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Well real women use orbs

I've done that too though, and it actually went ok, though I managed to escape since the shop was near the exit xD

Steal everything, walk out, let them freak out, pure seed, offer up allies as a tribute, and escape.

Steal everything be a ghost type, walk through the walls and THEN kill them all. I've done it.

but you're not a ninja, you're a hero...that can use Amatsu...FIX THAT

Real ninja's use all sorts of weapons.

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Who's rapture?

The Rapture is um... Crap, I've only heard the term once...

From what I remember, it's something among of lines of Christianity believing that eventually, all non-believers will go to either Hell of Heaven (can't remember which exactly, if at all) and Jesus will come back to Earth

I might be wrong, since I heard the term AGES ago, but I think it's something among those lines

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The Rapture is um... Crap, I've only heard the term once...

From what I remember, it's something among of lines of Christianity believing that eventually, all non-believers will go to either Hell of Heaven (can't remember which exactly, if at all) and Jesus will come back to Earth

I might be wrong, since I heard the term AGES ago, but I think it's something among those lines

So...it's not a religious term? I'm not familiar with it.

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noun: the Rapture

  1. 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.

    "Leonora listened with rapture"

    • expressions of intense pleasure or enthusiasm about something.

      plural noun: raptures

      "the tabloids went into raptures about her"

      synonyms: enthuse, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical

  2. 2. (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.

Edited by Kat
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noun: the Rapture
  1. 1. a feeling of intense pleasure or joy.
    "Leonora listened with rapture"
    • expressions of intense pleasure or enthusiasm about something.
      plural noun: raptures
      "the tabloids went into raptures about her"
      synonyms: enthuse, rhapsodize, rave, gush, wax lyrical
  2. 2. (according to some millenarian teaching) the transporting of believers to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.

Hey, all those links work!

Oh, Kat and Dusk shipping. meh.

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