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Beneath the Shadows Chapter Two: Chasing Shades


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"We don't have a guarantee. But this is the best option for you to escape. It's like I said before. Go, find Kaia. She will know what to do. Now please, go before you get caught up in this."

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"B-but!..." Alfonso wanted to keep protesting, but the man's conviction ultimately put the man down. "...Prince, if only we could try to escape this alive, all of us..." He stood, for a moment, and from his proud stance the man quickly became crestfallen. "If you die... what will be of Antar?" He looked at the prince a last time, not expecting a response, and turned his gaze to Linn. "...what of your family?"

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Hearing Franklin's yell to essentially take Linn and run Ernce picked Linn back up, though instead of running off into the night he ran to Andre. "Are we running, sir?" He wanted to be sure of what they were doing. If he just ran off and they stayed he'd have, once again, acted recklessly and gotten in over his head. Something he was trying to avoid for at least the remainder of the night.


Once Zeke had seen the magic slam into someone he'd dragged Conan over to the fire; something was definitely not right and he'd be damned if Conan died because he had let the man sit and meditate. He arrived just as Xane was suggesting that mercs run for their lives from Senians who were apparently hounding them. Without wasting time he got on Srene, waiting for a set decision.

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Chandra had to cool off after seeing the "duel". She realized that people needed to cool off after a tough battle, but certainly not when a war was right in front of them. The shaman took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Apparently, nearly dying put her on edge. She just needed a long rest. If she could just spend the rest of the day or night or whatever time it was lying down, she'd be right as rain. But first, she had to check to see if the others made any progress.

"Oh no..."

Chandra walked in to find the duel was actually an assassination attempt, likely on one of the many royals they apparently had in their ranks. Linn was on the ground while Zeff was about to put a sword through Vera. The assassin spilled the beans on who hired her and Xane made the stunning conclusion that the entire fortress assault was a trap. Next thing she knew, the Harriers were on the move, determined to outrun the Senians before being slaughtered.

Ironically, there was no longer any reason to have a discussion over going to war. They already made that decision when they rescued Prince Alexander.


As is the case with anything remotely resembling Fire Emblem, the Harriers have more or less gone from protecting villages to entering a war that would span the entire continent.

How many other Prince(ss) Harry's are there among the Harriers? Is Joey secretly the king of all horses? How long will Aeson the Secret Senian stay a secret? Will Chandra continue to tolerate revealing secrets during important meetings, or will she end it all and poison everyone's food? War, what is it good for? Why are you asking me all these questions? Just wait until a few more people post and/or the next chapter is up.

You people are so needy...


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"Dear prince, I've already said that I spared the life of both you and the princess. However, if you wish to return to Aldrick then I will most certainly oblige to your request," she said.


His hand had been stopped, mere inches away from Vera. However, whoever, or whatever it was that had stopped him was no longer holding him back. Vera was meanwhile being questioned by Andre, and Xane. There wasn't anything to worry about he supposed. Andre could handle Vera no problem, and she didn't look like she was getting ready to try anything either.

Reva! His mind shot back to her, and he turned to find her, but she was no where in sight. He saw Linn however, was being carried away by Ernce. Ugh...wha-? His mind was throbbing. What exactly just happened, he wondered. Reva was dead so why...? Many people around him were frantic, and he wasn't sure why. Hadn't the threat been subdued? He hadn't managed to kill Vera, but it seemed everyone was more or less "okay".

Franklin snapped at him to get a move on, and again, he wasn't sure where they were going. "...What...is going on?" he asked anyone who was willing to answer. He felt like he had just been caught in a storm, and in one sense, that was completely true. But, he had grown wise enough to know not everything needed to be tackled immediately. His thoughts would catch up to him no doubt, but for now, he had to push everything aside.

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Meanwhile, Aeson hadn't been quite sure what to make of the encounter. It was all a bit too fast for the poor priest, who was far more used to dealing with the slow pace of his wanderings. Thankfully, it was all over, and everyone seemed to be safe sans the assassin - who seemed to be in a fair bit of trouble. Aeson pondered the conflict between the two nations, it seemed deeper than he'd imagined... what was it actually all about?

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The woman seemed to be being handled by Andre, so Franklin frantically ran up to Zeff and started tugging at the man's arm. "Get yerself together, lad! Ye fought with the girl, Linn took the blast fer ye, and now we've got te get runnin' before whatever trap's been set up springs all over us!" He would've started dragging Zeff away himself, had he not been so diminutive.

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"She's okay...right?" he asked quietly. Vera was not one to be trifled with, and he knew her specialty was killing mages. Linn was most certainly a mage, so he hoped for the best, yet feared the worst.

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What the hell is the little guy doing? Celine thought to herself as she moved towards Zeff and Franklin. "Hmm, you want him to move? I'm better suited for this!" she said, as she grabbed Zeff by the arm and pulled. Hard.


"Oh gosh. . .Caslan, wake UP!" she yelled, shaking the elf. "We're leaving, and you might need to haul someone with you," she added, looking towards Zeff.

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"She's still breathin'! So get yer arse movin'!" Celine took over, and was a much better dragger than Franklin could hope to be. He brought himself along with them, hoping they'd get the okay to run already.

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"Ow, shit!" he cried out as Celine brought herself over and yanked on his arm. He was assured that Linn was doing fine, so at that point, there wasn't much left except to find out what exactly was going on. "Okay, okay, let's go, but where are we even going? There really isn't anything to worry about. Vera's always worked alone an-...And she's probably not going to outsmart Andre anytime soon."

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"Everyone's movin' the hell away from here, and if your lady friend's smart, she'll do the same." She briefly stopped moving to stare at Vera. "Revealin' the name of your employer is death. That's common knowledge. You wanna die that bad?"

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Vera smirked, "Girl, you seem awfully concerned for me. As I said before, I work for many people--revealing the name of one employer is merely a pittance. Besides, I was hoping you'd come to appreciate the information I've given you. Perhaps I should keep my mouth shut then..."

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"...Hold your ground!" Andre shouted, to his Harriers. "If we try to run now, we'll walk right into them and be disorganized, like they want. If they come, we'll have to make a stand here."

Jacob wasn't listening. Instead, he was staring at the figure that had just came into view in the distance.

It was a hooded man, with a bloody sword.

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"Oh, ye've got t'be shittin' with me..." Franklin stopped and pulled his sword out immediately. It had been a trap, or at least it looked that way with whoever this was coming towards them. He wasn't scared for himself; escape would be easy amongst the turmoil. He was scared for the two incapacitated elves they had, who would be harder than ever to defend against such powerful adversaries.

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"...Hold your ground!" Andre shouted, to his Harriers. "If we try to run now, we'll walk right into them and be disorganized, like they want. If they come, we'll have to make a stand here."

Jacob wasn't listening. Instead, he was staring at the figure that had just came into view in the distance.

It was a hooded man, with a bloody sword.

It had been a really long day for Chandra. With all the reveals, assassinations, and wars, she about had enough. And then some guy with a bloody sword blocks their way. Andre said stay, so the shaman didn't move a step. She did however, send a bolt of dark lightning straight for the foe. Because quite frankly, no friend of theirs would dress like that.

"I've had about enough of this today," Chandra said as she let loose with her spell.

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The hooded man disappeared for a moment, allowing the dark lightning to pass through the air harmlessly. The figure reappeared and immediately ducked into the forest. It seemed as though he was still advancing, though...

Jacob drew his sword, ready for battle.

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"Any assassin's that's willin' to betray so easily ends up dead. You'd know that if you're half of what you're claimin' to be," Celine retorted. She let go of Zeff's arm. "Sorry 'bout that. Glad you're with us."

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"My, oh my, perhaps we should trade places? You sure seem to know your fair share of doctrine, no? Perhaps one day you can teach me at length as to how a proper assassin should behave." She would have added a sarcastic gesture had she not been held at Andre's sword-point. It was best to do as the man said and not move too much for now.


"Y-yeah...it's fine," he replied. He turned in time to see Chandra hurling a spell deep into the forest and instantly he began to get rather nervous. "I think it's best if you get your weapon ready," he whispered to Celine.

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"Prince, stay back." Alfonso spoke up, standing in front of Alexander and watching the hooded man, waiting for their next move. My leg might not be fully recovered, but I'm far tired of this talk! If can protect him, I will. With all my might! "...Prince, please live. For our country's sake." He spoke under his breath, audible only to Alexander.


Erbert already had his packings ready, and returned promply to where the others were, prepared to mobilize as soon as possible.

And then there was a glaring invader other than the assassin in their already-chaotic gathering.

Erbert took his axe out, ready for a fight if a fight was going to happen. "Damn it! If this guy comes close, I'm beating him up the hell away from here!" He spoke up, already quite angry from the current events.

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Alexander sighed and nodded to Alfonso. "Very well."

Adari however was frowning. That disappearing and reappearing... "Wait. That looked like what whathisname... Hale did back in tha inn tha other day. Maybe it's him?" Yelling out, she called, "Oi, Hale! If that's you, come out inta tha light. It's the Harriers!"

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The hooded man paused as he heard Adari's words. It took a moment, but he stepped into the campsite and lowered his hood, revealing a tired-looking silver-haired half-elf.

Andre couldn't believe it, lowering his sword in shock.

Jacob, meanwhile, lowered his weapon as well. His was in relief, however.

"...Alright, which one of you shot at me?" Hale asked, irritatedly.

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"Oh, he's one of us? Geez, going around fully hooded and with a bloody sword? Hah!" Erbert commented, his mood having lightened almost instantly. He could let his guard down and sit, letting the tension go. Or so he thought.


Alfonso let out a deep breath in relief, but held his ground all the same. Maybe we'll be safer now, maybe... but I'll still protect him.

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