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(Bringing back the RPing......)

[spoiler=Prepare to feel]

I somehow drifted into a deep sleep. While slumbering I began to dream of the old days. In the dream, I was in my youthful days within House Altea as the prince. My father, Cornelius was still the king and everything was all and well. Jagen was still the commanding paladin of Altea's knights, Cain and Abel continued to compete for who was the better knight(correct me if i am wrong about that). Gordin was out at the back, practicing his bow precision. And I was at the training grounds, applying myself to the ways of the sword. But then, that fateful day reoccured.........

Father had to take up arms in the war and took the main Altea's main army with him. In the following night, I was just finishing my sword practicing and was ready to retire to my chambers..... only to find the entire castle overrun by Gra soldiers! Every hallway I looked, there were dead bodies lying on the floor, with the blood of the fallen gashing out from their mutilated corpse and splattered onto the walls. The sight was horrifying to to behold. My heart race was skyrocketing, and then the guards noticed me. With my rapier in hand, I made my stand, and reclaimed the throne. There was Elice. I was glad to see that she was in one piece, yet she implored that I leave. Naturally, I refused, but then the dream took a huge turn..... Before we could discuss any further, a Gra archer, from behind us...... readied his bow. Aimed.... shot in our direction... and killed Elice, right before my eyes! The blood that seeped through her dress and onto my hands only added to the sheer mortification.. Why.... how...... I don't remember this! Whats going on?!

As the nightmare continued, I began to toss and turn in my sleep, while muttering a few words

Not too long afterwards did I see Jagen, Abel, Frey and Cain rushing to my side to ensure that I was safe. All were wounded and barely holding the reins of their horses and weapons, pleading that we escape. My legs grew weak and arms trembled uncontrollably, far too terrified to even move. Sensing this, Jagen had to man-handle me in order to mount me onto his horse and make our escape. As we progressed, I only grew more and more terrified as I saw the massacre of innocents left and right. One by one, the three knights Cain, Abel, and Frey stayed behind to ensure my escape and fell by the traitorous Gra soldiers, until it was just Jagen and I. Just as we were about to make it, A heavily clad knight blocked us, along with an entire battalion to back him up. Jagen fought valiantly, slaying as many as he could so that none could so much as lay an eye on me. However, it was not enough.One of them stabbed pierced his heart with his lance and ended him. It was just me left, scrambling on the ground to get up and run for my life, until two knights apprehended my arms and held me still as their general, King Jiol made his appearance. he wanted to be the one to finish the last of Anri's descendants himself. As he raised his lance, ready to impale my stomach and end me, my life began to flash before my eyes. Is this the end for me? No...... no...... NOOOOOO!!

NOOOOO!! Just before his lance made contact with me, I woke up from the nightmare, my heart racing and face covered in sweat. I began to pant heavily,as I was still terrified by how vivid it was. It was..... all just... a dream.... a horribly..... mortifying.... nightmare!

found one

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[spoiler=Marth's Character Development!!]

With everything that has happened so far. I finally managed to get a moment to myself and really delve in to what all of this means. Previously, I was told that I was only a mere phantom of myself. In battle, I manage to tap into this hidden power that resembles the five orbs of the binding shield. And every time I hear the word,Einherjar, something triggers inside of my being, along with a memory of a mysterious area. I stared into Falchion to see my reflection.

I am..... different somehow. From what I remember myself to be. "Marth".....King of Altea and leader of the united continent of Archanea.... They all seem so distant now.

A bright light shined out of Falchion and its flare engulfed my body. When I came to, I was in an empty white space by myself. The voice from before appeared again. It's voice echoing throughout

Heed me, young king.

Tell me, who are you? And what do you know about me?

It has been many years hasn't it?

Answer me please.

You are in the presence of the White Sage, Gotoh.

Gotoh? But aren't you supposed to be long dead? Why do you only appear within my inner stasis?

The same can be said about you. I am no longer within the realm of the living and have rejoined Naga in watching over the world. It appears that you are beginning waver young king.

Well.... yes. From the moment that I entered this era, I have felt that I am... modified in a way. In battle, I have tapped into what looked to be, one of the five sacred orbs of the binding shield. And even utilizing Starlight without its tome. I feel as though I am a mere shadow of who I once was, but tell me, I am still me....right?

The answer is yes..... and no.

What do you mean? Care to explain?

All that I can currently tell you, is that the term"Einherjar" is related to your dilemma. Keep in mind that Marth is only human and cannot transcend the physical boundaries of his lifespan. But there is more to you than you are aware of.

White Sage Gotoh, I need answers. These questions fail to stay out of the contents of my mind. What is it that you know?

If it is answers that you seek, then you must seek us out. Time grows short for our conversation.

But how? You no longer are within the realm of the living, and this Anna epidemic prevents me from going to the Outrealm gates.

If you wish to find us and sate your doubts, you must first find the Old Hubba, the overseer of the Outrealms. He may be able to aid you. Until the day we meet again King Marth.

Gotoh... wait!

Before I could get another word from him, the space that I resided in was beginning to disappear in front of me and in a flash, I was back in the current residence of the Azure Dreamers.

I was left with more questions than answers, but one thing was clear: the Einherjar and Old Hubba were the only leads that I had to discovering what I really am.

To be continued

I continued to read on about the Archanean history books within my room. Every new page brought back all of the memories; the good and the bad; the happy and the sad; the victories and the losses; my friends and my enemies. A part of me wishes that I could, just for a moment, return to my old life and live in peace with my friends and family. I miss the days where I could just enjoy myself blissfully. Jagen's lectures (surprisingly), my sister Elice's loving support, Merric's magical theatrics that sometimes went horribly wrong, Tiki's seemingly endless energy to play. And then, of course, my dearly beloved's beautifully glowing smile, whose elegant grace made every day worth living. Just for a little while, i wish.... No, i can't think of such thoughts now. I have a mission to complete

Homesickness was catching up to me apparently. I must have done too much reading for it to cause me to miss home so much. So I closed the book and then overheard Dusk, Shadow, Dan and Anon in the kitchen. They seem to be enjoying their selves over there. Perhaps I should join them to get home off of my mind

[spoiler=Marth's Lament]After Samson's revelation of Tiki's whereabouts, I walked away from everyone else. After a few moments of walking, it gradually turned into running.....far away. I didnt want anyone to see me like this,which no one has ever had the liberty to do, save for a select few. For the first time in only Anri knows how long, I lost all collection of myself in an instant. When I was far enough that no one could see me, I finally fell down to my knees and my emotions just exploded. I was actually.......crying. The hot tears from my eyes continued to cascade down my cheeks and drip onto the ground as I was weeping to myself. She's gone.... she's actually gone....... The one person left from my time has deceased, along with my heart at this moment in time. Dead. And the worst part about was........ I was completely.....utterly....powerless to protect her.

I then flash backed to all of our memories in the old days. When I first saw her, she was all alone and suffered from nightmares of degenerating into a wild beast. White sage Gotoh, along with her previous guardian Bantu, entrusted her safety to me. They trusted that I would save her from her nightmares and allow her to live her life without worry or fear. I promised that I would keep her close and do my best to make her happy. I took her in when the war was over. She was almost a little sister.....that strangely stayed little. The sound of her laughter was enough to make anyone's day better. I was temporarily able to solve the problem......until I was brought here, into the world of Ylisse

I had left home. I had left my friends, due to the calling of Naga and wound up two millenia into the future. Everyone and everything that I once knew was gone, but she still lived. It must have been hard for her to be alone for so long. It always was her greatest fear, and because I was here, I had wanted to meet her and apologize for making her suffer for so long, and to keep my promise of keeping her safe. But as of today, I have officially failed. For many many years, Tiki probably had to feel the pain of her loved ones leaving her alone in a world that was no longer her own. But now...... it appears she has left me. And before I could even apologize.

I looked up into the sky, the clouds formed and rain began to fall from the heavens. As the rain droplets fell onto my skin, all I could say was this: Naga....... I'm sorry

EDIT: This took me longer to type than I had hoped

And thats the last of it for Marth

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I… figured that just having the 'Latest Supports Posted' on the OP would be enough.

Apparently it wasn't. The support thread's been getting rather quiet if you ask me

Edited by Hero-King
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Well… some supports I've gotten today include Samson and Dusk's B support, Gulasca's support with Silvia, Poly and Alicia's S support, Kat and Dusk's SS support, and Kat and Klotho's C support. And I'm assuming Poly hasn't read that last one because there hasn't been a comment about Kat in Dusk's clothes.

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Let's see, people who don't have romantic interests...


Sammy Boy



Anyone I miss?

(Sammy boy will probably eventually have a love interest, and i'm pretty sure Alison is married to another realms Lon'qu)

There was a moderator watching my thread. It scared me.

As much as I love shipping wars, I'm gonna have to slap a bitch if this gets too far out of hand.

On an unrelated note, me & Breezy are done our B, and PolyxAlicia S is being written.

(how interest-)

and it's gonna make Kat/Dusk's SS look like a friggin' children's cartoon

(B-but there are young boys (me, sorin) and girls (carter) here!)

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