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All right then. Reposting for convenience:

Announcement for Time Skip:

After the time skip, you will be able to change class, skills, and weapons. 6 months will pass, so you may also make minor changes to appearances.

Everyone will be split into three groups. One for Ferox, one for Plegia, and one for Ylisse. The idea is that the groups will be consolidating supplies and survivors into a larger army to fight Valm with.

You will advance ONE support level with the people in your group if applicable. ONLY with the people in your group however, so choose your groups wisely!

While everyone gets to choose which country/group they'll be with, Admins reserve the right to redistribute people if there are too many are in one group.

Announcement -

The following people may have Shadowgift. If they do, however, it is a permanently locked skill.

Sorin and Silvia - vessels of Grima

Nathaniel - joined as a dark mage/Sorcerer

NO ONE ELSE may have Shadowgift. This is not negotiable.

Also, following the time skip, it is asked that people PM to the Admins very short narratives of what the chars have been doing in the past 6 months. Please keep it to a maximum of 3 or 4 sentences. The Admins will compile all of them and post them to herald the next section of the story (and also add them to the Bios).

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Also… more bits from the Mount Prism Paralogue? (I swear that'll get actually finished soon).

[spoiler=Paralogue - D] Ace groaned as she picked up the pieces of her broken Killing Edge off the floor. "Geez, that battle hurt so bad." Noticing the wound she had taken from the Ignis strike had partially healed up Ace deeply breathed. "Great, this wound is a touch worse than I thought." Upon looking around Ace wondered where everyone went, "Man, feels lonesome being here by myself. I'll go see what happened to the others. Hopefully I can stumble across someone," Ace said as she began to make her way back to where she was before the prism battle, her mind still torn over what her reflection had shown her. As Ace walked back to where the group had separated to break the prisms, she noticed a faint outline to her left still and unmoving. "Aw no, don't tell me..." Ace began to dash over in that direction, wincing as she ran for her injury hurt as she ran with some of her blood dripping out of the partially healing wound from Mirror!Ace's Ignis strike. As Ace got closer to the still figure, she could make out who it was lying there. "Oh no, sweet Ashunera no! Poly, you better not be dead!" Ace cried out finally reaching the are the Khan was in and noticed the Light Brand behind him on the ground and the shattered prism in front of him. "What the heck happened here? Was the battle here that ferocious?" Ace knelt down to check if Poly was still alive. "....out cold. Thank goodness."

Poly: Muh... Cynthia, get Daddy another ale... mmph... phmmph...

Ace frowned, since when does a father ask his daughter to get him a drink? "Are you kidding me? Would you really ask that of a young child?" Ace facepalmed and steeled herself for what had to be done. Taking out her bottle of water and smirking with a devious smile, Ace took the cap off and tipped the bottle over entirely, "Here, have water instead."

Poly: Hmm... Sumia, I thought I was... *yawns* the one who did that in bed...

Ace had to facepalm again, clearly when someone got doused like that it was normally enough to walk a person up. "Ugh, really? What will it take to get you up?" Ace then cracked her knuckles, picked up the still sleeping Khan and faced the wall behind her, "I SAID WAKE UP YOU LAYABOUT!" Ace shouted as she then tossed Poly against the wall, the impact creating echoes throughout the room.

Poly: ... Ow. *looks up at Ace* ... Hi.

Ace: "I really didn't want to do that. But seeing as you wouldn't wake up it was either that or pull out my Katarina's Bolt tome. And I don't believe in using the latter method against my comrades and friends!" Ace then knelt down besides Poly, "So, what the heck happened here and why is your Light Brand discarded? Just how bad did your reflection troll you?"

Poly: I'm not at liberty to answer that, but for some reason it had a Runesword. I... *looks at his left hand, poking it but feeling nothing* ... My hand. I can't feel my hand. Why can't I feel my hand?!

Ace: *taking a hold of Poly's hand to check for any broken bones* "A Runesword...magic swords like that are extremely rare. Not at liberty to answer that, hmmm? Looks like you won't find out much about my reflection other than really getting on my nerves. ....Your hand is fine, just really stiff and sore from gripping a weapon a lot and very tightly. Need a hand getting up?" As Ace said this, her open wound split open a bit and Ace doubled over a bit, clutching her wound as some blood oozed out.

Poly: I think both of us need to rest for a bit. *flops back onto the ground* ... I'll tell you about my reflection if you tell me about yours.

Ace sat down next to Poly since if she walked anymore, she feared her wound would only get worse without treatment. "Sounds reasonable enough. Sooo, who wants to go first?" She said smiling mischievously.

Poly: *puts his finger on his nose* I call not it.

Ace: *frowning a bit* "You want me to go first, do you? Well...to begin..." *tears begin to well up* "My reflection.....didn't have a twin sister. She was an only child with the full powers of both me and Alicia." Ace then sighed, "I said something about my reflection, so it's your turn now." *ears perk up, thinking she hears faint singing. But isn't sure about it*

Poly: Oh... wow. I can't imagine Alicia being unborn... *any hint of a smile he made have had is now gone* I mean... I know I'd miss her. And... Ace, have you ever heard of the term "yandere"? Well... that kinda sums up my reflection.

Ace: "Yandere, a person who is violent and overprotective over the person they love...." *shudders* "Ouch, sorry you had to deal with that." Ace noticed Poly's smile was gone. "Must have been that bad to look like someone who had their heart ripped out and stomped on. Well, my reflection to sum her up...was a spoiled brat with a goddess complex...and a harem. A harem! I don't believe in that! Wait...the idea of Alicia not being born makes you sad? *grins really big* Feel like sharing?"

Poly: *starts flushing* N-no. I... I'd r-rather nont... er, not.

Ace: "No? Then why is that idea making you blush? I mean, Alicia is really pretty and smart, not to mention she has a straight head on her shoulders so I don't have to worry about her breaking any taboos. Though she didn't have the best childhood growing up... Makes me want to beat up all those who exploited her for her power. ...Jerks."

Poly: I guess so... I mean, there is something about her that just makes a man want to take her home with them without a second thought... *realizes what he's saying - and to who* U-u-u-uh... I mean, uh... *flushes again* F-f-fuck it! *buries his face in his coat*

Ace just looked at Poly, with a grin on her face as she stood up and picked up Poly so he was at her eye level, her hand sliding onto his chin so he could see the seriousness her eyes held as she spoke, "Something special that makes you want to take her home, hmm? Well, I do want my sister to be happy since a lot of people abused her power to sync with people's emotions, and to top it off, her first crush had to be turned to stone for what he ALMOST did to her. I'm trusting you to not make that mistake otherwise..." Ace's eyes then briefly turned deep red, "I'll hunt you down and show you what true pain and agony is." She then set Poly onto his feet, "Don't make me do that, because I will follow though with it." *hears the faint singing again* "Come on, let's go find the source of that singing."

Poly: Y'know, I'm surprised that you can even do that, considering how much heavier I am compared to you.

Ace: "I'm stronger than I look, Khan Poly. I've injured men twice my size in my struggle to control my powers. I hear some faint singing over there, let's check it out. I wanna know if Kat's okay for it kinda sounds like her voice."

Poly: Eh, alright. Although, if it sounds like Kat, it could be that Phoibus douche...

Ace: "If it's him then we'll need to find Silvia and Marth so he can't hurt them. I think I see someone over that way, come on." *glancing around* "Just where is everyone else? Did we all go in separate directions?" *Peers up ahead* "Hey, Poly. it's faint but I can make out two outlines coming this was and....someone is being carried, wow."

Poly: Huh. Maybe that's Kat and her douche brother...

---Scene Change---

Marth: *panting* Huh. That battle was... bewildering.Another me, that was......corrupt. The things that would happen if it were true..... *looks into his hand* And it looked like I tapped into yet another hidden power. *straggling to get up* Right. Now to find the others. I do hope they fared well. I said as I began to search. We must have really split apart, if it's taking me this long to find anyone. *notices the fallen pieces of the ceiling* I must be getting close. It looks like a battle was here. *continues to move forward, and then sees someone lying in the ground in the distance* I think I found one. Hang on....is that..... Silvia! *He then ran over to her, worried of her well being*

Silvia: [/hears Marth's voice] Ohgodsohgodsohgods... [/rolls over onto her back with her left arm underneath her] O-Oh, Marth! Hey there...!

Marth: Are you all right? Don't tell me you're hurt

Silvia: Not... exactly. A-Are you? I heard a serious commotion... is everyone else alright?

Marth: Me? I'm alive and well.... just... a few scratches. I thought I'd go find everyone else until I- You're arm! What happened to you?!

Silvia: How did you... damn. Y-Yeah, okay, so it's a MINOR magic wound I've got here... [/moves her arm from behind her and winces]

Marth: I sort of have a... six sense for these things. But this burn is FAR from minor. We need to get you bandaged. *with no cloth around, Marth ripped a piece of his cape and wrapped it around Silvia's wounded arm. But then the pain from his own wound started to kick in, causing him to hiss slightly* We need to find the others. Can you walk?

Silvia: a-Ah! Why are you ripping your cape for something like that...? Marth, please don't! A-And you're hurt too...!

Marth: Right now, it doesn't matter. Your health, is more important than my own, and I don't know what I'd do if you or any of us were to die on me. Now can you walk? If not, I'll have to carry you

Silvia: [/flushes] Marth, no. A-And we'd all be desolate if something happened to you! You can't... I - I'll be fine, Marth! A-And you really... don't... have to do that...

Marth: You honor me with your concern, but trust me, I'll live.And...you're acting strange. You sure you're all right? Eh.. I'll trust your word. Anyways, if you're fine, then let us make haste for the others *grabs Silvia's hand to heave her up to her feet and begins to press onward, while still holding her hand*

Silvia: Weird.. I am not acting... weird, Marth, I'm fine. [/huffs] And if you don't mind, I'm not taking your word on you being able to live UNTIL I heal you, because I don't have a good track record with that phrase. [/is pulled up to her feet] Whoa. So... do we even know where everyone is, Marth, or...? [/stares down at their hands for a moment, before shaking her head] Or... are we just going to... you know, look?

Marth: *sighs* All right. Who am I to say no to you? *stops* But seeing as how I just came back from destroying one prism, I thought it'd be best to find everyone before anything critical were to happen to them. After fighting myself and taking these wounds, I couldn't help but worry that the worst might have happened. *voice begins to drop* And then..... I found you... on the ground with a singed arm

Silvia: The arm's my fault, actually... I... broke a tome to defeat my prism. It was stupid of me, I know... But I just couldn't... [/sighs, shaking her head again] W-Well, it's done with. But really, I AM taking a look at you later.

Marth: You fought hard Silvia. And you came out alive, which is all the relief I need. I won't stop you with tending to me. But...*sweeps Silvia off of her feet* We must get going. Hang on to me

Silvia: W-Whoa! Marth! [/buries her face into his shoulder, blushing] I-If anyone sees us like this…

Marth: *while carrying Silvia, Marth continued along the temple, searching for any of the others to ensure they were all right.He then ran into Ace* Oh, Ace! Glad to see that you're okay. I trust that you are well, yes?

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Also, this part here actually has the explanation for where Marth went.

[spoiler=Paralogue - E]Ace: "Wait that's.....Marth and Silvia?" Ace's voice froze, glimpsing Marth carrying Silvia bridal style made her realize just how much she missed Chrom. Ace almost felt envious that the Chrom she knew couldn't be here with her. Ace nearly forgot about Poly being there with her as she whispered, "Why? Why can't that be me being carried by Chrom?"

Poly: Y'know... I'm really NOT liking this sight. At all.

Ace: "....I...don't know how I feel about this sight. Half of me is happy, and the other half wishes she didn't see this..." Ace said, her hands trembling as she attempted to bury her gloved nails into her palms. Then Marth spoke, "Ah, yes. Aside from this Ignis wound that I should get looked at."

Marth: *startled from looking at the wound* Yeouch!That doesn't look too good at all. You must be really tough to take an Ignis head on like that. Maybe you should cover it up. *notices how uneasy she's become* Ace.... are you..... is something bothering you?

Ace: "N-nothing is bothering me. *looks at Silvia* Yikes! What happened?! *glances at Ignis wound* Yeah, I really should cover this up. My reflection tried to kill me with an Ignis strike in addition to being a spoiled brat." *sighs as she gets out some bandages to cover up the wound, still kinda missing Chrom* "I don't know if you'd tell me but, how bad did your reflections troll you?"

Marth: Right. And... If you must know, can we speak of that After we find Pol- .... oh, he's here with you. Good good. That only leaves Kat now. I do hope that she's all right as well. Are we all able at the moment?

Ace: "About Kat, I heard singing from that direction over to my right. Although....that voice that's singing doesn't sound like Kat's...it's the wrong tone. *Pales* Oh no, he IS here!"

Silvia: W-Wait... [/looks up] Who are you talking about, Ace? Who's here?

Ace: "Kat's twin brother. All I know about the guy is that he and Kat look similar, except for their voices being different tones. I'd recognize Kat's voice and that's not Kat's voice that's singing so it has to be Phoibus singing. *

Marth: *eyes widening* Lead the way Ace!

Poly: What?! Where is that fishy douche?! I owe him a kick in the face! And for that matter, so does Silvia!

Phoibus: *still singing to Kat*

Kat: *still sleeping in blood*

Ace: *peers ahead* Aaaand, it is Phoibus since Kat....doesn't look so good. *starts thinking* How to approach him... He's not even doing anything, just singing. If he was out to get us, he would have done so by now sooooo. He might be standing watch over Kat. *addresses the group* Given how badly injured all of us are, we aren't in any condition to fight him. Even with all of us present. Follow my lead and don't make any loud or sudden noises. The best way to sneak in closer is to keep a low profile, we don't want to be seen or noticed by him.

Poly: Fuck that! I want to run in there and kick his stupid dick face in!

Silvia: Poly... no, w-we can't do that. That's still Kat's brother, after all.

Phoibus: *stops singing at Poly's loud yell* "Hello there."

Marth: Darn it Poly!

Ace: "Ugh Poly, nice going. Now he knows we're here."

Phoibus: *casually waves, smirking* "Took you all long enough. I was running out of songs."

Silvia: Phoibus... what a pleasure. It's nice seeing... s-seeing... [/her eyes fall onto Kat] Oh my... GODS, KAT! [/scrambles out of Marth's arms and runs to her side]

Marth: Phoibus, tell us. Kat.... is she all right?

Ace: "What happened to Kat? Was it...her reflection that did this? And why are you here?"

Poly: Either way, I'm kicking you in the head. You creep me out. *spits on the ground by Phoibus*

Kat: "Kat can speak for herself." *pushes herself up* "Had some bad wounds, but Phoibus healed them."

Phoibus: *ignoring Poly* "Somewhat. For some reason, she refused more healing."

Kat: "White magic requires blood."

Phoibus: "I'd recover it."

Kat: "Yeah, yeah. Your time is up, you know."

Phoibus: "Right. Time to make sure my trick to making R think T is absolutely insane works out well." *casually strolls out of the room* "Don't worry about the Annas. I think ten traps were overkill on them."

Kat: *rolling her eyes, turns to Ace* "Yeah, my reflection had Forseti and I didn't dodge like an idiot. It's okay, though. Rainarok is deadly.

Ace: "Wow, that's almost as bad as my reflection using an Ignis strike on me. Why I didn't dodge that, I dunno."

Silvia: Huh...? [/props up Kat] Oh, I'm healing you too... A-And, Phoibus? What are you talking about?

Kat: "Sure, that works."

Phoibus: *to Silvia before he leaves* "Eh, you'll see." *turns down the hallway and disappear*

Kat: "Translation - 'I have a plan and I'm making it work because I'm an idiot.'"

Silvia: W-Wait, what plan? Phoibus, gods damn it! Why the hell are you so cryptic?

Kat: "Because the more cryptic he is, the less chance of you messing up his plan. He's always been like that." *sigh* "Deaths don't cure people of their personalities, after all."

Marth: He's an odd fellow, that Phoibus

Poly: I still owe him a kick to the face, but... good thing he's on our side.
Kat: "Eh, I suppose. I'm used to his antics, though." *stands up and grimaces* "Ugh, this is going to take such a long soaking to clean… oh, why did you all think something was wrong, though?"

Silvia: Your brother is... [/sighs] He probably didn't stay because I'd kick his ass if there isn't a route home...

Kat: "More like he had ten traps go off and he's checking his kills. Though I'm sure he wasn't up for getting kicked. He's not all that good at dodging, after all. Still haven't heard why you all were so certain something was really wrong, though."

Marth: Well, from our battles, we were pretty battered ourselves and worried of the same for you. And then we found you in a puddle of blood

Ace: "I got worried the minute I saw you lying there and Phoibus singing. I thought you were dead Kat. I was scared there for a moment."

Kat: "You guys are acting like you haven't taken a nap in blood before. And if I were dead, so would Phoibus." *completely nonchalant* "Anyway, up for calling my employer?"

Marth: You speak as if I already knew that. Anyways, yes, call this employer, but can you wait until everyone is well nurtured?

Ace: "Wait, if you die Phoibus dies?" *is shocked*

Kat: "Yep. I could've sworn I've mentioned that before." *to Marth* "Yeah, I don't mind waiting until everyone's healed.

Silvia: Well, that dashes my hopes of using a Beast Killer lance to filet the flesh from his bones... Shoot. [/deadpans]

Poly: Well, you can still maim him... just can't kill him. *smirks*

Kat: *shrugs* Wish Phoibus had stayed to look at Silvia's arm. What did you do, dear? Tear a powerful tome?"

Silvia: That's... exactly what I did, how did you know that? A-And yeah, let's talk to... who are we even talking to?

Ace: "Huh? Must of forgotten about that. Anyway, healing can wait. Let's get this done with."

Kat: "And that's two different opinions. Argue amongst yourselves."

Silvia: Let's talk to... who are we even talking to?

Kat: "My employer. I just said that."

Silvia: Which is who, exactly? You've been extremely vague about that.... apparently, it runs in the family.

Poly: I say we get this shit over with and talk to Kat's boss. And the sooner, the better.

Kat: "Well, three to one. That makes it. Give me a second then." *takes off her boots, stretches, and steps into the garden area* "Okay… how did this go again...?"

Marth: Well then... this should be interesting

Poly: Hmm... Kat may be onto something here. *takes off his boots and flops onto the grass* ... Okay, I don't want to move anymore.

Silvia: [/plops down onto the grass and winces] Ow... rough landing...

Kat: "Ah, right then." *brings her hands together as if in prayer* "Hear me, giver of life, giver of plants and forests, giver of the bountiful fields. Hear me, you of healing and magic, of peace and prosperity. Hear me, my lady, and, with my words, step onto this plane once more."

Ace:"I'll get to see Goddess Mila soon, mother."

Marth: Goddess Mila...... you're the agent of a goddess? Could she possibly know?

Poly: Oh, no way. You're bringing the goddess Mila down here? Shit... no wonder that Rally of yours is called the Goddess Rally.

Silvia: so we're - wait a minute. Your employer, Kat, is a GODDESS?

Ace:"Oh yeah. I didn't mention this until now, but my mother and Mila were best friends. Mom was the one who told me, sorry I didn't mean to spoil the surprise."

Kat: "Follow my voice, my goddess Mila!"

*light begins glowing in front of Kat, gradually taking the form of a tall and eerily beautiful woman with numerous flowers in her hair and clothes. As she touches the ground, the flowers instantly bloom and sparkle as if caught during the spring*

Mila: "It has been quite some time, Agrona, since you have summoned me."

Kat: "Yeah, hiya, Mila. Things have been hectic because someone screwed up."

Mila: *sighs* "Oh, how I miss the days you treated me with respect."

Kat: "Sure you do."

Silvia: I have... no... idea... what to do here... Holy crow...

Ace:"G-Goddess Mila. I dunno if you already heard of me, but I'm one of the twin daughters of Mira of the Dawn. My mother, deceased for seven years told me I sould come see you."

​Mila: "Ah… Mira. Her death pained me so."

Kat: "Cried ten straight weeks and nearly flooded a country."

Mila: *ignoring that with dignity* "Who are your fellows, child of Mira?"

Ace:"My friends, Silvia, Marth and myself are from outrealms. We got trapped here after the destruction of the outrealm gates. I also have my twin sister and best friend trapped here also with no way to return home to the people we care about."

Mila: "The Outrealms… I thought for sure…"

Kat: "You changed the job on me at the last second and someone managed to get the logbook and pay some summoning before Phoibus could destroy it."

Mila: "I see now." *closes eyes* "However, I am confused. The Marth here is not of another Outrealm. He is Einherjar, is he not?"

Marth: *Eyes widened from her declaration* What are you talking about? That can't be! I'm me.....aren't I?

Silvia: [/glances over at Marth, before reaching over and taking his hand in her own]

Mila: "Ah, you did not know. My apologies."

Kat: "Nice to see that your conversation skills suck still."

Mila: "Can you not be nice?!"

Kat: "Nah, they're being too worshiping. Someone has to keep you humble."

Poly: Yeah, listen here. Marth may have been brought out from a card, but he's every bit as human as the rest of us.

Ace: "Yeah! I don't care what he is, Marth is my friend and I want to help him return home to the people he loves and cares about."

Marth: *looking at everyone* This isnt true..... is it? Tell me that she is mistaken!

Poly: Does it matter if it is or not? You're still our ally... no, our friend... and that doesn't change dick all about it, Marth.

Ace: *walks up to Marth* "I really don't care anymore that you are an Einherjar. You're still my friend, and I will do all I can to help you reunite with those you love and care about. So don't take this too hard, I'll always be there to help you out."

Marth: So then you're saying that you all knew!? The entire time!? Why was this hidden from me for so long!? This just can't be true! I remember everything as clear as day! There's no way! No- *Marth got a migrane from the revelation and then began to remember past events with the Dreamers. He remembers how Dusk would call him a ghost on occasion. He remembered when Anon slipped out the word, card. And he remembered the painful battle against the imitation of his dearly beloved, who blatantly said that he was merely a phantom of himself* No way...... *Marth fell to his knees* Please. Someone. Wake me up from this nightmare.

Silvia: No, Marth, I... we... T-That's not what we...

Kat: *glaring at Mila* "Great job, Mila."

Mila: "Did you summon me to insult or something else?"

Kat: "Trying to change the subject? Really?"

Silvia: That's not why she summoned you at all, my lady. We just... would really like to know the status of those gates.

Mila: "I am afraid, child, that the gates are destroyed."

Silvia: Destroyed? Like... completely... destroyed.

Mila: "Yes, they are destroyed. That is Phoibus's job. He destroys things at Doma's request."

Silvia: So I can never... I can't... B-But I promised... No...?

Poly: So... there's absolutely no way we can get Ace, Alicia, Silvia, and the others home. Great. Just fucking great. *rubs his temples* Ugh... so now what?

Ace: "The gates are destroyed, so I have no chance of returning home? I have a family waiting for me, and also waiting for me to bring back my best friend also. And Alicia, my twin sister. I'd like for her to have a chance to lead a happy life after all those years of pain and mistrust.

Mila: "Your sister's greatest chance of happiness actually lies here, in this realm. Should she return home, she will only find, at best, contentment."

Ace: "Here? I.....didn't think of that. *hangs head down* Of course, she told me everything that happened before she met me finally. .........All those years of not being able to express herself freely, some twin sister I am. Well, if Alicia's best chance of happiness is here....*raises head up* Then it's my job before I go home to make sure she finds happiness. Otherwise, I'll be haunted by it for the rest of my life. Especially since I can't return home."

​Mila: "…I did not say that. I merely stated that the Outrealm Gates were destroyed."

Silvia: [/shoves herself to her feet] S-So there's a way?!

Ace: "So then, you know of another way I can return home?"

Poly: Well, that was more or less what we were implying we wished to speak to you about... It'd be nice to give Silvia, Ace & Alicia their lives back.

Mila: "For a price, yes." *glances at Kat* "Of course, you know one way, and a… certain warrior-priestess of mine is willing to go through with it if it became the only way."

Kat: "And?"

Mila: "You are to be-"

Kat: "Quiet, Mila."

Mila: *sighs heavily* "I will not stop you from your poor decisions."

Kat: "…"

Ace: "This way home involves Kat somehow. I can only wonder what that is..." *kinda concerned over how to find a way for Alicia to be happy here before going home*

Kat: "Huh? It does? I thought she was just talking about me killing some people for the blood price." *looks at Mila* "Well? Am I needing to end this life of mine and start again?"

Mila: "I would rather you did not. It pains me every time you pass away and are reborn."

Kat: "So, it does? Die and give you back the power you gave me until my new body is strong enough again to hold it?"

Poly: *eyes widen, almost to a comical size* ... WHAT. No, no. Nonononono, NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I am NOT going to let you die and hurt Dusk like that. We can take another option.

Silvia: Wait... wait... [/throws her hands up in confusion] What... price... ?

Ace: "Mila doesn't want Kat to die.... But, she is reborn again?"

Kat: "Hmm? Yeah, it's part of the contract. I die and then I'm reborn as a baby. This current body is about… oh, 200 years old, roughly. It's my 31st life." *forces a smile* "Dying is… nothing new to me."

Ace: "Wow, that's a long time Kat. About as long as my bloodline lives. ....is that part of the price then?"

Kat: "The price of my Contract, yes. The price of the Gates? No. However, the Contract puts some of her power in me. If I give it back, then she could have enough to fix the Gates with just the one blood."

Ace: "And to give that power back, you have to die and be reborn...is that it? Then what about Dusk? He'll be sad to lose you."

Kat: "…It… is my duty to defend the Gates…" *realizing that her duties are interfering with her wants*

Ace noticed that Kat looked troubled, a feeling she was grappling with as well over the idea of leaving her twin sister here in this realm. But if that was the only way for Alicia to be happy, then Ace would accept it, even if it pained her deep down inside.

Poly: Bullshit! *slams Armads on the ground to emphasize his point* In our life, all we have is one duty; and that's to ourselves. You have to live your life the way YOU want... and I KNOW that this isn't what you want.

Kat: "…That doesn't apply to those who have lived many lives, you know."

Marth: *Remained silent. All hope within his eyes have faded*

Poly: *angrily glances over at Marth* Oy, if you don't stop moping, I'm gonna beat you senseless. *walks to Marth and forces him to look directly into his eyes* Look. Yes, you came out of a card. No, your memories are not fake; they're just from a past life. No, your bonds in this life aren't fake; I'm sure that Ace & Silvia would tell you that. So now my question to you is... just what the fuck do you have to be upset about?!

Silvia: ... Leave it to you, Poly, to be extremely blunt... [/sighs and presses her face in her palm]

Poly: "Your memories are still your own, but now you have a chance to create more memories. Take it, and create your own hope, not one that's been crafted by an illusionist."
Marth: *Still not making eye contact* You don't understand Poly. *he starts to remember fighting battles in the Outrealms. The endless onslaughts one after the other, all in the name of someone's entertainment* My problem isn't that I myself am not real, though it is hard to digest. Just now, some repressed memories resurfaced. Yes,I remember it now. before meeting you guys, I was used as a mere weapon of war in the Outrealms, yet I thought that I was truely doing what was right. Clearly, someone has always been pulling my strings to fight for them and aid in their campaigns. And I....was oblivious to stop it, because I thought that I was real. And it is bound to happen over and again, as it already has. Tell me Poly, would you be able to live with yourself if you found out that everything you lived for, everything that made you happy, your dreams,your morals were all a giant lie? That you were literally a playing card, for someone else to gain the advantage against your opposer? No. My will has been shattered, as I now no longer have a purpose. And that is my problem.
Poly: Then make your own fucking purpose! You've been given the powers of one of the greatest men to ever live, and have begun to become your own man separate of the self that you used to be! Who cares about the past, a head full of falsities? Carve your own fate, get your own morals, and become your own man. If you're so pissed off about your life being a big lie, don't just sit and be a pissant about it; CHANGE it.
Kat: "Like how you tried to kill yourself in the Sands?"
Poly: Tch. That was weakness, Kat, and I accept that. But you, Marth... you can create your own purpose anew. *starts thinking about what Kat was trying* ... Mila. I have a question of you, separate from this other matter. Is there... is there a way for me to find happiness in my life again?
Mila: "If you stop trying to throw your life away, then yes." *smiles slightly* "Beware of cacti, by the way."
Poly: How? How do I find this sort of renewed purpose in my life?
Mila: "I have already told you. Live. Live, and she will find you. Of course, it might take her a bit to voice it. You might have to force her to her haven, in fact, before she can find the courage."
Poly: I'm... not sure what you mean by that. 'Force her to her haven'? What... does that even... ugh. *scratches the back of his head*
Silvia: If I've learned anything from talks with goddesses, it's that they are really fond of giving long-winded, indirect answers.
Mila: "If you are done confusing the issue, perhaps you might allow me to inform the young king of a way he can find out the truth. That is, if he has the courage."
Marth:...! *slowly getting back onto his feet* What? What do you know?
Mila: "You are not under my domain, but I can point you in the direction of Naga. Near here there is a man. I believe you all simply call him 'Old Hubba'. He can lead you to her, and she may reveal that which I cannot. It will, however, be a long journey, one that will lead you separate from your friends. Will you accept?"
Marth: I..... I don't know... Even with the answers that lie ahead, I can't just leave them. *Turns to Silvia and grabs both of her hands* You're the reason that I even started to become aware of myself. Even though this experience was rippling for me to bear, words cannot express how thankful I am for you to be so supportive and at least trying to help me better understand myself. But... I still have yet to return the favor to you in finding a way home. Even though the odds look to be dire, I promise you..... I will not stop searching for a way for you. Though, if I do go, there's no telling how long it will be until I return. *Turns to Ace* You're an undeniable friend that has face many hardships over the course of your life. I'd rather not add on to them, by not having you return to Chrom. As a promise to the both of you....*removes his tiara from his head and places it in both Silvia and Ace's hands** I want the both of you to hold onto this, as a guarantee that I shall return to you, as a new me and continue to search for a solution for everyone. *Turns to Poly* You're... you're right actually.Thank you for your words. You're much better a person than I had originally thought you were. However, if I go on this journey, there's not telling how long I will be gone. Do be sure that you ensure that no one gets hurt in my stead? As the ruling Khan of Ferox, I'd expect nothing less out of you.
Silvia: I... N-No, Marth, you... this is your quest. You focus on that... A-And I wish you... the... best. And... just... promise me you'll come back...? That's all I want.
Marth: *Looks into Silvia's eyes*Thank you Silvia. You have my word. I swear it on my most prized possession, that I shall return to all of you.
Silvia: ... I... [/throws her arms around him] Please do... f-for all of us, not just me...
Poly: Listen, Marth. There's a lot of people in this army who care about you. Especially Ace & Silvia... trust me, I can tell. *puts a hand on Marth's shoulder* So, I swear to God... er, Mila... If you don't come back to us, then I will personally hunt you down and beat you so hard, they can't even call you senseless. Get me?
Marth: Heh, I never go back on my word Poly. You'll see me again. Count on it. *Turns to Mila* Goddess Mila, yes, i accept this quest.

Mila: *smiles* "Then, go, with courage and strength, dear child."

Kat: "Hubba's in a small house at the base of the mountain. It's where he used to live with his wife before he became the caretaker of the outrealms and others like you, Marth. I'm sure he'll help you."

Marth: *Goes over to Kat* This is not a goodbye. I'll be back and better than I have ever been. *Thumbs up* Count on it. Oh, by the way. you are in possession of my card, yes? For me to complete this quest, I might need it, if you don't mind.

Kat: "Of course you'll be fine. We've just seen how strong 'reflections' can be." *hands over the card* "There is also one more thing I can say. You were born with a purpose, just like everyone else. Never forget that."

Marth: Haha, you flatter me so. And... *smiles* Thank you Kat. I'll be sure to remember that for all of my days.

Kat: *laughs softly* "If you forget, I'll remind you. We are both… immortal, in a fashion, after all."

Marth: *chuckles Right then. You all had best get going now. *says quietly so that only Kat could here* I'd imagine Dusk is going crazy right now, in awaiting your return. Better it you not keep him waiting too long *he said with a grin on his face*

Kat: "There are two girls who will wait for you, Marth. I don't think you can say anything, player."

Marth: Uh.....*his face flushed from her statement*

Ace: *laughs* "Make sure to come back Marth. I'd hate to grieve over another loss."

Marth: T-trust me, You won't have to!

Ace: "I'll take your word for it then. Because....we're friends, and I never forget a friend."

Poly: Especially if they're a "special" friend, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight Ace?

Ace: "S-sort of, the point is even if one of my friends is away on a journey. I'll keep an eye open for the day when that friend of mine returns!"

Poly: But I bet you're keeping both eyes open for Marth to come back, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

Ace: "Y-yeah, that would be better anyways."

Poly: You know that's not what I meant~

Marth: *bows and waves farewell to everyone, before going to Hubba*

Edited by Kat
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Does Dying hair and clothes count?

(I'm saying 'no' to hair dye, as I don't think it exists yet in Fire Emblem, but clothes are definitely okay. Clothing can always be changed, since it's just clothes.)

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(I'm saying 'no' to hair dye, as I don't think it exists yet in Fire Emblem, but clothes are definitely okay. Clothing can always be changed, since it's just clothes.)

Ok. That I plan to change with all three sibling classes and skills. Which I'll tell tomorrow.
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I miss Marth-senpai

(Also if Sorin if you're still around then via PM could we have a conversation between Sorin and Jxemas?)

Ok. Send the PM for me please?

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Also, this part here actually has the explanation for where Marth went.

[spoiler=Paralogue - E]Ace: "Wait that's.....Marth and Silvia?" Ace's voice froze, glimpsing Marth carrying Silvia bridal style made her realize just how much she missed Chrom. Ace almost felt envious that the Chrom she knew couldn't be here with her. Ace nearly forgot about Poly being there with her as she whispered, "Why? Why can't that be me being carried by Chrom?"

Poly: Y'know... I'm really NOT liking this sight. At all.

Ace: "....I...don't know how I feel about this sight. Half of me is happy, and the other half wishes she didn't see this..." Ace said, her hands trembling as she attempted to bury her gloved nails into her palms. Then Marth spoke, "Ah, yes. Aside from this Ignis wound that I should get looked at."

Marth: *startled from looking at the wound* Yeouch!That doesn't look too good at all. You must be really tough to take an Ignis head on like that. Maybe you should cover it up. *notices how uneasy she's become* Ace.... are you..... is something bothering you?

Ace: "N-nothing is bothering me. *looks at Silvia* Yikes! What happened?! *glances at Ignis wound* Yeah, I really should cover this up. My reflection tried to kill me with an Ignis strike in addition to being a spoiled brat." *sighs as she gets out some bandages to cover up the wound, still kinda missing Chrom* "I don't know if you'd tell me but, how bad did your reflections troll you?"

Marth: Right. And... If you must know, can we speak of that After we find Pol- .... oh, he's here with you. Good good. That only leaves Kat now. I do hope that she's all right as well. Are we all able at the moment?

Ace: "About Kat, I heard singing from that direction over to my right. Although....that voice that's singing doesn't sound like Kat's...it's the wrong tone. *Pales* Oh no, he IS here!"

Silvia: W-Wait... [/looks up] Who are you talking about, Ace? Who's here?

Ace: "Kat's twin brother. All I know about the guy is that he and Kat look similar, except for their voices being different tones. I'd recognize Kat's voice and that's not Kat's voice that's singing so it has to be Phoibus singing. *

Marth: *eyes widening* Lead the way Ace!

Poly: What?! Where is that fishy douche?! I owe him a kick in the face! And for that matter, so does Silvia!

Phoibus: *still singing to Kat*

Kat: *still sleeping in blood*

Ace: *peers ahead* Aaaand, it is Phoibus since Kat....doesn't look so good. *starts thinking* How to approach him... He's not even doing anything, just singing. If he was out to get us, he would have done so by now sooooo. He might be standing watch over Kat. *addresses the group* Given how badly injured all of us are, we aren't in any condition to fight him. Even with all of us present. Follow my lead and don't make any loud or sudden noises. The best way to sneak in closer is to keep a low profile, we don't want to be seen or noticed by him.

Poly: Fuck that! I want to run in there and kick his stupid dick face in!

Silvia: Poly... no, w-we can't do that. That's still Kat's brother, after all.

Phoibus: *stops singing at Poly's loud yell* "Hello there."

Marth: Darn it Poly!

Ace: "Ugh Poly, nice going. Now he knows we're here."

Phoibus: *casually waves, smirking* "Took you all long enough. I was running out of songs."

Silvia: Phoibus... what a pleasure. It's nice seeing... s-seeing... [/her eyes fall onto Kat] Oh my... GODS, KAT! [/scrambles out of Marth's arms and runs to her side]

Marth: Phoibus, tell us. Kat.... is she all right?

Ace: "What happened to Kat? Was it...her reflection that did this? And why are you here?"

Poly: Either way, I'm kicking you in the head. You creep me out. *spits on the ground by Phoibus*

Kat: "Kat can speak for herself." *pushes herself up* "Had some bad wounds, but Phoibus healed them."

Phoibus: *ignoring Poly* "Somewhat. For some reason, she refused more healing."

Kat: "White magic requires blood."

Phoibus: "I'd recover it."

Kat: "Yeah, yeah. Your time is up, you know."

Phoibus: "Right. Time to make sure my trick to making R think T is absolutely insane works out well." *casually strolls out of the room* "Don't worry about the Annas. I think ten traps were overkill on them."

Kat: *rolling her eyes, turns to Ace* "Yeah, my reflection had Forseti and I didn't dodge like an idiot. It's okay, though. Rainarok is deadly.

Ace: "Wow, that's almost as bad as my reflection using an Ignis strike on me. Why I didn't dodge that, I dunno."

Silvia: Huh...? [/props up Kat] Oh, I'm healing you too... A-And, Phoibus? What are you talking about?

Kat: "Sure, that works."

Phoibus: *to Silvia before he leaves* "Eh, you'll see." *turns down the hallway and disappear*

Kat: "Translation - 'I have a plan and I'm making it work because I'm an idiot.'"

Silvia: W-Wait, what plan? Phoibus, gods damn it! Why the hell are you so cryptic?

Kat: "Because the more cryptic he is, the less chance of you messing up his plan. He's always been like that." *sigh* "Deaths don't cure people of their personalities, after all."

Marth: He's an odd fellow, that Phoibus

Poly: I still owe him a kick to the face, but... good thing he's on our side.
Kat: "Eh, I suppose. I'm used to his antics, though." *stands up and grimaces* "Ugh, this is going to take such a long soaking to clean… oh, why did you all think something was wrong, though?"

Silvia: Your brother is... [/sighs] He probably didn't stay because I'd kick his ass if there isn't a route home...

Kat: "More like he had ten traps go off and he's checking his kills. Though I'm sure he wasn't up for getting kicked. He's not all that good at dodging, after all. Still haven't heard why you all were so certain something was really wrong, though."

Marth: Well, from our battles, we were pretty battered ourselves and worried of the same for you. And then we found you in a puddle of blood

Ace: "I got worried the minute I saw you lying there and Phoibus singing. I thought you were dead Kat. I was scared there for a moment."

Kat: "You guys are acting like you haven't taken a nap in blood before. And if I were dead, so would Phoibus." *completely nonchalant* "Anyway, up for calling my employer?"

Marth: You speak as if I already knew that. Anyways, yes, call this employer, but can you wait until everyone is well nurtured?

Ace: "Wait, if you die Phoibus dies?" *is shocked*

Kat: "Yep. I could've sworn I've mentioned that before." *to Marth* "Yeah, I don't mind waiting until everyone's healed.

Silvia: Well, that dashes my hopes of using a Beast Killer lance to filet the flesh from his bones... Shoot. [/deadpans]

Poly: Well, you can still maim him... just can't kill him. *smirks*

Kat: *shrugs* Wish Phoibus had stayed to look at Silvia's arm. What did you do, dear? Tear a powerful tome?"

Silvia: That's... exactly what I did, how did you know that? A-And yeah, let's talk to... who are we even talking to?

Ace: "Huh? Must of forgotten about that. Anyway, healing can wait. Let's get this done with."

Kat: "And that's two different opinions. Argue amongst yourselves."

Silvia: Let's talk to... who are we even talking to?

Kat: "My employer. I just said that."

Silvia: Which is who, exactly? You've been extremely vague about that.... apparently, it runs in the family.

Poly: I say we get this shit over with and talk to Kat's boss. And the sooner, the better.

Kat: "Well, three to one. That makes it. Give me a second then." *takes off her boots, stretches, and steps into the garden area* "Okay… how did this go again...?"

Marth: Well then... this should be interesting

Poly: Hmm... Kat may be onto something here. *takes off his boots and flops onto the grass* ... Okay, I don't want to move anymore.

Silvia: [/plops down onto the grass and winces] Ow... rough landing...

Kat: "Ah, right then." *brings her hands together as if in prayer* "Hear me, giver of life, giver of plants and forests, giver of the bountiful fields. Hear me, you of healing and magic, of peace and prosperity. Hear me, my lady, and, with my words, step onto this plane once more."

Ace:"I'll get to see Goddess Mila soon, mother."

Marth: Goddess Mila...... you're the agent of a goddess? Could she possibly know?

Poly: Oh, no way. You're bringing the goddess Mila down here? Shit... no wonder that Rally of yours is called the Goddess Rally.

Silvia: so we're - wait a minute. Your employer, Kat, is a GODDESS?

Ace:"Oh yeah. I didn't mention this until now, but my mother and Mila were best friends. Mom was the one who told me, sorry I didn't mean to spoil the surprise."

Kat: "Follow my voice, my goddess Mila!"

*light begins glowing in front of Kat, gradually taking the form of a tall and eerily beautiful woman with numerous flowers in her hair and clothes. As she touches the ground, the flowers instantly bloom and sparkle as if caught during the spring*

Mila: "It has been quite some time, Agrona, since you have summoned me."

Kat: "Yeah, hiya, Mila. Things have been hectic because someone screwed up."

Mila: *sighs* "Oh, how I miss the days you treated me with respect."

Kat: "Sure you do."

Silvia: I have... no... idea... what to do here... Holy crow...

Ace:"G-Goddess Mila. I dunno if you already heard of me, but I'm one of the twin daughters of Mira of the Dawn. My mother, deceased for seven years told me I sould come see you."

​Mila: "Ah… Mira. Her death pained me so."

Kat: "Cried ten straight weeks and nearly flooded a country."

Mila: *ignoring that with dignity* "Who are your fellows, child of Mira?"

Ace:"My friends, Silvia, Marth and myself are from outrealms. We got trapped here after the destruction of the outrealm gates. I also have my twin sister and best friend trapped here also with no way to return home to the people we care about."

Mila: "The Outrealms… I thought for sure…"

Kat: "You changed the job on me at the last second and someone managed to get the logbook and pay some summoning before Phoibus could destroy it."

Mila: "I see now." *closes eyes* "However, I am confused. The Marth here is not of another Outrealm. He is Einherjar, is he not?"

Marth: *Eyes widened from her declaration* What are you talking about? That can't be! I'm me.....aren't I?

Silvia: [/glances over at Marth, before reaching over and taking his hand in her own]

Mila: "Ah, you did not know. My apologies."

Kat: "Nice to see that your conversation skills suck still."

Mila: "Can you not be nice?!"

Kat: "Nah, they're being too worshiping. Someone has to keep you humble."

Poly: Yeah, listen here. Marth may have been brought out from a card, but he's every bit as human as the rest of us.

Ace: "Yeah! I don't care what he is, Marth is my friend and I want to help him return home to the people he loves and cares about."

Marth: *looking at everyone* This isnt true..... is it? Tell me that she is mistaken!

Poly: Does it matter if it is or not? You're still our ally... no, our friend... and that doesn't change dick all about it, Marth.

Ace: *walks up to Marth* "I really don't care anymore that you are an Einherjar. You're still my friend, and I will do all I can to help you reunite with those you love and care about. So don't take this too hard, I'll always be there to help you out."

Marth: So then you're saying that you all knew!? The entire time!? Why was this hidden from me for so long!? This just can't be true! I remember everything as clear as day! There's no way! No- *Marth got a migrane from the revelation and then began to remember past events with the Dreamers. He remembers how Dusk would call him a ghost on occasion. He remembered when Anon slipped out the word, card. And he remembered the painful battle against the imitation of his dearly beloved, who blatantly said that he was merely a phantom of himself* No way...... *Marth fell to his knees* Please. Someone. Wake me up from this nightmare.

Silvia: No, Marth, I... we... T-That's not what we...

Kat: *glaring at Mila* "Great job, Mila."

Mila: "Did you summon me to insult or something else?"

Kat: "Trying to change the subject? Really?"

Silvia: That's not why she summoned you at all, my lady. We just... would really like to know the status of those gates.

Mila: "I am afraid, child, that the gates are destroyed."

Silvia: Destroyed? Like... completely... destroyed.

Mila: "Yes, they are destroyed. That is Phoibus's job. He destroys things at Doma's request."

Silvia: So I can never... I can't... B-But I promised... No...?

Poly: So... there's absolutely no way we can get Ace, Alicia, Silvia, and the others home. Great. Just fucking great. *rubs his temples* Ugh... so now what?

Ace: "The gates are destroyed, so I have no chance of returning home? I have a family waiting for me, and also waiting for me to bring back my best friend also. And Alicia, my twin sister. I'd like for her to have a chance to lead a happy life after all those years of pain and mistrust.

Mila: "Your sister's greatest chance of happiness actually lies here, in this realm. Should she return home, she will only find, at best, contentment."

Ace: "Here? I.....didn't think of that. *hangs head down* Of course, she told me everything that happened before she met me finally. .........All those years of not being able to express herself freely, some twin sister I am. Well, if Alicia's best chance of happiness is here....*raises head up* Then it's my job before I go home to make sure she finds happiness. Otherwise, I'll be haunted by it for the rest of my life. Especially since I can't return home."

​Mila: "…I did not say that. I merely stated that the Outrealm Gates were destroyed."

Silvia: [/shoves herself to her feet] S-So there's a way?!

Ace: "So then, you know of another way I can return home?"

Poly: Well, that was more or less what we were implying we wished to speak to you about... It'd be nice to give Silvia, Ace & Alicia their lives back.

Mila: "For a price, yes." *glances at Kat* "Of course, you know one way, and a… certain warrior-priestess of mine is willing to go through with it if it became the only way."

Kat: "And?"

Mila: "You are to be-"

Kat: "Quiet, Mila."

Mila: *sighs heavily* "I will not stop you from your poor decisions."

Kat: "…"

Ace: "This way home involves Kat somehow. I can only wonder what that is..." *kinda concerned over how to find a way for Alicia to be happy here before going home*

Kat: "Huh? It does? I thought she was just talking about me killing some people for the blood price." *looks at Mila* "Well? Am I needing to end this life of mine and start again?"

Mila: "I would rather you did not. It pains me every time you pass away and are reborn."

Kat: "So, it does? Die and give you back the power you gave me until my new body is strong enough again to hold it?"

Poly: *eyes widen, almost to a comical size* ... WHAT. No, no. Nonononono, NOOOOOOOOOOOO. I am NOT going to let you die and hurt Dusk like that. We can take another option.

Silvia: Wait... wait... [/throws her hands up in confusion] What... price... ?

Ace: "Mila doesn't want Kat to die.... But, she is reborn again?"

Kat: "Hmm? Yeah, it's part of the contract. I die and then I'm reborn as a baby. This current body is about… oh, 200 years old, roughly. It's my 31st life." *forces a smile* "Dying is… nothing new to me."

Ace: "Wow, that's a long time Kat. About as long as my bloodline lives. ....is that part of the price then?"

Kat: "The price of my Contract, yes. The price of the Gates? No. However, the Contract puts some of her power in me. If I give it back, then she could have enough to fix the Gates with just the one blood."

Ace: "And to give that power back, you have to die and be reborn...is that it? Then what about Dusk? He'll be sad to lose you."

Kat: "…It… is my duty to defend the Gates…" *realizing that her duties are interfering with her wants*

Ace noticed that Kat looked troubled, a feeling she was grappling with as well over the idea of leaving her twin sister here in this realm. But if that was the only way for Alicia to be happy, then Ace would accept it, even if it pained her deep down inside.

Poly: Bullshit! *slams Armads on the ground to emphasize his point* In our life, all we have is one duty; and that's to ourselves. You have to live your life the way YOU want... and I KNOW that this isn't what you want.

Kat: "…That doesn't apply to those who have lived many lives, you know."

Marth: *Remained silent. All hope within his eyes have faded*

Poly: *angrily glances over at Marth* Oy, if you don't stop moping, I'm gonna beat you senseless. *walks to Marth and forces him to look directly into his eyes* Look. Yes, you came out of a card. No, your memories are not fake; they're just from a past life. No, your bonds in this life aren't fake; I'm sure that Ace & Silvia would tell you that. So now my question to you is... just what the fuck do you have to be upset about?!

Silvia: ... Leave it to you, Poly, to be extremely blunt... [/sighs and presses her face in her palm]

Poly: "Your memories are still your own, but now you have a chance to create more memories. Take it, and create your own hope, not one that's been crafted by an illusionist."
Marth: *Still not making eye contact* You don't understand Poly. *he starts to remember fighting battles in the Outrealms. The endless onslaughts one after the other, all in the name of someone's entertainment* My problem isn't that I myself am not real, though it is hard to digest. Just now, some repressed memories resurfaced. Yes,I remember it now. before meeting you guys, I was used as a mere weapon of war in the Outrealms, yet I thought that I was truely doing what was right. Clearly, someone has always been pulling my strings to fight for them and aid in their campaigns. And I....was oblivious to stop it, because I thought that I was real. And it is bound to happen over and again, as it already has. Tell me Poly, would you be able to live with yourself if you found out that everything you lived for, everything that made you happy, your dreams,your morals were all a giant lie? That you were literally a playing card, for someone else to gain the advantage against your opposer? No. My will has been shattered, as I now no longer have a purpose. And that is my problem.
Poly: Then make your own fucking purpose! You've been given the powers of one of the greatest men to ever live, and have begun to become your own man separate of the self that you used to be! Who cares about the past, a head full of falsities? Carve your own fate, get your own morals, and become your own man. If you're so pissed off about your life being a big lie, don't just sit and be a pissant about it; CHANGE it.
Kat: "Like how you tried to kill yourself in the Sands?"
Poly: Tch. That was weakness, Kat, and I accept that. But you, Marth... you can create your own purpose anew. *starts thinking about what Kat was trying* ... Mila. I have a question of you, separate from this other matter. Is there... is there a way for me to find happiness in my life again?
Mila: "If you stop trying to throw your life away, then yes." *smiles slightly* "Beware of cacti, by the way."
Poly: How? How do I find this sort of renewed purpose in my life?
Mila: "I have already told you. Live. Live, and she will find you. Of course, it might take her a bit to voice it. You might have to force her to her haven, in fact, before she can find the courage."
Poly: I'm... not sure what you mean by that. 'Force her to her haven'? What... does that even... ugh. *scratches the back of his head*
Silvia: If I've learned anything from talks with goddesses, it's that they are really fond of giving long-winded, indirect answers.
Mila: "If you are done confusing the issue, perhaps you might allow me to inform the young king of a way he can find out the truth. That is, if he has the courage."
Marth:...! *slowly getting back onto his feet* What? What do you know?
Mila: "You are not under my domain, but I can point you in the direction of Naga. Near here there is a man. I believe you all simply call him 'Old Hubba'. He can lead you to her, and she may reveal that which I cannot. It will, however, be a long journey, one that will lead you separate from your friends. Will you accept?"
Marth: I..... I don't know... Even with the answers that lie ahead, I can't just leave them. *Turns to Silvia and grabs both of her hands* You're the reason that I even started to become aware of myself. Even though this experience was rippling for me to bear, words cannot express how thankful I am for you to be so supportive and at least trying to help me better understand myself. But... I still have yet to return the favor to you in finding a way home. Even though the odds look to be dire, I promise you..... I will not stop searching for a way for you. Though, if I do go, there's no telling how long it will be until I return. *Turns to Ace* You're an undeniable friend that has face many hardships over the course of your life. I'd rather not add on to them, by not having you return to Chrom. As a promise to the both of you....*removes his tiara from his head and places it in both Silvia and Ace's hands** I want the both of you to hold onto this, as a guarantee that I shall return to you, as a new me and continue to search for a solution for everyone. *Turns to Poly* You're... you're right actually.Thank you for your words. You're much better a person than I had originally thought you were. However, if I go on this journey, there's not telling how long I will be gone. Do be sure that you ensure that no one gets hurt in my stead? As the ruling Khan of Ferox, I'd expect nothing less out of you.
Silvia: I... N-No, Marth, you... this is your quest. You focus on that... A-And I wish you... the... best. And... just... promise me you'll come back...? That's all I want.
Marth: *Looks into Silvia's eyes*Thank you Silvia. You have my word. I swear it on my most prized possession, that I shall return to all of you.
Silvia: ... I... [/throws her arms around him] Please do... f-for all of us, not just me...
Poly: Listen, Marth. There's a lot of people in this army who care about you. Especially Ace & Silvia... trust me, I can tell. *puts a hand on Marth's shoulder* So, I swear to God... er, Mila... If you don't come back to us, then I will personally hunt you down and beat you so hard, they can't even call you senseless. Get me?
Marth: Heh, I never go back on my word Poly. You'll see me again. Count on it. *Turns to Mila* Goddess Mila, yes, i accept this quest.

Mila: *smiles* "Then, go, with courage and strength, dear child."

Kat: "Hubba's in a small house at the base of the mountain. It's where he used to live with his wife before he became the caretaker of the outrealms and others like you, Marth. I'm sure he'll help you."

Marth: *Goes over to Kat* This is not a goodbye. I'll be back and better than I have ever been. *Thumbs up* Count on it. Oh, by the way. you are in possession of my card, yes? For me to complete this quest, I might need it, if you don't mind.

Kat: "Of course you'll be fine. We've just seen how strong 'reflections' can be." *hands over the card* "There is also one more thing I can say. You were born with a purpose, just like everyone else. Never forget that."

Marth: Haha, you flatter me so. And... *smiles* Thank you Kat. I'll be sure to remember that for all of my days.

Kat: *laughs softly* "If you forget, I'll remind you. We are both… immortal, in a fashion, after all."

Marth: *chuckles Right then. You all had best get going now. *says quietly so that only Kat could here* I'd imagine Dusk is going crazy right now, in awaiting your return. Better it you not keep him waiting too long *he said with a grin on his face*

Kat: "There are two girls who will wait for you, Marth. I don't think you can say anything, player."

Marth: Uh.....*his face flushed from her statement*

Ace: *laughs* "Make sure to come back Marth. I'd hate to grieve over another loss."

Marth: T-trust me, You won't have to!

Ace: "I'll take your word for it then. Because....we're friends, and I never forget a friend."

Poly: Especially if they're a "special" friend, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight Ace?

Ace: "S-sort of, the point is even if one of my friends is away on a journey. I'll keep an eye open for the day when that friend of mine returns!"

Poly: But I bet you're keeping both eyes open for Marth to come back, riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

Ace: "Y-yeah, that would be better anyways."

Poly: You know that's not what I meant~

Marth: *bows and waves farewell to everyone, before going to Hubba*

After reading this, Dusk is going to owe me an apology

I miss Marth-senpai

I'll come back to you, I promise!

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I assume myself & Alicia are gonna be in Ferox.

You know what do to, Kat. Give us our S.

I'll work on ALL supports after the groups have been finalized. It'll be a lot easier on me. Besides, you two need to give me an A support.

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I'll work on ALL supports after the groups have been finalized. It'll be a lot easier on me. Besides, you two need to give me an A support.

We will eventually.

Hopefully, tomorrow.

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