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Pokemon Teams for X/Y

Fruity Insanity

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Ideally one each generation :

1. Gengar pretty much holds this position since it's my favorite. Wouldn't hurt to try one of the other Mega candidates like Charizard, Gyarados or Aerodactyl though.

2. Probably Scizor, but Heracross and Houndoom have their chances.

3. The only really interesting Pokémon I saw were Salamence, Aggron and Blaziken, and the latter seems post-game only.

4. I geuinely don't like most Pokémon in this generation, but there's Honchkrow, Drapion and Garchomp which I enjoy.

5. I'm still not sure on who to pick, but Conkeldurr and Krookodile are among the favorites. Scrafty might end up there too but I've been using it so much in Unova that I'd like a break from him.

6. I'm taking Greninja as a starter and Tyrantrum as my fossil already.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I'm liking the female version better, but who knows, maybe I'll train both? I heard that they each had different stats and moves

They learn different movesets but I'm not sure about stats. Female Meowstic is cool looking too

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Oh, easy for me. :)





Venusaur (if I don't find another grass type I like more)

Tyrantrum/Aurorus (whichever is the version exclusive in X)

I dunno what I'll pick for Y yet, that'll come when I decide to play Y. X will be my primary game of the two. And I don't care if I have three Fire types, I love Fire types and I love the ones gen 6 has given us so far. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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My team might will be:

  • Froakie (for Greninja and HM Surf)
  • Undecided (maybe for Cut and or Strength)
  • Flying Type (maybe Fletchling for HM Fly)
  • Blaziken (Event)
  • Undecided
  • Any Gen VI Legendaries (including Xerneas, Zygarde, or an another Legendary)
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I know I am using Froakie and Bulbasaur (I'll save the Torchic for another playthrough)

I want to use babby Trevenant so bad, man.

Rest of the team is completely in the air. I have no idea. (Mainly because I haven't really looked at where most of the pokemon are found, I wanna use Absol, at least.)

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Since this topic exists I will just post my current team on here.

1. Braixen: Lvl 29

Nature: Modest

2. Wartortle: Lvl 27

Nature: Docile

3. Absol: lvl 23 (ugh you can only get his mega stone in postgame)

Nature: Serious

4. Diggersby: Lvl 25 (dropping this one once I have found a replacement)

Nature: Naughty

5. Espurr: Lvl 23 (I want to drop this one since I already have a future psychic mon, but its so cute that I might just keep it)

Nature: Mild

6. Tyrunt: Lvl 23

Nature: Quiet (Crappy nature, but its what i'm stuck with and it doesn't matter much ingame)

I'm a little surprised how fast your mons level. I just defeated the second gym leader and Braixen is already on level 29. I know the exp item makes things easier, but I can't say that I've grinded a lot.

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I turn the EXP share off, unless my team is lagging behind a lot. That way, the game's not so easy mode anymore. I also make a habbit of swapping Pokemon in an out regularly to keep things fresh. I've just beaten the second gym, and the Pokemon I'm playing around with are:

Braixan - Starter, obviously. Pretty awesome overall for filling in the role of special attacker.

Ninjask - When I spotted a Nincada, I decided to catch her on a whim. I've always wanted to have some fun with a Ninjask, and its other half. Ever since she evolved she's been nailing arse with Aerial Ace. Hopefully, I'll find the move deleter soon, so I can get rid of Cut. Also, Baton Pass.

Shedinja - I'll keep this one around for the novelty. Plus, I need a ghost type.

Riolu - Pretty surprised to see his guy appearing so earily in the game. I think it's nice to have a matching Fighting type canine to go along with the Psychic fox. Pretty reliable, especially in the second gym.

Ivysaur - Honestly, I don't like any of the Kanto starters. They all look too derpy for my tastes. Ivysaur does come with a lot of nice utility with Leech Seed and Sleep Power. If I see a grass I like a lot more, I might consider just dropping Ivysaur. Kanto starters might be good for nostalgia, but if I can get a Whimsicott then they can piss off.

Amaura - At first, I was sure I would go for the other one, but I figured I'd rather have a different Dragon. In the end, the Ice type won out. He's a cute little fella, and my opinion of him shot up when I saw he could learn Thunder Wave. I think I might actually keep him for the long haul.

Eevee - Goes without saying. He'll either become a Sylveon, because I want a Fairy type, or Jolteon, because of his speed enhancing nature. Plus, Jolteon is my favourite eeveelution.

Aerodactyl - I seriously want to like this guy. He's Jolly natured, and looks like a badass. His starting movepool is just so weak though.

Azurill - He was hany early game, for Water and Fairy moves, but he did not have Huge Power, and he's lagging behind in levels. I'll probably drop him in favour of another water type... or just stick with Amaura if he can get a Water type attack.

Flabébé - Cute looking Fairy type, but I don't like this ability. He'll probably fall by the wayside if I choose to go with a Sylveon.

Edited by Shuuda
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I'll be having 7 in the end.

April - Fennekin

Crimson - Honedge

Aystin - Tyrunt

Lae - Wartortle

Combusken - Combusken (event... cant be renamed, apparently ;~;)

I'll probably have a Pidgeotto named Mint (MAYBE)

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Braizen, LVL 27

Wartortle, LVL 27

Amaura, LVL 25

Honedge, LVL 24

Swalot, LVL 26

Doduo, LVL 25ish

I think I'm gonna replace Doduo soon because he's basically been useless so far, but other than that I'm surprisingly happy with this oddball group. I struggled with the second gym leader, though.

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I'll just post my 10 mon party here too:

Frogadier, lvl 30

Combusken, lvl 30

Floette, lvl 30

Skiddo, lvl 30

Aerodactyl, lvl 30

Honedge, lvl 31

Tyrunt, lvl 31

Amaura, lvl 31

Meowstic (m), lvl 31

Meowstic (f), lvl 31

Also Linoone as a HM slave

Might drop Floette or male Meowstic, since they aren't performing too good...

If they just weren't so cute...

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Having recently beaten the third gym, my updated team is looking like this:

Braixan - Still awesome, but I really, really wish she would learn another fire special move soon. Ember's just a bit too weak right now in the game. At least she does have Psybeam to tide her over.

Lucario - A pretty beastly attacker now, but I'm starting to think that his none mega-evo appearance is a bit stupid.

Ninjask - Had a pretty epic fight with the third gym's last pokemon, where she won out with a single hit point to spare. That pretty much sold me on keeping her for good.

Flaffy - It's odd; I love electric types, but my teams in the past always seem to lack one for some reason. Well, no more. Flaffy is likely going to take Ivysaur's place for good once I evolve them both to their final stages. On that note, mega Ampharos is the most beautiful pokemon of all... I simply must have one.

Ivysaur - Still struggling to really like this guy. Sleep Powder and Leech Seed are useful for the time being.

Amaura - I think his ridiculous weaknesses are going to end up being too much for me. I might just swap him out for another sixth gen pokemon later down the line.

Eevee - Very weak right now. I want to have at least three sixth gen pokemon, so I'm holding off evolving him until I get a Sylveon, but that might be a long wait.

Golett - Had a play around with one of this for the third gym, and I found him pretty sweet with Iron Fist. I think he might even replace another pokemon and become a full time team member. For now, I'll keep training him on the side.

Shedinja - It actually came in handy for a few fight around the time of the third gym, but I think I'm ready to leave him behind for good.

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Suppose I should do this..

Chesnaught- doesnt have a fighting move yet because Power-up-Punch seeks useless, but Seed Bomb and Leech Seed work fine on him

Vivilion- I have a thing for the early bug types, and this thing was amazing. Stun Spore is still useful surprisingly

Venasaur- Best starter get at me. Should probably get Toxic instead of Double Edge but whatever

Doublade- Still hunting for that Dusk Stone. Great physical tank, but I probably shouldnt have gone for one with a minus Spec Defense nature...

Amouros- Got a minus Attack plus Speed nature first try which sold it for me. Waiting for like Ice Beam, but Aurora Beam is working well

Dragalage- Sadly couldnt get it before the 4th gym, but still works well. Hopefully Toxic can be replaced with a Dragon move so Venasaur can get Toxic.

Right after Yveltal BTW

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My team ended up being:

Chesnaught - I only picked it because the water starter wasn't kawaii enough for me to use, honestly. I also didn't want to use the fire witch

Blaziken - One of the only Mega Pokemon I liked, plus I was able to get him right away, so I figured why not? I also needed a fire type.

Lapras - It's hard to not use my favorite Pokemon ever, so I put Blastoise in the box as soon as I received Lapras.

Sylveon - Of course I'd try out the ultra kawaii new eeveelution. Sylveon is probably my favorite new Pokemon.

Ampharos - Another favorite Pokemon bias. I love my electric sheep.

Altaria - I needed a flier that wasn't ugly and/or didn't suck. I'm also quite fond of Altaria too

I caught a lot of the new Pokemon, but I didn't end up wanting to use them because I'm not too fond of this gen.

I would have used Pumpkaboo if it didn't evolve into a melted penis

EDIT: Typo fix.

Edited by Sumia
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So far,



Gardevoir (So much better than before)


Heliolisk (GREAT)


I also used Amaura for some time, but I couldn't handle the amount weaknesses.

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Here's my Y Version team (visible on my sig as well). Decided to go with one pokemon from each Gen:

Greninja: Well, since I was already planning to use Fennekin, my fave starter, for X version, I though I might as well use my second fave starter for Y. It also solved my problem in getting a dark type (though it hasn't learned any dark moves yet...)

Gardevoir: With the amazing addition of being half Fairy, Gardevoir is back to being awesome; I missed using it in Hoenn. Plus, it can Mega evolve (though only postgame)

Charizard: I figured I'd use one of the Kanto starters since Gamefreak was nice enough to put them in for Gen 1 nostalgia fans. Though its the only one I can use in Sky battles. And another that can mega evolve...

Golurk: Never really used him before in Unova, but its unique ground/ghost typing rounds out my team very well, so why not? Its been useful to switch into normals and electrics, and its got a nice steel type move, Heavy Slam, to take care of the many diminutive fairys I come across.

Lucario: Another gift from the game; one of my favorite pokemon from Sinnoh and comes with a megastone as a package deal. Has been awesome since the word go.

Ampharos: Fun favorite from Johto; helps that it rounds out my team with another mega evolution that can add dragon type. Just gotta find out if it can learn any dragon type moves to screw with...

I'll update again with my X Version team once I get it.

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After the fifth gym battle I am close to having decided my final team. Only the last two remaining slots are yet to be claimed. Right now it's looking like this:

Braixen - Level 33, Modest, Grass Knot / Will-o-Wisp / Ember / Psybeam

She'll fill the role of a fast special attacker, as well as the fire and psychic STABs. Despite lacking a powerful fire move, she had proven herself to be very reliable.

Lucario - Level 31, Naughty, Shadow Claw / Poison Jab / Forced Palm / Bone Rush

Lucaio left my team for quite a while, but I've added him back in very recently. His good attack and speed, along with his varied movepool, making him an invaluble source of offense for my team.

Ampharos - Level 32, Mild, Thunder Wave / Thunder Punch / Thunderbolt / Confuse Ray

After an epic showdown with the fifth gym leader, my love for Mega Ampharos was sealed. He's a slower special attacker than Braixan, but I feel this typing filled out some of the holes in my coverage quite nicely.

Mawile - Level 32, Brave, Fairy Wind / Power-Up Punch / Baton Pass / Feint Attack

The most likely end result for Mawile is that she'll be given Swords Dance to boost the attackers on my team. Her typing and Mega evo will almost certainly make her the defensive pokemon on my team.

The last two slots are up for grabs between the following three pokemon. It's a tough choice, as my three candidates have all, in one way or another, found a role in my team. One of them will have to be left behind however. Their future on my team depends on how they develop from here. I'll probably rotate between them for a bit.

Venusaur - Level 32, Relaxed, Double-Edge / Sleep Powder / Leech Seed / Petal Dance

I doubt I'll be using his Mega form much. Instead, I'll give him Leftovers and use him as a seedstaller.

Golett - Level 31, Careful, Dynamic Punch / Magnitude / Shadow Punch / Power-Up Punch

I like this guy even more ever since he helped wreck the fifth gym alongside Ampharos. He fills the quota for ground and ghost, and is to Lucario what Ampharos is to Braixan. Plus, he's a golem... that's pretty cool.

Goomy - Level 31, Jolly, Infestation / Toxic / Rain Dance / Protect

My latest catch, and a rather interesting fellow at that. As you can see, I've gone for a staller, similar to how I plan to use Venusaur. Goomy, from what I've seen, leans more towards special defense, which is something my team is lacking right now.

Below is a list of the pokemon I had considered for my team, but did not make the grade in the end. It's sad, because I like almost all of them.

Ninjask - Level 30, Sassy, Cut / Protect / Aerial Ace / Swords Dance

Poor little bug. She's was a very faithful member of my team, but it was getting harder and harder to user her. Her bad nature, her fragility, and the fact that I still could not find the move deletor. As a result, she was just too much of a one trick pony. Mawile getting Baton Pass much earlier may have been the final blow to Ninjask.

Amaura - Level 31, Hasty, Thunder Wave / Rock Tomb / Ancient Power / Aurora Beam

In his defense, I ended up liking him a lot more than I thought I would. Unfortunately, that typing is just too much to bare.

Shedinja - Level 29, Sassy, Cut / Shadow Claw / Aerial Ace / Dig

The fun with Shedinja lasted for longer than I thought, so all credit to it.

Eevee - Level 27, Hasty, Take Down / Quick Attack / Bite / Dig

Eevee proved annoying to raise due to how mundane he was. I was only interested in two Eeveelutions, Jolteon and Sylveon. Their types are now well accounted for on my team, so I ended up losing interest in Eevee.

Aerodactyl - Level 29, Jolly, Rock Smash / Ancient Power / Roar / Fly

Unless I go mad, and teach Golett Fly, Aerodactyl will serve as my ferry.

Edited by Shuuda
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