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Tharja - The Golden Ratio


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That's still not what I even said so yes, you are right that you are wrong. The only numbers anyone has posted are 36-24-36 which are not part of the Fibonacci series in anyway.

You seem confused. No one here is suggesting that the golden ratio is relevant in describing attractive bust-waist-hip measurements. Where the golden ratio is relevant is in describing attractive faces.

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The phrase "you seem confused" describes a scenario in which you believe someone is experiencing the emotion of being confused.

To that end you are misusing it.

Your title/sig combo is the greatest I've seen on this site.

Deftones is a great band but unfortunately I must admit they are not supreme in authority.

I am glad you caught the reference but your avatar is nauseating at this point.

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She's appalling to plenty of people here from what I've heard, but I think her name is real cool.

The best localized name change next to Legion.

lol stop complaining. there are people who like tharja, so just get over it.


People need to learn that no one will think the same as one another.

why are you wondering

who cares who likes what or who doesn't though. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.

Yes, and people need to learn to ignore others whenever they bash or dis their characters.

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oh no thats not the point

i mean the gay part and later fapping to um...well, girls even if theyre animu

i fap to boys too.....

i only fap to feet when it comes to girls

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Look it up.

Yeah I got nothing, unless this is referring to the symbol for the Greek letter, Phi

In which case man whatever that silhouette doesn't look enough like boobs to be a euphemism. humbug

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Yeah I got nothing, unless this is referring to the symbol for the Greek letter, Phi

In which case man whatever that silhouette doesn't look enough like boobs to be a euphemism. humbug


In this case, the golden ratio is being used despite it being physically impossible for a person because of its two-dimensional nature.

As someone in this thread said, 36-24-36 is a highly regarded ratio for female bust-waist-hip measurements. As I understand it, it cannot be compared to the mathematical version considering that the original golden ratio is a comparison of two values and not three. The golden ratio has been related to the human body in art, but a concrete base for comparison does not exist and has not been linked to beauty.

The golden ratio itself was not defined relative to aesthetic value and any aesthetic value derived from it is subjective. I believe the OP used the phrase for of its 'golden' nature. Given that well-accepted aesthetically pleasing ratios like the rule of thirds exist along with the aesthetic value given to a female's curves, a well-accepted "golden" or ideal bust-waist-hip ratio could exist to parallel the mathematical one.

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While parts of the body do operate according to the golden ratio, do we have reason to believe that making your body conform to it makes you more appealing? As the second link makes clear: the golden ratio showing up in our bodies is cool, but these ratios are not directly related to what we find attractive in the opposite sex.

If there were an ideal shape based on the golden ratio, wouldn't both males and females be attracted to the same body shape in their lust for the same ideal ratio?

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I have no idea where this thread is going....

This is what I get for posting it in FftF.

All we did was learn the golden rectangle and my teacher kinda blabbed about it [the golden ratio, not the rectangle] for ~a minute

i was just

is that the reason tharja is attractive [to others]?

And Makaze is really good at explaining things

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do we have reason to believe that making your body conform to it makes you more appealing?

With respect to the topic that isn't really relevant. I am merely showing how one would go about giving the OP the answer they asked for however many shitty posts ago.

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