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If there's something else that ruins my face other than stubble, it's zits being in the wrong places (liek, I don't mind them THAT MUCH if they were in less annoying places). Why, my beautiful face destroyed by this crap. ;~;

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I rarely ever get zits, and when I do they are really tiny and heal within a couple days.

I do have a tiny scar on my cheek, though, that you can see if you look at my face really closely. T_T

I don't even know how it got there.

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When I was a teenager, I'd get kind of upset about how I couldn't find any characters in any movies or shows or anything who had acne, or who had anything but the absolute clearest of faces, except for the occasional butt of a gross-out joke to be found here and there. I thought about how someday, I'd want to somehow help even out what I saw as an unfair disparity in representation.

Recently, I've started to wonder if the difference between the many different kinds of people who actually do get seen a lot less even proportionally than the most-seen do in substantive media roles in my culture, and me, might just be that I'm mad that I have acne.

To wit, I've begun to daydream instead about just destroying my face. like, say, with fire

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Aside from the occasional pimple, I never really had these problems.

Probably because I'm super dry.

Same here.

Actually, whenever I do get pimples, it's usually in a really strange spot. Like in my nose or my ear. :|

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I remember one time when I was REALLY sun burnt (I had just returned from vacations on the beach) and one huge pimple decided to appear on my nose. It felt like my nose was going to explode. It was really painful.

fuck you pimples

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Nobody would believe the places I've had pimples

I wouldn't believe the worst places I've had pimples

and even if they did, they'd just be grossed out

Nothing is sacred to those jerks

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Nobody would believe the places I've had pimples

I wouldn't believe the worst places I've had pimples

and even if they did, they'd just be grossed out

Nothing is sacred to those jerks

I had a pretty funny one when I was 14 and on a family trip no less.

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How do they get "oily"?

your sweat is 98% liquid 2% solid, you also sweat 24/7 too, it just evaporates before you can see it. Also when you become a teenager your oil/sweat glands goes into overdrive, for males more so. Blackheads happen when the hair follicles are blocked. Your sweat/oil glands are right next hair follicles so they get blocked too, forming blackheads. Whiteheads occur if infections happen to blackheads, forming pus.

You manage acme by using soap on your face, this should clear the pores and reduce acme



you asked...

Also i like learning about health and I took anatomy and physiology in high school.

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Soap might dry out your face a little too much unless your skin is even more oily than normal, though. There's facial washes for it and stuff, iirc

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