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ITT: Shota begs for 3DS


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You don't have "My Life for Faiur" Emblem: Kakusei?

I do, but it's a digital version, and wiping the data on the 3DS would mean no kakusei for roxas unless there's something here that I could do that I'm missing :u

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You might be able to shift it to an SD card, my mario 3d land came on an sd.

oh yes I could do that

also, roxas already gave me his nudes

they're beautiful and they're all mine

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100000 DICKS

Make a connection between heaven and earth made of dongs.

I read somewhere that the average dick length is 6 inches. There are 238,900 miles between the Earth and the moon. and 5280 feet in a mile, and 12 inches in a foot.


So if we took away about a third of the dicks in the population of the world, we could string a line between the earth and the moon (though I guess orbital patterns would keep it from sticking).

Sorry if my math is wrong, I'm stupid.

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