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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Coughing, Toqua rubbed his hands together and glanced at Val. When she was not forthcoming, he sighed. "As I told you, she got a message from her boss, an our boss I suppose since he hired us, and it meant he was in trouble. When we rushed back here, we found tha village dead and tha boy gone. Beyond that, I don't remember much 'sides wakin up here bound and gagged. Don't know what ta make of it, but I think she might know."

Rayil slowly walked over to Raelyn and smiled. "Thank you for the food." Taking his bowl, he went and sat back down, and started to eat.

Adari frowned at Hale but nodded. "Yer tellin the truth I suppose then. Next question. There was an enemy, dark magic and lance user, was better than any of tha others by a lot. I coulda beaten her, but it wouldn't have been easy. Here's tha thing though. She didn't speak. Not a word, just followed tha orders of her dark magic user boss. Ya ever heard of anythin like it?"

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"Yeah, I was going to head back there anyway after serving food but since you've got it handled I guess I'll just head back now. Oh and by the way, thanks a lot for the help. I appreciate it," he said as he returned to the table he had been at just moments ago and took a seat next to Aina. He announced his arrival just so she would know who exactly it was that was sitting next to him. "If you need something, just let me know."

He took a sip of the stew and was mildly surprised. Considering his lack of practice, the end result was quite satisfactory.

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Caslan did not expect Linn to suddenly hug him. He too was quite inexperienced about the whole feelings business. Giving Linn a warm smile, Caslan replied, "I'll remember to hug you first next time." On the way back to the inn, Caslan decided he should pay Joey a visit, see how it was doing.


So, some female walks into your life and you see fit to neglect me, eh? I thought we were bros. I covered for your twice on each of those battles elf. What did that elf chick do for you in the fights? Joey thought as Caslan entered the stables. It had been watching its rider whenever it can, wondering when will it be fed those oats and receive some well deserved grooming. It knew its rider was nowhere strong enough to massage it but that was a luxury the gelding could wait.

"Whoa Joey, you look upset," Gee, ya think? "Well, I found some oats from the store nearby, and carrots. Eat while I groom you." Ah, some compensation. About time I'd say!


With his mount happily munching away, Caslan went back to the inn for his meal. Smelling the stew before even seeing it, Caslan's picked up his pace and grabbed a bowl before helping himself to some of the stew. Satisfied with how full his bowl was, the elven mage took a seat and began blowing into the stew to cool it down, he had no intention of scalding his mouth.

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This smells amazing, but the customers need to be served first. "Anytime, good sir!" Raelyn responded, mostly out of habit. The bloodstained common room didn't have much in the way of beverages. Andre would probably be less than happy with a drunk company. Ah well, maybe next time.
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"Ah, food, finally!" She happily took a bowl and sat herself next to Caslan. Everything seemed to be going right for her, at least now. Great friends, great food, and all the things she'd needed from earlier. Raelyn had even agreed to talk later! If things went well any longer, she'd think it was too good to be true, and that some terrible darkness was going to befall everyone. There's no way something as cliché as that would ever happen, don't even worry about it. And so she ate, and was merry.

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"Well the dwelf said that the enemy shaman, who she named as Aldrick, was a good friend of General Brams. She even claimed that the mission itself was issued by the king of Senia and that this 'Aldrick' only knew of the purpose," Ernce explained what the dwelf had told him. "If I might add, I feel as though she was telling the truth. The enemies we fought were clearly Senian military." As he finished speaking, Raelyn shouted that dinner was ready. "If you'll excuse me..." Ernce said, yet remained in his spot just in case Andre wanted to ask him anything else..

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"Right, well then, I guess I'll apologize," Hale said, as he faded out of existence. Over in the corner, the real half-elf revealed himself, as he lowered his hood and moved to sit down where his image once sat. He then resumed frowning, upon hearing the rest of the question.

"... Sounds like mind suppression," the light mage said, as he suddenly took to staring at his notes. Or writing them, given he had just produced a quill and was scratching some things down. "I read about it once, in an archive. The 'boss', as you called him, basically uses dark magic to invade their victims' mind, take control of their body, and push the consciousness to the side, 'suppressing' it. The victim would be then rendered a puppet for the dark magician to direct, a thrall, in other words. It's time-consuming, often times unsuccessful, and, well, it hasn't been seen for the past hundred or so years. But if you're telling me that you folks fought one, then things are really getting serious. What did she look like, out of curiosity?"

The dwelf decided to remain silent, since her captors weren't addressing her directly, for the time being.


"Very well, go eat," Andre said to Ernce, making a move to close the door after he left. The half-dwarf turned to the remaining former prisoner, Val, and crossed his arms.

"Let's hear it: Why is the Senian military so interested in Xane, that they'd kill the entire village? I'd like to know why we're risking our lives, before we go after him."


Jacob continued to shuffle his cards, and didn't make a move when Raelyn announced that dinner was ready. He was feeling a bit queasy at the moment, and it wouldn't be a good idea to have any sort of food just yet, lest it upset his stomach.

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"Feel free," Andre responded, frowning upon Alfonso's mention of Xane. "In fact, I want everybody else out, once healing is complete. I have a few questions I want to ask Val here."

He was unamused, and not acting, for once.


Hearing the boss's command, Chandra took her leave as soon as the task was complete. Much as she had wanted to hear what had happened, there was food to be cooked. That's what she thought until Raelyn's voice announced that the food was ready. Was she gone for that long? The shaman had hoped that not too many other people took part in dinner prep: as the old adage goes: too many cooks in the kitchen spoils the meal.

Chandra went up to Zeff to see how things turned out.

"I guess everything worked out then?"

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"Thanks," Ernce said before heading downstairs and helping himself to some of the stew. Satisfied with the amount he'd put in the bowl, yet once again feeling lightheaded, he didn't pay attention to where he sat down nor who he sat by and somehow ended up sitting in-between Caslan and Linn. Still mostly out of it he began to lazily eat his soup unaware of the two elves' presence. It didn't help that everytime he looked down he saw blood either on the table or on the floor which made trying to distract himself with the stew a fruitless endeavor.

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"Hmph, how rude," Raelyn muttered to herself, as she chased after Ernce. "You came from upstairs, right? How many people are up there?" she asked him.

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Linn was almost too blissful to notice Ernce's form coming down on both herself and Caslan, only barely managing to move herself out of the way before he ended up sitting on her. "Ah! Uhm... Hello, Ernce," Linn said, audibly annoyed, "you seem...a bit out of it. Are you sure you're alright?" He seemed incredibly tired, and like he was going to pass out. Which was good for Linn, since it meant he wouldn't notice her staring daggers through him. Her anger wasn't all jealousy, in fact, it was mostly stemming from almost being sat on.

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Should I ask Linn more about herself? She's just sitting next to me dammit, Caslan thought while enjoying his stew. As he opened his mouth, the elven mage somehow found a human interposing himself between him and Linn. Dude, Ernce what the? Duuuuuude!

"Hey, Ernce, You should at least warn people before you try to sit on them!" Caslan spoke up in exasperation as he shifted, further away from Linn much to his chagrin, to avoid being crushed by the heavier armoured human. The elf had half a mind to make the soldier's soup splash on its owner but thought otherwise.

And then it suddenly became more crowded as Raelyn had words to say to the human.

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As he was busy enjoying the stew he had prepared, he noticed that Aina had yet to touch her bowl. Oh damn, that's right. She probably doesn't even know where the hell the bowl is. Tch, stubborn girl, could have just said something earlier instead of just sitting there all hungry and what not. Not like I would have thought less of her for doing so.

"Oi, Aina. Uhh, do you...want me to feed you?" he asked. It felt rather odd to him to be asking a grown woman if she wanted to be fed, but under the circumstances, there was nothing else that could be done.

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It took a little bit for Raelyn's question to register within his mind and his response came just as slowly. "Uh... I think there were..." Ernce paused his lazy soup eating and tried to count with his fingers; eventually coming up with five. "Four. No there were... five. Andre, Alfonso, Chandra, Toqua and... someone else. I don't remember her at least." Next to register were the questions from the elves who he'd apparently almost sat on. "No not really," Ernce said. "All this blood isn't... doing me any favors you could say. Sorry about that."

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"Oh, alright. Sorry, then. Don't, like...collapse into your stew. Or at least warn us if you have to." She figured she couldn't blame him if that was the case, turning back to her stew and continuing to eat. It was a bummer that she couldn't sit near Caslan, but food was practically all that was on her mind at the moment.

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"I suppose I don't have much of a choice, do I?" Aina replied, her face sombre.

"I didn't want to burden anyone, but not much I can do about this 'till I'm used to it, aye? I'm havin' enough trouble findin' the bowl, let alone a spoon or somethin'," Aina finished, her face sinking.


And no response, it would seem. With food being passed around, Elysia wasn't sure what to do... she wasn't exactly a part of this group.

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"Hey, you don't look so good, you might want to go rest somewhere first," Caslan suggested, his primary motivation being able to sit next to Linn, far distant secondary motive being genuine concern for Ernce's well being. "Maybe a scoop or two so you don't starve."

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"...Yeah, I suppose you're right Caslan. I'll do that..." Ernce said, feeling even more lightheaded than before. After taking a few more lazy spoonfuls of stew he made to stand up. Unfortunately as soon as he tried to do so he fell forward, mentally and physically overwhelmed by the amount of blood in the inn, face-first into his stew and onto the floor; although he was unconscious before he even hit his stew.

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"It's really no burden Aina. If it helps, you can consider this me trying to repay you for all the help earlier." He took hold of Aina's spoon and brought his chair closer to her. "Here, open your mouth," he said as he gently blew onto the spoonful of stew to cool it down.

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"Thanks," Raelyn shouted, as she made her way back to the pot of stew. She saw the ice mage look around, lost. It's my job to make sure no customer leaves without a meal. That's what my dad would've wanted. The six bowls barely fit on the platter she held, and she carefully made her way to Elysia. She put the tray down, and handed a serving of stew to the (probably hungry) mage. "This should help you get your strength back. I'd love to stay and chat, but there's more people that didn't get dinner." That being said, she hoisted the tray and carefully made her way up the stairs.

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"Ahh!" Remember the words, the words! Barely in time, a gust of wind blew in front of Linn and launched the incoming barrage into the wall next to her. "Hah, haha... If he was feeling that bad, he should've said something," she said, with an awkward laugh. "I think I'll finish this upstairs, not sure I'll actually get a chance to eat with all these...distractions."

She noticed Raelyn walking her way up there as well, which was fairly perfect. She took the bowl and went off on her way, pausing to let Raelyn on the stairs know, "when you're done serving, meet me in that room from earlier and we can have that chat. I'm going to leave Ernce to his mess and finish eating up there." She then slipped past the woman, and made her way to said room, plopping down onto the fairly comfortable bed. It's nice and quiet up here. Hope I can actually get this done before Raelyn shows up. That'd be a bit awkward...

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Oh no, man down! Now, truly worried about a fellow mercenary's well being, Caslan got off his seat and went to help Ernce up as he called to Linn, "Linn get a healer!"

Looking back at Ernce Caslan shook the man lightly saying, "Hey, don't sleep just yet! Wake up! I was joking when I told you to go rest dammit!"

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"Oh... alright..." Elysia replied somewhat sheepishly, as the bowl was placed in front of her... if they offered, there was no problem, right? Taking a spoonful of the stew, the elven mage began to eat.


"Just be sure not to spill anythin' on me, aye? Don't think I still can't kick your shit in if I can get a hold of ya." Aina replied with a smirk, before opening her mouth so Zeff could do his thing.

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"Y-yeah, I'll be careful," he said rather nervously. He knew she was joking, but she was probably right about still being able to 'kick his shit in'. He placed a spoonful of stew carefully into her mouth and let her properly chew it before readying the next one.

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