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Let's… just say that everyone's flirtatious natures kinda confuses Klotho, and Ace didn't explain properly, so now Klotho has it firmly in her head.

…not that it would've helped, mind, if Ace had explained about the whole "marry once and done" deal. Klotho would've just said that doesn't make sense and kept on going with the harem theory.


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Let's… just say that everyone's flirtatious natures kinda confuses Klotho, and Ace didn't explain properly, so now Klotho has it firmly in her head.

…not that it would've helped, mind, if Ace had explained about the whole "marry once and done" deal. Klotho would've just said that doesn't make sense and kept on going with the harem theory.

I just had to have a little fun at the end, there.
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[spoiler=Silvia and Kat]Silvia: OH KAT! Where ARE you?

Kat: Um… in my room? Changing?

Silvia: Oh... I'll wait out here then.

Kat: No, you can come in. We're both girls, after all.

Silvia: This sounds extremely familiar now that I think about it... [/walks in] Need any help?

Kat: Yeah, can you get these back ties? Normally I get Dusk to help me, but he ran to check some explosion sound I heard.

Silvia: Sure thing, dear. [/ties the knots] Explosion, huh... that sounds troubling. Hope it isn't anything serious, or... Ugh, I kind of do. I think I'm stir-crazy.

Kat: Well, we'll be meeting with the others soon. Then you'll be dreaming of the calm. *thinking* It almost sounded like a fire spell went wrong. That explosion, I mean.

Silvia: [/drops the strings for a moment] Ohhhh. Huh. Don't know what would cause that... So... Kat... besides the fact that your skin is extremely soft and I'm kind of jealous, I have a bone to pick with you.

Kat: Huh? Oh, it's a lotion. I… er… well, I got self-conscious a few months ago when Dusk and I were… *flushes* A-Anyway, I got self-conscious and started doing a 'beauty routine' my mother taught me. I can show you. It's actually really easy. You just have to be willing to devote about ten or fifteen minutes to it.

Silvia: No need to get so embarrassed! [/laughs] And yeah, I can spare ten to fifteen minutes from reading and being flung off my pegasus, Kat.

Kat: Hmm… should show Ace too. And maybe Klotho. …And see if I can get her to change that nickname of yours. Sorry about that, by the way. I swear; I didn't mention it all at the same time. She has a wicked memory for an amnesiac. Oh, maybe should just show all the girls when we all get back.

Silvia: Harem. Where the actual hell did she get THAT from? I don't understand it. But no. I do have a legitimate concern, and THAT has to do with the fact you lied to me.

Kat: I… did? When?

Silvia: [/giggles and hugs Kat from behind] You said I wasn't getting a godchild!

Kat: …Oh. Well, it wasn't exactly expected, stupid 1% failure rate, and… wait, how do you know? *starts panicking* Oh, Mila, am I showing? I didn't think I'd show so soon! Okay, um… looser clothing maybe? Or… uh…?

Silvia: Relax, dear. The only loose thing around here is Dusk's tongue. And apparently myself... but let's not go there.

Kat: Dusk…? *sighs in aggravation* You mean the one who insisted on keeping quiet? Really? Argh, I should tell Sorin just to spite him. Not only was he the first to tell, but he told YOU and I wanted to do that!

Silvia: [/laughs] I'm sure it was a mistake! He DID try to cover his tracks, but I got it out of him anyway... what can I say, I'm just good like that.

Kat: *grumble* Probably via flirting. You're good at that AND gorgeous and Dusk's VERY susceptible to teasing.

Silvia: I didn't flirt with him this time, honest! That one time you stumbled across was - wait. [/blinks] You... called me gorgeous?

Kat: Huh? Yeah, you're gorgeous. Especially in that outfit. No offense, but the fluffy dress? Not very good for your figure. And I don't MIND, per se. I'm old enough to share. I just, you know, get first dibs.

Silvia: [/shrugs, blushing] I-If you say so. I mean - wait, dibs? [/blushes even more] S-Since when are we calling dibs on me?

Kat: *teasing* Well, you ARE pretty, I met you first, and I'm not going to be able to do much 'dancing' with Dusk...

Silvia: ... So because you met me fist you have a claim to me? [/smirks] Oh I can already HEAR the objections flowing forth...

Kat: Eh, I'd share with your husband. *leans down so that she's only an inch from her face and smiles* Just, you know, when he's not here.

Silvia: [/giggles] That's not EXACTLY sharing, Kat, now is it? [/taps her nose] You bad girl...

Kat: Hey, I can't share with someone who's not here. *gets a little closer* So…?

Silvia: I guess not. How logical of you to notice something like that! [/looks up at Kat through her eyelashes before fluttering them] So... what are we to do now?

Kat: Well… the bed is comfy, you know.

Silvia: Excellent point. And you DO owe me some quality time... I miss your company, Kat...

Kat: Yes, indeed, I do! *thinking* Hmm… better keep it… somewhat tame, though. Want to ask permission from your husband first. Only fair, after all. And I suppose Dusk too. He might get pouty.

Silvia: Right! Although asking Henry at this point would be... a bit of a challenge?

Kat: Then I guess we just have to keep it tame until we can get you home and I can ask directly. Until then… well, there IS that beauty treatment I need to show you. Should we grab Ace?

Silvia: Right! And yeah, we should. I know where she is, I'll go grab her if you'd like.

Kat: Ooo, what FUN~ I'll get the hot water ready. Hmm… should I let Ace in on the 'secret'? I think I get a free tell, seeing as Dusk blurted it out. …And she actually might have some suggestions, now that I think about it.

Silvia: I suppose so, if that's what you want! [/giggles] I can't wait for her reaction to this. Ah, right! She has children herself, doesn't she? She'd probably be more help than I am since my son is actually only three years younger than I am. [/shakes head and sighs] Time travel, I swear.

Kat: It's a bitch, isn't it? *giggles* Oh, totally will, and then tell him it's his fault. Besides, Ace'll keep it away from Poly, and HE'S the big one we want to keep it from. Well, him and Anon, but I think Anon seriously might try to kill me. FAR too tense, that one. Needs a massage. Oh! Massage, yes! I've got some nice smelling oils we can use on each other!

Silvia: Oh for the love of Naga. If Poly hears about this, it will NEVER end. EVER. I already can imagine it. [/giggles] A massage huh? That does sound lovely! This'll be a blast.

Kat: *giggles* I'll set up then! You grab Ace! Oh, and don't worry. I'll trap the room so that no one can sneak in without permission. *pauses* Non-lethal traps, I swear. Though it MIGHT remove some clothing.

Silvia: Will do, Captain! Wait... a trap that removes clothing...? Are you putting that up before I grab Ace or - no. No. No. Mind, stop GOING there. [/swiftly flees the room]

Kat: What was she…? Oh, my~ haha! Ah, she's so much fun to play with! …Though, I'm not sure how much of that was playing. Oh well. I can figure out later. Now… do I set that trap up now or… ah, better go later. Don't want to cause her to faint. Yet.

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Well, that second one really might come out pretty fast. At least with Kat. ^^; But MAN, I think that really showed that Kat and Phoibus are, in fact, related.

Edited by Kat
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[spoiler=Silvia and Kat]Silvia: OH KAT! Where ARE you?

Kat: Um… in my room? Changing?

Silvia: Oh... I'll wait out here then.

Kat: No, you can come in. We're both girls, after all.

Silvia: This sounds extremely familiar now that I think about it... [/walks in] Need any help?

Kat: Yeah, can you get these back ties? Normally I get Dusk to help me, but he ran to check some explosion sound I heard.

Silvia: Sure thing, dear. [/ties the knots] Explosion, huh... that sounds troubling. Hope it isn't anything serious, or... Ugh, I kind of do. I think I'm stir-crazy.

Kat: Well, we'll be meeting with the others soon. Then you'll be dreaming of the calm. *thinking* It almost sounded like a fire spell went wrong. That explosion, I mean.

Silvia: [/drops the strings for a moment] Ohhhh. Huh. Don't know what would cause that... So... Kat... besides the fact that your skin is extremely soft and I'm kind of jealous, I have a bone to pick with you.

Kat: Huh? Oh, it's a lotion. I… er… well, I got self-conscious a few months ago when Dusk and I were… *flushes* A-Anyway, I got self-conscious and started doing a 'beauty routine' my mother taught me. I can show you. It's actually really easy. You just have to be willing to devote about ten or fifteen minutes to it.

Silvia: No need to get so embarrassed! [/laughs] And yeah, I can spare ten to fifteen minutes from reading and being flung off my pegasus, Kat.

Kat: Hmm… should show Ace too. And maybe Klotho. …And see if I can get her to change that nickname of yours. Sorry about that, by the way. I swear; I didn't mention it all at the same time. She has a wicked memory for an amnesiac. Oh, maybe should just show all the girls when we all get back.

Silvia: Harem. Where the actual hell did she get THAT from? I don't understand it. But no. I do have a legitimate concern, and THAT has to do with the fact you lied to me.

Kat: I… did? When?

Silvia: [/giggles and hugs Kat from behind] You said I wasn't getting a godchild!

Kat: …Oh. Well, it wasn't exactly expected, stupid 1% failure rate, and… wait, how do you know? *starts panicking* Oh, Mila, am I showing? I didn't think I'd show so soon! Okay, um… looser clothing maybe? Or… uh…?

Silvia: Relax, dear. The only loose thing around here is Dusk's tongue. And apparently myself... but let's not go there.

Kat: Dusk…? *sighs in aggravation* You mean the one who insisted on keeping quiet? Really? Argh, I should tell Sorin just to spite him. Not only was he the first to tell, but he told YOU and I wanted to do that!

Silvia: [/laughs] I'm sure it was a mistake! He DID try to cover his tracks, but I got it out of him anyway... what can I say, I'm just good like that.

Kat: *grumble* Probably via flirting. You're good at that AND gorgeous and Dusk's VERY susceptible to teasing.

Silvia: I didn't flirt with him this time, honest! That one time you stumbled across was - wait. [/blinks] You... called me gorgeous?

Kat: Huh? Yeah, you're gorgeous. Especially in that outfit. No offense, but the fluffy dress? Not very good for your figure. And I don't MIND, per se. I'm old enough to share. I just, you know, get first dibs.

Silvia: [/shrugs, blushing] I-If you say so. I mean - wait, dibs? [/blushes even more] S-Since when are we calling dibs on me?

Kat: *teasing* Well, you ARE pretty, I met you first, and I'm not going to be able to do much 'dancing' with Dusk...

Silvia: ... So because you met me fist you have a claim to me? [/smirks] Oh I can already HEAR the objections flowing forth...

Kat: Eh, I'd share with your husband. *leans down so that she's only an inch from her face and smiles* Just, you know, when he's not here.

Silvia: [/giggles] That's not EXACTLY sharing, Kat, now is it? [/taps her nose] You bad girl...

Kat: Hey, I can't share with someone who's not here. *gets a little closer* So…?

Silvia: I guess not. How logical of you to notice something like that! [/looks up at Kat through her eyelashes before fluttering them] So... what are we to do now?

Kat: Well… the bed is comfy, you know.

Silvia: Excellent point. And you DO owe me some quality time... I miss your company, Kat...

Kat: Yes, indeed, I do! *thinking* Hmm… better keep it… somewhat tame, though. Want to ask permission from your husband first. Only fair, after all. And I suppose Dusk too. He might get pouty.

Silvia: Right! Although asking Henry at this point would be... a bit of a challenge?

Kat: Then I guess we just have to keep it tame until we can get you home and I can ask directly. Until then… well, there IS that beauty treatment I need to show you. Should we grab Ace?

Silvia: Right! And yeah, we should. I know where she is, I'll go grab her if you'd like.

Kat: Ooo, what FUN~ I'll get the hot water ready. Hmm… should I let Ace in on the 'secret'? I think I get a free tell, seeing as Dusk blurted it out. …And she actually might have some suggestions, now that I think about it.

Silvia: I suppose so, if that's what you want! [/giggles] I can't wait for her reaction to this. Ah, right! She has children herself, doesn't she? She'd probably be more help than I am since my son is actually only three years younger than I am. [/shakes head and sighs] Time travel, I swear.

Kat: It's a bitch, isn't it? *giggles* Oh, totally will, and then tell him it's his fault. Besides, Ace'll keep it away from Poly, and HE'S the big one we want to keep it from. Well, him and Anon, but I think Anon seriously might try to kill me. FAR too tense, that one. Needs a massage. Oh! Massage, yes! I've got some nice smelling oils we can use on each other!

Silvia: Oh for the love of Naga. If Poly hears about this, it will NEVER end. EVER. I already can imagine it. [/giggles] A massage huh? That does sound lovely! This'll be a blast.

Kat: *giggles* I'll set up then! You grab Ace! Oh, and don't worry. I'll trap the room so that no one can sneak in without permission. *pauses* Non-lethal traps, I swear. Though it MIGHT remove some clothing.

Silvia: Will do, Captain! Wait... a trap that removes clothing...? Are you putting that up before I grab Ace or - no. No. No. Mind, stop GOING there. [/swiftly flees the room]

Kat: What was she…? Oh, my~ haha! Ah, she's so much fun to play with! …Though, I'm not sure how much of that was playing. Oh well. I can figure out later. Now… do I set that trap up now or… ah, better go later. Don't want to cause her to faint. Yet.

O_O Oh.....my........ This... is just....

no mention of Marth 5/10

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O_O Oh.....my........ This... is just....

no mention of Marth 5/10

XDDDD Sorry, Marth didn't show up this time. We'll make sure to rectify that next time.

Edited by Kat
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That joke is old.

Damn Kat. Shut down.

(To be fair, I can see us all as an army of walking cliches)

Ow... But true.

it's how much you show cliches

for instance, shadow taking responsibility for almost everything bad that has happened, then dying and being reincarnated as the same person just with a different name...excuse me i just threw up in my mouth

Please don't...

Got a feeling someone's going to have to put a stop to this before it erupts into in-fighting. Again. Therefore, please?

Thank you.

Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you...


Of course. You're still banished.

We rebelled silly. Your head will be on a pike within days. \^_^/

Can't banish one who was never a part of it.

....Leave a brother out there huh?

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