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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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Meanwhile, oblivious to what was happening inside, Chandra was rethinking her plans. She had already been close to death twice and she hadn't even left Celisa. The smart money would be to ditch the mercs as soon as possible and head back to Feaole for a quiet life. Then again, was is ever her fate to have a quiet life? Ever since she was a child, Chandra had traumatic experiences with the demons. The shaman could run but that would only delay the inevitable. If this demon war came to pass, it would find her no matter where she settled. It seemed Chandra's fate was intertwined with her sworn enemies.

If she had to fight them anyways, why wait? Why alone?

Yes, Xane acted like an ass, but that shouldn't mean Chandra should abandon the rest of the group to their fate. She was a bit fond of a few of them, and who knows what they would end up eating without her. Chandra would have to talk about staying on a bit longer. But first, some discussion on how they were going to pull this off...

Chandra reentered the meeting area, only to find that one of the new recruits, Vera, was challenging Zeff to a duel. So they went from princess reveal to swordplay, with barely hint about marching into a war, possibly two. The shaman raised her hands in frustration and walked right back out, mumbling something about "They can't be serious."

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This lad...is he trying to pull off his stunt from when he first met the Harriers? He ain't a veteran...how does he expect to stand up against an assassin? Thank goodness the prince and Linn were spared but... now Zeff is her new target? Rimsky had no time to go back and get his quiver and arrows. He readied his sword and watched. If he needed to intervene to save Zeff from death, he would do that. He wasn't great at swordplay but he had to try. He had to buy some distraction for Andre and the others to act on. He couldn't stand to see his comrade die- he had already seen Zeff take quite the beating in their few battles so far, so he had a bad feeling about the turn out of this battle.

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Hunter and the Hunted: Vs. Vera

"...You’re a monster. A demon..." Those were the only words he could respond with, but even so, those words stung. Behind the darkness, Vera winced at Zeff’s words.


"Yes, you're absolutely right. I've killed mothers. I've killed fathers. I've even killed sons and daughters. Mere moments ago I was ready to kill the prince of my own country. If I'm not a demon, then there's nothing else I can be described as..." Vera lurched forward, sword in hand. She wasn't much of a sword-fighter, but then again, she didn't really need to be. Reva...this night will be the night you are no longer alone...


Compared to Vera's sword, Zeff's was actually much larger. Perhaps he was mistaken, but the sword she held in her hands actually looked a lot like the one he used before Aina gifted him her’s. She came from his left flank and attempted a horizontal slash. Without delay, Zeff moved his sword over to block the attack, but was astonished to find Vera's sword had passed directly through his own.

"Fool..." she said. She grabbed him by the collar and with her free hand she blasted him with a powerful pulse of magic, sending him tumbling backwards. Vera’s attack left him breathless and he barely managed to get up off the ground again. The blood began to rush to his head, and he felt dizzy more than anything.

“This is exactly the kind of bullshit performance I was expecting, you never fail to disappoint. I've seen children put up more of a fight than you.”

Zeff bit his lip. Talk was easy, but action...that was what proved a man’s worth. If he couldn't stop Vera...what could he do?

If he wanted to end this fight, he’d have to do it quick. The longer the fight went, the more disadvantaged he’d become. Vera was fond of mind games, and her magic reflected that. He channeled magic from his glove into his being, hoping to break through any barriers Vera might be shielded behind.

“Sorry, I can’t let you do that,” said a voice from behind him. Is was undoubtedly Vera’s but mere moments ago, she had been standing in front of him. It was practically a repeat of his spar with Hale. Vera grabbed hold of Zeff’s hand and forced it behind him, and put her sword to his neck. The feeling of steel...this was what Linn felt, wasn't it? This must have been how scared she felt.

“Just kidding, it’s not real, remember?” she whispered into his ear. She dropped her sword, but before it even hit the ground, it vanished from existence.Vera hurled Zeff onto the ground, and took a few steps back. “Farewell,” she said.

An orb of dark energy began to materialize before her, and Zeff knew that this was it. He’d come close to death many times since he took up his job as a mercenary, but for the first time, he felt like this was really it. Too battered to move. Too exhausted to think. He simply laid there, cursing his inability to deal with his own problems.

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Linn couldn't fathom why this was actually happening. If I'd stayed near Alex, or paid more attention, I never would've been grabbed, and this wouldn't... this wouldn't...! There wasn't much to do but watch while Zeff attempted to stop Vera, to little avail. Whenever it looked like he'd gotten the upper hand, Vera did something new, and took it right back. There has to be something I can do! There has to be! Everyone of the Harriers is still hurting, even Zeff. I'm alright. I'm just fine! There must be... During her thinking, Zeff had been knocked to the ground, Vera charging what seemed to be her final attack. He's going to die! Because of me! "No!"

Linn threw herself in between the elf and the man, putting up whatever magical shield she could manage. It wasn't much, as she soon found out. The blast intended for Zeff was definitely enough to kill him, as her barrier held against it for barely a moment, before bursting through and sending her flying over Zeff! She collided with the ground and rolled a bit, trying to pick herself up, before collapsing back to the ground. At...a-at least he'll be fine n-now, right...?

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A Story Already Written

Zeff watched in horror as the body of his comrade was flung over him. Clutching his sword, he barely managed to pick himself off the ground. He rushed over to help whoever it was that had saved him, but stopped dead in his tracks when he caught sight of the body. Despite the darkness of the night, he quickly realized who exactly it was that had saved him. "Oh gods...this can't be happening..."

His voice became a mere quiver, struggling to create even a sound. "W-wh-why w-would....y-y-you do this...?" But Vera remained silent, and simply looked on. "I SAID WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THIS? HOW! HOW COULD YOU KILL HER?! HOW THE FUCK COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN SISTER?!!"

Indeed, the body that Zeff saw, strewn across the ground was not of Linn Meneth. Though the color of their eyes was the same brilliant green, her hair was now a darkened black, and her skin a snowy white. To Zeff, there was no mistaking it. That was the body of Reva Reinhart. "WHO CARES IF SHE TURNED? WE COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING! YOU COULD HAVE BROUGHT HER BACK TO NORMAL! SO WHY?! WHY VERA, WHY?"

It pained her to do so, but she refused to answer his questions. These were questions that had already been answered. And event that had already been played out. The script was already written, and the actors were simply acting on a different stage. Save for one minor detail. This time, Zeff would pick up his blade in revenge, and Vera would do nothing to stop it.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you. I'll kill you," over and over he repeated this phrase to himself. A broken record with no other option but to keep repeating. He trudged along slowly but surely. A hollow shell that had been emptied out before it even had the chance to fill itself back up. These were the events that he had horrifically witnessed years ago. These were the events whose outcome, he wanted to change.

"YEAAAAAAAAAARRRGHHHHH!!!" he cried out. It wasn't even a comprehensible word. He would give this woman no final thoughts. No wishes. No sorrows. No regrets. Nothing. Simply the sound of his rage and sadness. Yet, before the sword crashed down to cleave Vera and banish her from the world of the living, Zeff froze. Or rather, it would be more accurate to say something froze him. An unidentified source, holding him back, keeping his arm from committing the deed that Vera so desperately wished it would. She looked passed Zeff towards Linn's body, noting that, undoubtedly, she was still alive.

If only Reva had been so lucky...

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When Zeff had challenged the assassin, who was apparently named Vera, Ernce had sat still and watched, even as Zeff appeared to be losing. It wasn't his battle to fight and it seemed there was something personal between this "Vera" and Zeff. However that changed when Linn decided becoming a human -or elven if one wanted to be technical- shield and was sent flying as a result of taking most of the magical blast that would've otherwise killed Zeff. Shit, shit, shit! Don't die... it's not allowed! Those delicate and well thought-out thoughts in mind, Ernce ran over to Linn's face down form, thankful in that at least she seemed to still be conscious as she had attempted to pick herself up. Kneeling down he did his best to as painlessly as possible roll her onto her back; it was bound to be better than laying face down on the ground at least.

Once that task had been accomplished he honestly had no idea what to do. He wasn't a cleric nor did he still have Zeke's potion. What he had just done was beyond reckless in more way than he could possibly comprehend at this moment. For all he knew there was another ball of darkness being aimed at him, now that he had moved. All he could muster was praise along with potentially false reassurance. He had no idea how serious this could be. "That was a pretty brave thing for you to do," he said with a forced calmness. "But I'm sure you'll be alright. Can't be worse than anything else you've already been through right?" He wasn't sure if Linn could see but he was nervously glancing around for someone who could offer real help to approach. He'd gotten over his head again.

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Well... there's some dead chick there. An' Zeff's not takin' this well.

He's really not taking this well. He's totally lost it. He's fucked. We're fucked.

Seeing that fight as a lost cause, he quickly knelt down to Ernce and Linn. "Move her away from the fight, quickly!" he hissed at Ernce. "I'll lift if you help, we'll get her to safety."

Edited by Parrhesia
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Somehow Malachi had gotten close to Ernce with out him noticing; though in all honesty it was to be expected given Ernce had trouble focusing on any one thought at the moment. "R-Right. Of course." He said, his mind finally slowing down to the point where he wasn't at risk of a panic attack over his own reckless actions. Taking one side and Malachi the other it wasn't hard to lift Linn. Had Ernce thought to do it he probably would've been able to do it himself. At least someone here has a calm head when it's needed.

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That assassin probably has her hands full right now... Aleric made his way to where the two took Linn- or, Severine? and began healing her. "She'll be fine, especially thanks to you two, but we might not be safe for long. Do either of you have a plan in case the attacker comes looking for her?"

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What... What happened? Linn opened an eye, trying to look around, feeling a sharp pain in her stomach and chest. Ernce and Malachi were carrying her away from whatever had happened. Oh... Right, I tried to stop...Vera. To save Zeff... She could feel Aleric's healing starting to take effect, soothing her pain. "Th...thanks, everyone. I think I'm...gonna take a nap, now..." I'm pretty tired. Maybe I should sleep, just a little bit... That's fine, right...?

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Malachi shook his head. "Stay awake, stay alert. I don't think any of us are gonna want to fall asleep on the job right now, Zeff's probably gonna come arse-over-tit with a knife in his eye and that probably ain't good for the rest of us."

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Rimsky watched on as Vera started dueling with Zeff. Zeff was most certainly no match for the assassin, he was a novice, after all. Vera made quick work of Zeff and was about to finish him off when, to Rimsky's horror, Linn stood in the way, taking the brunt of the attack. Her body flew over Zeff due to the sheer force of the attack, and Rimsky clenched his sword tight. It was now or never.

"Gah! What did ya do that for? His effort will be in vain now!" Rimsky yelled as he watched Zeff charging at Vera, trying to send her to her grave. But then he stopped at the last second. "Strike her down, Zeff! STRIKE HER DOWN! DAMN, SOMETHING'S WRONG!" Rimsky growled. Something was holding him back! Was there someone or something hiding beneath the shadows? The assassin had already struck down one of her targets, so it was unlikely she'd keep her word and not harm the others. It was all or nothing now. Deciding that Zeff was a goner if he wasn't helped, Rimsky cautiously advanced to where the two duelists were standing.

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The assassin and Zeff engaged in a duel, where the former held the advantage. As she was about to kill him, however, Linn jumped in and blocked the blast, which in turn enraged the Senian swordsman. He got up and raised his blade to strike the woman down - she wasn't fighting back, now - but stopped, for no apparent reason. Time to step in.

"Don't move," Andre said, his sword leveled at the assassin as he moved towards the site of the duel. "If you try anything, I will kill you. And believe me, I know my way around a blade. Speaking of which, drop yours and kick it over here."

Jacob just decided to stay away from the sight of the duel. There was too much chaos going on at the moment to make sense of anything, and he wasn't about to add to that.

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"Very well," she said plainly. Andre was asking for something she no longer had, but to appease him, she recreated the blade and slipped it out from under her sleeve. It fell to the ground, and as commanded she kicked it over. "Do not be alarmed if it disappears--it was never real to begin with."

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"... An illusion? Clever," Andre said, after he was told the sword didn't exist. "but if that's true, why didn't you slip in during the night and do the job yourself? And who is it you are working for?"

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"Call it impulse, or perhaps you could call it arrogance. I wouldn't dwell too much on my reasoning, however," she said. "In any case, I work for many people. The death of Prince Alexander Kaino was requested by a man who goes by the name of Aldrick. Perhaps your party is acquainted with him already?"

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Too much had happened, Alfonso was overwhelmed. He did not want the Prince harmed, but Linn-- was her life worth the sacrifice? No, that's unfair, not poor Linn, and she shares his fate, why would she need to die just so the Prince of my country lives? What... what *is* a knight supposed to fight for?

And then there was Zeff, he and the assassin were acquainted, and somehow... it all turned into that. They dueled, and Zeff was on the ground, and Linn, whom he hesitated to protect, took a blow for Zeff... there was too much going on in Alfonso's head.

He stood up slowly from his previous kneeling position, walking slowly towards Prince Alexander, but keeping his distance not to trigger the assassin's whims further. There was, at least, one thing he knew he should have been doing from the beginning --protecting people from the likes of her.

"Prince Alexander will not die to your hands. You should give up your job." He spoke, in a matter-of-fact manner.


Erbert had finished eating, hand ready at his axe's hilt. He observed his surroundings, rather than the situation at hand. Did she really come here alone, though? What if she didn't? Maybe there's more of them --we should get the hell out of here...

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"... Yes, we have encountered him," Andre responded, looking around. "But that doesn't make sense. He's Senian, and had the man in his grasp for the past few days. It seems unlikely he wouldn't have it done himself...."

The mercenary leader fell into silence, as he contemplated what that might've meant.

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She claims to be an assassin, and yet she gives away the name of her employer so freely? What is WRONG with her? Raelyn thought to herself.


Celine could only stare in shock as the assassin turned on Zeff, then blew Linn aside like a piece of cloth. She thought back to some of the duels fought between her captain and would-be replacements - in such cases, no one was to interfere, on pain of death. Thus, she kept silent, and out of the way (for once).

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"... It's a trap. He meant to find out who was helping me so that he could take them out as well. You all need to get away, *now*. Vera, take me back to Aldrick. I will willingly go with you if you agree to tell him that the mercenaries had no idea who I was and left me once they found out. We need to move quickly in case they followed Vera."

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Raelyn thought over what the prince announced. "I think that's only part of the truth. We've already clashed with the Senians twice - you'd be much more likely to ask for help from those who have already established no love for them. Second, why would Vera announce such a thing, if she was in his service? It would be much easier to attack us when everyone is asleep, as opposed to give us warning. Something isn't right, and I can't figure out what it is."

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"Because she doesn't know about the trap. You can never trust an assassin, it's the first thing you learn. If you want the job done, you do it yourself. They had no way of knowing that you were working with me until you came and saved me. That's why they let me go, that's why you were allowed to escape. Now GO!"

Edited by scorri
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Despite Malachi's attempts to rouse her, Linn was out like a light. It seems all the shots to her mind and body had drained her enough to knock her out.


Franklin, seeing that Linn was no longer in danger, ran himself out of the shadows near to the debacle. He glared at Zeff, still apparently stuck in front of the woman, shouting out at him, "y'damn fool! Get yer act tegether and start helpin' us get outta here!" He was with Alexander, on account of bein' afraid for most all their lives. They needed to get out of there, and fast. "Someone grab the girl and let's get!"

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"W-w-what?!" Alfonso turned to Prince Alexander, taken aback by his suggestion. "P-Prince! That can't be! If they're going after you... then what guarantee do we have that they will stop as you give your life? Y-you should run with us, and we should move out instantly! Surely there's a way! There must!" He protested, keeping his voice reasonable to the best of his ability.


I knew it. Erbert stood up and readied what he had in hand, then turning away from the discussion to look for his belongings. "I like the man's thinking, let's get out, please." He muttered, to no one in particular.

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