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Help me optimize for a lunatic classic run


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I've beaten the game on both normal and hard/ casual and have beaten FE7 and SS. I would love to try luna+, but obviously have to get through the game on lunatic before that can happen. My pairings and class set up worked without an issue on both of those difficulties and I plan on keeping my most useful skills intact if possible. So, any information on classes, pairings, weapon upgrades would be much appreciated. Also, I've always played as the male avatar as a pseudo self insert, however, if it would make a great deal difference to play with a female avatar, I'd like to know that as well. Thanks in advance.


My Pairings-

Chrom x Sumia

Mu x Lissa

Frederick x Cordelia

Libra x Olivia

Lonq'ue x Panne

Gregor x maribelle

Vaike x Tharja

Ricken x Miriel

Kellam x Cherche

Stahl x Nowi

Virion x Sully

These worked out fine in both playthroughs, but I have a feeling some would need to be changed for Lunatic(+)

Edited by Legendkill3r07
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You can roll through Lunatic more or less how you want, with or without grinding. You won't need Galeforce on anything if looking strictly at the main campaign and Paralogues.

If that's the case, I'll probably just use the set-up I have now and try this again on lunatic +. I'll wait a day or so t see if anyone has any more tips.

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Dammit the guy above me beat me

To beat Lunatic mode, go Female MU x Chrom, reclass MU to Sorcerer, Nostank forever

You can even one round Grima

However, MU solo won't work in Luna+, so if that's your goal, you may want to try a smallish (5-7 primary fighters) team with a lot of diversity in attack types and range for practice

Using the amount of people you're planning on using, even if half of them are just support bots, is a bad idea

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Lon'qu x Panne is not that good.

I still stand by what I said way above. Libra x Olivia is okay, but he's a mediocre magic user compared to Gregor/Lon'qu!Laurent. I'll post what I think below.


My Pairings-

Chrom x Sumia Switch to Olivia and move Henry to Sumia

Mu x Lissa

Frederick x Cordelia Switch to Stahl

Libra x Olivia Switch to Chrom

Lonq'ue x Panne Switch to Virion

Gregor x maribelle

Vaike x Tharja Switch to Gaius

Ricken x Miriel Switch to Lon'qu

Kellam x Cherche

Stahl x Nowi Switch to Vaike

Virion x Sully For the love of all things good, Donnel.

These worked out fine in both playthroughs, but I have a feeling some would need to be changed for Lunatic(+)

Edited by Duck
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Unequipping a weapon also means you aren't having any player or enemy phase combat

Which means you aren't beating the fucking map

EDIT: Like, I see what you're saying, about how if one guy's running at you with counter you can unequip weapon and then deal with him the next turn, but this game isn't designed around having one guy running at you, it's about giant swarms running at you. In almost every map in the game starting with Chapter 5 (and possibly even 3 and 4) you're going to have more than one enemy with counter attacking you per turn, no matter how you position your movements. You can't just draw enemies one by one like you can in most GBA FE maps.

Not to mention even with Nosferatu, enemies with the skill Luna+ are going to be able to do massive damage at a stroke, and Aegis enemies will fuck your combat which then fucks your healing potential.

It's not easily doable, if it's doable at all without grinding.

Edited by General Banzai
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Lon'qu x Panne is not that good.

I still stand by what I said way above. Libra x Olivia is okay, but he's a mediocre magic user compared to Gregor/Lon'qu!Laurent. I'll post what I think below.

I'll run with these as my pairings. Hopefully I don't screw any up by getting anyone killed. I'm not restarting unless I'm forced to by a game over.
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