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Your greatest triumph(s) in a video game.


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Defeating Ornstein and Smough after dying many times in Dark Souls. Fucking hell, they were on hell of a boss fight.

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Defeating the Demi-Fiend in Digital Devil Saga.

You know a boss is hard when he's the main character of one of the main series' games and the battle theme is just the normal battle theme from his own game and can still mop the floor with your max level, max stat party without being completely cheap or having arbitrary rules set for the battle.

Haha, this! oh, this so much!

but as far as I can remember, I beat Gabby Jay in Super punch-out in 6 seconds... if that counts for anything

also, I beat SRW A on the GBA, underprepared, underleved, quandered all my SP, and trudged to victory, cussed the game out and never played it again

But, sadly I never really think of things like this, I boorishly look at it as 'something I had to do'(for completionist sake or whatever)

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I had all character at level 99 in FFIV DS Version. Finished completely the last dungeon too.

Otherwise, I leveled all my ùmain characters to level 99, at least 4 times in Disgaea 3. Maybe not really impressive, but that was hours of game.

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Defeating Red in HeartGold with only Pokémon around level 50-55. I think my team was a Typhlosion, Ampharos, Lanturn, Stantler, and an Espeon. :3

I also got max renown in Awakening with no DLC on Hard Mode by only fighting spotpass teams. Never again. ;-;

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Spending 83+ hours getting my team as strong as possible in Romancing Saga. Getting every pokemon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Sky to Level 100. Mastering the best job combos in FF5. Beating Zelda Majora`s Mask.

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100% items and bestiary in Etrian Odyssey IV in 55 ventured game days. Probably could have cut off a lot more turns, but whatever.

Also I completed the Pokedex in Pokemon Yellow...sans Mew. To this day, I still have no clue if Mew can be gotten in RBY without a Gameshark/Nintendo event thing.

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100% items and bestiary in Etrian Odyssey IV in 55 ventured game days. Probably could have cut off a lot more turns, but whatever.

Also I completed the Pokedex in Pokemon Yellow...sans Mew. To this day, I still have no clue if Mew can be gotten in RBY without a Gameshark/Nintendo event thing.


It can.

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100% on Super Mario Galaxy (on a friend's Wii), Kingdom Hearts (when I was using one of my ex's PSs) and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. And I finished FFVI in 9017 steps (documented somewhere in this forum in 2011).

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Definitely completing both Super Mario Galaxy games 100%. :D

The Daredevil run of Grandmaster Galaxy was SO painful, though! Never doing that one again, that's for sure.

I also have completed the original Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Ocarina of Time 3D, and Ocarina of Time 3D Master Quest 100%. ;D

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Greatest achievement..? Right now, I'd have to say completing the Expert Challenges in Mario & Luigi: Dream Team. Because some of those are just so annoying. Namely certain enemies. Pi'illodactyls suck. As do Pi'illodactyl R's. And fuck Mechakoopas. And Shyguy Airtub R's. Oh why.

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-Caught myself a Feebas in Sapphire (and found a shiny Magikarp along the way... that's not an achievement though ^^')

-Zelda OoT MQ with 3 hearts

-Windwaker with 3 hearts (seriously, try doing it when you gotta face Puppet Ganon in snake form ;~;)

-Some crazy ass mega chao raising on Sonic A2B when I was like 10...

-100% Mario Kart: Double Dash (with a friend) in under a day... my goodness, what life did I lead.

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100% Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask

100% Armored Core For Answer [Not achievements as the 50000 Wins is obscene]

This in ACfA (the accomplishment in that, really is the end of the video), This too (The AC is notable).

Fought and killed an Unidentified Weapon in Chrome Hounds.

134 Rapid in PvP Steel Lancer Arena International. [Rapid is essentially multi-kill. In short, it's a kill-streak within about 5 seconds between each kill. I strung together 134.... in PvP. That had to be irritating for my opponents.]

Speaking of SLAI... Became World Ranker. [And made the "best player in the world" ragequit the game]

100% Medals on both Normal and Expert in Starfox 64

Soloed Sunwell Plateau at L85 in World of Warcraft; And Heroic Lord MarrowBONESTORMgar. Also did Instructor Razuvious.

Also from WoW, I was involved in US-Tanaris's "Bad Day to be Horde", the day where for 21 hours, none of the Horde's capital cities were usable at all- Allies everywhere, killing everything. [The lag in Org was so intense, man.... 120+ Allies in Org alone, the Horde couldn't even get any HKs: the moment they flagged up, they died.] (This was a notable point, because for reasons stated as "Intentionally increasing strain on the world server to cause a crash", despite the fact that the World Server did not, in fact, crash, the leader of this was 3-dayed. (we all know it's because the Horde are whiny babies who couldn't figure [how] out to kill us, so they whined to the GMs.))

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I don't know. I have a couple decent accomplishments.

- Completed the Kanto and Unova Pokedexes in their respective games with minimal possible trading (LeafGreen and White 1)

- In KH2 I beat Sephiroth while at lvl. 60 with the Kingdom Key, no glide, and something like 2 Elixirs?

- Every single achievement and upgrade in Cookie Clicker v1.0375 (a browser game is still a game :P )

- 100% completed Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Kingdom Hearts II

And most of all, I beat the Loftwing Race in Skyward Sword without knowing that you could increase altitude by flapping. Seriously, it took me about an hour to finally do it. I was confused, frustrated, and so ridiculously proud.

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