did poor Rosaline, using a hug to hide your true intentions? Would you tear her into pieces and scatter her into the waters, like you did the others?" *smiles* "Well? I'm waiting."

Sorin, would you put your plan in motion soon? There's only so much breaking I can do before I start to feel sick myself.

"Rosaline cared for nothing," Theresa spat, moving her hands behind her neck and shaking her head, over and over and over. Maybe with enough time she would go away. "I merely went along with the plan, I did not start it and to HELL with them!" She threw an arm out, burying her head into her other hand and sobbing. "M-Margeaux and I could say anything... a-anything at all... and have it go over their feeble heads! They hear nothing, NOTHING, they speak copied words with n-nothing of their own to say. I - I am not a drone... I speak for myself! I speak... for her..."

Theresa quietly gulped, raising her head to stare directly into her eyes. "... I would never do such a thing to Margeaux," she said evenly, reaching out to grab a hold of her blade again.

She glanced up at the man who approached, offering to take her life... make her join her sister.

"Will... do you think she'll accept me if I take your offer?"

Edited by Vashiane
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I fixed it.

(That was thoughts, but okay!)

"It's about time. I was starting to feel bad."

"I can tell. Say, would you mind taking a couple of steps back?"

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"I can tell. Say, would you mind taking a couple of steps back?"


"Will... do you think she'll accept me if I take your offer?"

"…I'll put in a good word for you, if you accept it with grace."

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"…I'll put in a good word for you, if you accept it with grace."

"Grace... I am... I'm not graceful..." Theresa slowly wobbled to her feet, this time, not bothering to retrieve her sword again. "I suppose though I can... try. I... don't need words, t-to accept such a thing, do I?"

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"Grace... I am... I'm not graceful..." Theresa slowly wobbled to her feet, this time, not bothering to retrieve her sword again. "I suppose though I can... try. I... don't need words, t-to accept such a thing, do I?"

"No, of course not. You merely need to hold still and think of your sister. It'll be much easier to find her, if you have the destination."

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"Rosaline cared for nothing," Theresa spat, moving her hands behind her neck and shaking her head, over and over and over. Maybe with enough time she would go away. "I merely went along with the plan, I did not start it and to HELL with them!" She threw an arm out, burying her head into her other hand and sobbing. "M-Margeaux and I could say anything... a-anything at all... and have it go over their feeble heads! They hear nothing, NOTHING, they speak copied words with n-nothing of their own to say. I - I am not a drone... I speak for myself! I speak... for her..."

Theresa quietly gulped, raising her head to stare directly into her eyes. "... I would never do such a thing to Margeaux," she said evenly, reaching out to grab a hold of her blade again.

She glanced up at the man who approached, offering to take her life... make her join her sister.

"Will... do you think she'll accept me if I take your offer?"


"…I'll put in a good word for you, if you accept it with grace."

"Thank you." Sorin was about to charge Abysm's tip and force it into the ground creating a low grade barrier before...

"Grace... I am... I'm not graceful..." Theresa slowly wobbled to her feet, this time, not bothering to retrieve her sword again. "I suppose though I can... try. I... don't need words, t-to accept such a thing, do I?"

"No. No words..."

"No, of course not. You merely need to hold still and think of your sister. It'll be much easier to find her, if you have the destination."

Sorin raised Purgatorial Abysm in a one handed execution style and looked back at Kat for approval.

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"No, of course not. You merely need to hold still and think of your sister. It'll be much easier to find her, if you have the destination."

"Then I suppose... I no longer have to use a voice, that no one can hear..." Theresa sighed, unsheathing Rosaline's knife and pressing it into her hands. "You know where to take it. I cannot be bothered... to take it anymore... nor to speak. I can finally... be silent. And yet... I will finally be heard." She closed her eyes, and for the first time in months, smiled, at a thought that was wholly hers, and no one else's.

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"Then I suppose... I no longer have to use a voice, that no one can hear..." Theresa sighed, unsheathing Rosaline's knife and pressing it into her hands. "You know where to take it. I cannot be bothered... to take it anymore... nor to speak. I can finally... be silent. And yet... I will finally be heard." She closed her eyes, and for the first time in months, smiled, at a thought that was wholly hers, and no one else's.

*holds the knife gently* "Sleep well, Lady Theresa."

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*nods and quietly whispers* "King takes Pawn."

"Then I suppose... I no longer have to use a voice, that no one can hear..." Theresa sighed, unsheathing Rosaline's knife and pressing it into her hands. "You know where to take it. I cannot be bothered... to take it anymore... nor to speak. I can finally... be silent. And yet... I will finally be heard." She closed her eyes, and for the first time in months, smiled, at a thought that was wholly hers, and no one else's.

After those words, silence. Sorin walked behind her and held his breath, before bringing Abysm down in one swift motion severing Theresa's tie to this world. "Rest....This battle is over."

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After those words, silence. Sorin walked behind her and held his breath, before bringing Abysm down in one swift motion severing Theresa's tie to this world. "Rest....This battle is over."

Jxemas: Over already? This brings me closer to my goal.. Now where is a ship I can find to Valm..
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