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Favorite class and least favorite class (promoted)


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Favorite: Warriors. The belly shirt is unfortunate (and dumber than Sothe's) but the muscle and gladiator mask more than makes up for it. Also wields my two favorite weapon types.

HM to Tricksters and Berserkers. Also, Levant Fortner has terrible opinions on the latter.

Least Favorite: Generals. The only nice thing I have to say about them is that their armor is at least better than the Knight's, but that's damning with faint praise.

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I will GK!Sully all the way (even if it weren't gameplaywise one of my favourite classes) because it lets her gain those pants she really needs, being the only female GK to have a panted model

Why can't the other femGKs do the same >|

Sucks when my favourite gameplay class looks ridiculous most of the time but at least I can ignore it until it's time to kill Grima

Why can't we animation off that part too

yeah sumia as a great knight look terrible

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yeah sumia as a great knight look terrible


I'm so glad FE gives us animations off option at least most of the time because I have a tendency to turn anyone who can go GK into a GK but they all look awful except Sully and Fred (yay custom armor)

Sully you rock those black pants

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Favorite: Warriors. The belly shirt is unfortunate (and dumber than Sothe's) but the muscle and gladiator mask more than makes up for it. Also wields my two favorite weapon types.

HM to Tricksters and Berserkers. Also, Levant Fortner has terrible opinions on the latter.

Least Favorite: Generals. The only nice thing I have to say about them is that their armor is at least better than the Knight's, but that's damning with faint praise.

Honestly, besides the crappy design, Awakening took pretty much everything that made Berserkers stand out from them.

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My favorite and least favorite. Hmmm...

I prefer the Dread Fighter class (assorted flavors of DLC mainstreamness, clicheness, I know) for male characters that I simply use to fight. Three different weapons (Sword, Axe, Tome; I like giving Ragnell, forged Brave Sword, Helswath, forged Brave Axe, forged Celica's Gale) gives very versatile attack methods, allowing an attack on enemies who have lower resistance or defence, and avoid being made almost useless by pavise+ or aegis+. I can easily boost a Dread Fighter's resistence to 70 (Limit Breaker, Resistence +10 and Tyrfing, Book of Naga or pair up with another unit) to make enemy magic users almost worthless.

I originally held generals to be the worst next to berserkers, but then I realized speed doesn't matter for secondary paired up units. So I took my general units with limit breaker (for +10 all stats, so 60 or greater attack and defence) and made them high-hitting support units with brave weapons. Since my generals are usually characters I can put in my logbook, I give them the boots in Ch. 17 so they have 7 move instead of 5. So they can move alone if they need to.

I hate berserkers, they're only good for a +8 Strength boost when I'm making pairing with 100+ Attack total in Strength-based units. The ability to only use axes makes me lose any other respect for them.

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Honestly, besides the crappy design, Awakening took pretty much everything that made Berserkers stand out from them.

Berserkers are known for 4 things:

1. High critical hit rate

2. Terrain capabilities

3. High attack power

4. High speed

Berserkers lose the critical rate and some of their terrain capabilities, but they still have the highest attack power and are one of the faster classes. And Awakening gives them extremely good pair up bonuses, only rivaled by Assassins, Paladins, and Dark Fliers.

Basically, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Edited by Jack Frost
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Berserkers are known for 3 things:

1. High critical hit rate

2. Terrain capabilities

3. High attack power

4. High speed

Berserkers lose the critical rate and some of their terrain capabilities, but they still have the highest attack power and are one of the faster classes. And Awakening gives them extremely good pair up bonuses, only rivaled by Assassins, Paladins, and Dark Fliers.

Basically, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Actually, I was saying that Berserkers have seen better days, and I still stand by that. And pair up bonuses mean jack shit when it comes to that classes I like and dislike.

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Berserkers are known for 3 things:

1. High critical hit rate

2. Terrain capabilities

3. High attack power

4. High speed

That's four things, tithead.

Forsty pls-ho

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Actually, I was saying that Berserkers have seen better days, and I still stand by that. And pair up bonuses mean jack shit when it comes to that classes I like and dislike.

Berserkers are probably better than ever in Awakening thanks to reclass. Especially considering most GBA Berserkers sucked. They were toned down to be more boring but more accessible. Still not the best class, but it has well defined strengths and weakness.

Also Basilio looks sweet and decidedly not derpy as a Berserker.

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Berserkers are probably better than ever in Awakening thanks to reclass. Especially considering most GBA Berserkers sucked. They were toned down to be more boring but more accessible. Still not the best class, but it has well defined strengths and weakness.

Also Basilio looks sweet and decidedly not derpy as a Berserker.

Agreed on the accessibility part, since you only got one Berserker in most of the games that had them and usually in the middle or late in the game. And there was usually only one other unit who could promote into a Berserker too, which required a rare promotion item. In terms of design, however? The GBA days were MUCH kinder to Berserkers.

Edited by Levant Fortner
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I always go by aesthetics when choosing classes I like. 8U

Favorite Classes

Male Paladins (the female outfit is disgusting, damn you outfit designers)

Dark Flier (it's too bad Sumia and Cordy don't get their specific color here)

Tactician (it looks less bulkier than the GM coat)

Grandmaster (I just wish female GMs got pants, fucking outfit designers)

Sage (for once, both female and male sages are dressed equally, plus the outfits are cute)

Priest (especially Brady, that black is beautiful)

Assassin (I've slowly come to forgive the ridiculous spikes, that scarf redeemed EVERYTHING)

Henry!Dark Mage (his is the only Dark Mage outfit worth having)

BOW KNIGHT (the best-looking class of ALL, bar none)

Dread Knight (it looks AMAZING. not even super-short Licht can ruin the coolness of the outfit)

Bride (kicking ass and taking names IN A PRETTY DRESS, my dreams have come true!)

Least Favorite Classes

Knight/Great Knight/General/Dark Mage/Sorcerer (WHAT WERE THEY THINKING)

Female Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight/Swordmaster/Sorcerer (I know oversexualized females is nothing new to FE, but it doesn't make it any less disgusting. Fuck having better class or stats, I don't want to encourage it)

Olivia (I'm sorry, but Olivia's starter outfit is just...there are no words. It wouldn't be AS bad, but Kozaki had to freakin' lie and say "ohh, their personality TOTALLY lead to the design", what freakin' BS. Oh yes, Olivia is SOOOOOOO shy, so let's give her the skimpiest outfit out of all Dancers from FE! Mother of god...)

Hero (I can't stand the hideous armor, and what the hell is up with the stupid and ugly arm shield thing?!)

Trickster (yellow, WHAT?! And where is my bitchin' hat :< I wanted a hat)

Nowi (another "WTF" outfit)

Fighter/Warrior/Berserker (muscles, ehhhhhhh)

I'm so shallow. 8U

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  • 2 months later...

BOW KNIGHT (the best-looking class of ALL, bar none)

War Cleric says hi...

Female Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight/Swordmaster/Sorcerer (I know oversexualized females is nothing new to FE, but it doesn't make it any less disgusting. Fuck having better class or stats, I don't want to encourage it

I second this so much. I don't care that much about the non-mounted units, but when you ride a horse (or Pegasus, or wyvern etc.) wearing pants is not as much about being decent as it is about not having your inner thighs turned into a bloody mass of pain and flesh. To give almost all female mounted classes skirts/bare thighs make no sense at all, especially since a lot of the unmounted classes wear pants.

/end rant

Favourite classes:

War Clerics/Monks. I think they are really badass, and their outfits are amazing. Also, I love axes.

Wyvern Class tree. Again, axes. Wyverns are also really nice, being flying and non-squishy.

Least favourite classes:

Generals. I have to be honest, I almost always bench Knights at the first possible opportunity, and Awakening is no exception. Also, I hate their weird neck armor thing.

Edit: Oh shit I just noticed how dead this thread were...

Edited by Azura
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You may be slightly late to the party. In the event that anyone from above is still around...

Sage (for once, both female and male sages are dressed equally, plus the outfits are cute)

Priest (especially Brady, that black is beautiful)

...Have you seen Sage Miriel?

She has custom black Emmeryn robes. They're quite a sight.

As for my favorites (design wise), I like Wyvern Lords and... and... *checks class page on SF*

Wow, Awakening's classes are actually really bland. The DLC classes are good. I like Nowi's custom Bride animation.

As for least favorites, General and Hero have had the farthest falls from grace, so I'm going with them. I don't want a bathtub with a lance, I want a huge dude who throws a trident on a chain. And heroes... Do not look very heroic. They look like people in scorpion suits. Wyverns used to look cooler too, but they still look decent here so I don't count them.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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edit: fuck it, i'm making this more comprehensive


hero: cool design, fun weapon options.

wyvern lord: bro if you don't feel like a fucking badass playing this class i don't even want to talk to you. also tons of cool characters in this class, like minerva and cherche.

assassin: crit abuse all day erry day

valkyrie: most healing classes are frustrating because trying to balance your strength and magic caps together to be able to do damage as a war cleric, trickster etc is annoying; being able to do max damage and max healing with one stat is nice. they also have great mobility and most of them have decent rally skills, making them great as utility units.

least favourites:

griffon lord: they tried to make a more balanced wyvern lord, cool. too bad that having one fucking choice of weapon (with no reavers in this game btw) completely outweighs any advantage you get from the more balanced stat caps. dumb. dumb. dumb.

trickster: oh hey, anna looks cool, and it's got nice skill and luck caps, maybe this class will be go- oh fuck dat colour scheme and poor distribution. outside of anna and gangrel, the only decent character in this class is henry, and why the FUCK WOULD YOU EVEN DO THAT JESUS CHRIST

dark knight: similar issues to trickster; cool design, bad distribution. those mediocre stat caps don't help anything.

bride: this class is so fucking dumb for so many reasons. sexist for giving the male a totally badass reference to the first game for their exclusive class, and then women get this dumb as fuck gender role bullshit put on them. stupid design (a fucking dress, really? people complain about the bare thighs, but fuck me that isn't half as bad as this shit), mediocre stat caps, and they gave it to fucking... eirika. EIRIKA. YA KNOW. THE CHICK THAT USED SWORDS, NOW FOR SOME REASON USES LANCES/BOWS/STAVES FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN TO CRAM A DUMB DLC CLASS THAT ISN'T WORTH THE MONEY. dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb. dumb.

for aesthetics and aesthetics alone, i rather like bow knight (excuse me while i change my sexuality for bow knight inigo :3), sage, war cleric, and great lord chrom are pretty cool, along with some of the ones i already mentioned (wyvern lord, hero, assassin).

Edited by bonesaw
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My favorite class is the Sage! They use tomes, which are awesome, and they heal people, which is also quite awesome.

I don't really dislike any class besides Great Knights. I just find that they are kind of annoying and stuff...... :D

Edited by PandaCelt
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Oh, I'm surprised I never noticed this thread before. xP

Favorite: Great Knight, followed by Bow Knight. I also always liked the Peg knight line, but not how Falcon Knights got their swords taken away from them and replaced with staves in Awakening. >_>

Anyway, I love Great Knights because they're powerful, tanky, not too slow, and can use the whole weapon triangle. Also because they have a cool design. And because Frederick. :3

Bow Knights are cool because swords and bows are an awesome combination, especially on a horse (see Link from The Legend of Zelda series lol). I would've liked Nomadic Troopers from FE7/6 for the same reason, but I don't like their design nearly as much.

Least Favorite: Knights and Generals. They just look god damn stupid in this game. I also never liked how they were so slow and had poor movement despite their tankiness. The only character of this class line that I ever seriously used was Gatrie in the Tellius games, and that was because he was unbelievably fast for a General. And he's funny at times. :P

EDIT: Oh wait, I had posted in here. Oops. lol I had checked to see if the little star icon was next to the thread title in the thread listing too and didn't see it. Odd...

Edited by Anacybele
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My personal favorites are the Dark Flyers and Falcon Knights, the former because magic pegasi and the latter to allow better physical ones. ...I like pegasi.

My least favorites are Warriors and Berserkers. I was never fond of axes, and though they've improved slightly, I still dislike them. And those outfits don't even work on Wolt. WOLT.

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