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War For Our Future - Character bios


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Name: Polydeuces (Poly for short)

Birthday: April 25th

Birthplace: Regna Ferox

Last Known Residence: Ylisstol Outskirts

Class: Hero

Speciality: Ranged Swords, Diversions

Voiced By: Katsuyuki Konishi (JP)/Grant George (ENG)

Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:

"Time for the showdown!"

"I'll rip you in two!"

"Witness the impossible!"

"Your ass is mine!"

Appearance: Short, messy, greyish-white hair and a scar on his face. His battle model is more akin to Linus & Raven's models from FE7, as he wears a dark blue and black longcoat with the Roman numeral 'IV' on it, signifying his past as "The Emperor of North Ferox" as well as lending to the tarot motif. Under the coat, he wears light armor akin to that of the Bow Knight or the traditional Mercenary class.

Bio: A young man from Regna Ferox with a chip on his shoulder and a flair for dramatic entries into battle. He joined the Anti-Anna Brigade alongside Kat and several others, but due to a supply snafu, he did not appear until later in the liberation campaign. Poly is a classic case of split personality syndrome; on the battlefield, he was formerly known as "The Emperor of Northern Ferox" due to his wild and vicious fighting style - which he pays homage to with the 'IV' on his coat - whereas off of the battlefield, his scatterbrained intellect allows him to be the ideal diversion specialist for the army, though he occasionally gets lost in the woods if he ventures too far in. He's known for being a great cook amongst his friends, though he is generally reluctant to showcase this side of himself.

As a former Khan of Regna Ferox, Poly holds considerable influence amongst the Dreamers, but rarely acts serious in relation to missions due to his rather lackadaisical nature towards life in general. His family is considered a very touchy subject, as his parents were both high-ranking Grimleal priests from Ferox and his former wife, Sumia, was murdered and devoured by the Risen after an ambush led to the fall of Regna Ferox to the control of the Annas and their legions. His daughter, Cynthia, remains alive, and is currently travelling with Chrom and several other survivors in order to find a safe haven whilst the Dreamers attempt to purge the world of the Anna infestation. He has an eye for romance, at least where it concerns others, and often attempts to pair people in the army up with their comrades in order to promote chemistry (or something like that). Despite this, he has no eye for romance relating to himself now, since his wife was killed. He's also noted as the one who slayed the former Khan of Ferox, Basilio, in combat, though he claims it was out of respect for him as opposed to a grab for power.

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Appearances? Yay!

(Copying Poly's format. Looks so professional).

Name: Carter

Birthday: October 21st

Birthplace: Ylisse

Last Known Residence: Ylisstol Outskirts

Class: Dark Flier

Speciality: (Timeless) Tomes, Singing

Voiced By: Karen Strassman (ENG)

Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:

"You can try..."

"Get ready!"

"Slow down!"

"Not today!"

Appearance: Long, smooth brown ombre hair. Usually puts hair as a bun (w/ side braid) or high ponytail (just in case any of you don't know what these look like). Has her share of dresses, usually shirtdresses or wrap dresses. If not, she normally wears crop tops with high mini skirts, or her tank tops with skinny jeans & UGG boots, or short shorts and sperrys'.. (LOL I feel like I just described my dream wardrobe).

Bio: A generally nice girl with an alter ego.. that is if you can trigger it. Is honestly blunt, and extremely rude. If you can get onto her soft side, then kudos.

A normal girl in Ylisse, living with her brother and sister. She joined the group after reading said recruitment. Being one of the first to sign up, she has become the Master Tactician, alongside her old friend, Sorin, who has become the commander. Her reasons for being mean are unknown, but you should never do anything to upset her. Gets upset real easily, and likes to have things her way. Is smart academically, but physically weak. When in a tantrum, adrenaline rises a thousand fold, and her strength becomes uncontrollable.

Doesn't spend much time fighting with most of the group, as she just stays behind and practices her magic. She spends most of her time singing, regardless of others' opinions. She is usually shy and withdrawn, and extremely self-conscious. She aspires to be a singer. The one with the loudest scream.

Edited by Carter
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Name: Duck

Birthday: July 23

Birthplace: Lycia

Class: Wyvern Lord; Hero when dismounted.

Specialty: Swords

Appearance: Relatively tall, with relatively long, red hair. Generally wears black armor to camouflage with his black wyvern. He also usually wears a black headband. Carries Durandal in it's sheath on his back. Wen dismounted or training on foot, usually wears a similar outfit to Poly, because his father wore the same thing.

Bio: A time-traveller from Lycia in Elibe. He is also the son of the mercenary Raven. Is also descended from powerful people. His family has spread across the continents, similar to Sorin's family. On that topic, he was good friends with an Elibean man named Sorin, who resembles the Sorin we all know. Most theories state that the family began somewhere in Jugdral. They were wielders of the Balmung. Also wielder of Durandal from Lycia's war against Bern. He was good friends with many people the Ylisseans know only as legends. His wyvern's name is Raymond. Procrastinates more than anyone else in the army.

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Appearances? Yay!

(Copying Poly's format. Looks so professional).

Name: Carter

Birthday: October 21st

Birthplace: Ylisse

Last Known Residence: Ylisstol Outskirts

Class: Dark Flier

Speciality: (Timeless) Tomes, Singing

Voiced By: Karen Strassman (ENG)

Crit/Skill Activation Quotes:

"You can try..."

"Get ready!"

"Slow down!"

"Not today!"

Appearance: Long, smooth brown ombre hair. Usually puts hair as a bun (w/ side braid) or high ponytail (just in case any of you don't know what these look like). Has her share of dresses, usually shirtdresses or wrap dresses. If not, she normally wears crop tops with high mini skirts, or her tank tops with skinny jeans & UGG boots, or short shorts and sperrys'.. (LOL I feel like I just described my dream wardrobe).

Bio: A generally nice girl with an alter ego.. that is if you can trigger it. Is honestly blunt, and extremely rude. If you can get onto her soft side, then kudos.

A normal girl in Ylisse, living with her brother and sister. She joined the group after reading said recruitment. Being one of the first to sign up, she has become the Master Tactician, alongside her old friend, Sorin, who has become the commander. Her reasons for being mean are unknown, but you should never do anything to upset her. Gets upset real easily, and likes to have things her way. Is smart academically, but physically weak. When in a tantrum, adrenaline rises a thousand fold, and her strength becomes uncontrollable.

Doesn't spend much time fighting with most of the group, as she just stays behind and practices her magic. She spends most of her time singing, regardless of others' opinions. She is usually shy and withdrawn, and extremely self-conscious. She aspires to be a singer. The one with the loudest scream.

Come on dusk ! Get back on and see my amazing fashion sense! (Maybe guys can't see it)

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Welp, going ahead and updating. Class Change! Whoo!

After the events in Mount Prism, Kat has relearned Black Magic and has returned to her duties as a Priestess of Mila, wielding Sword and Black Magic. However, she still carries the Baselard Dan gave her, just in case.

(Yes, I'm using FE2 stuff. In Gaiden, the priest class was female only, and wielded swords and Black Magic, which is basically the anima magic with a couple of extras, that using blood/health to cast, not tomes.)

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(Yes, I'm using FE2 stuff. In Gaiden, the priest class was female only, and wielded swords and Black Magic, which is basically the anima magic with a couple of extras, that using blood/health to cast, not tomes.)

Does this part work by cutting herself, or does it mean she loses energy?

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