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There's a certain Pokemon that's tied to region, and that's Vivillon! Depending on where you are, you'll get a different pattern once it turns into the pretty butterfly that it is. The gallery can be seen here:


(credit to Sylphid for the link, which can be found here)

I'd like to know how many patterns SF can generate. Here's the pertinent info:

1. Your pattern

2. Your region settings (Country/Province)

And here's what we have so far:

SF Name        Pattern         Region
Acacia Sgt     High Plains     Mexico/Baja California
Anacybele      Modern          USA/North Carolina
Breezy         Polar           USA/Connecticut
eclipse        Ocean           USA/Hawaii
Ether          Polar           Canada/New Brunswick
Gregosa        High Plains     Canada/British Columbia
JBCWK          Jungle          Singapore
Kaoz           Continental     Germany
Kay            Modern          USA/West Virginia
King Marth 64  High Plains     USA/California
Kinumi         Modern          USA/Kentucky
Lexington      Continental     Germany
LunaSaint      Garden          England
Nobody         Polar           Canada/Alberta
Quintessence   Modern          USA/Florida
Rothene        River           Australia
Sawman         Modern          USA/Tennessee
SecondWorld    High Plains     USA/Arizona
Skullknight    Polar           Canada/Quebec
Sylphid        Icy Snow        Finland
Tenda          Meadow          France
Woodshotter    Polar           Canada/Quebec
????           Savannah        Brazil
Feel free to contribute~! Edited by eclipse
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I really wanted the savannah pattern, which I should have gotten, since I live in Brazil, but I set my 3ds region to Canada, in order to buy some game on the e-shop(it's cheaper) and forgot to change it back, and now I'm stuck with the crappy polar vivillon =/

I'm sad.

Edited by Nobody
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I don't actually have one yet (I'm doing my pokedex completion in X Version, not Y), but according to mine, I live in USA - Pennsylvania, so I should have Modern pattern.

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I don't actually have one yet (I'm doing my pokedex completion in X Version, not Y), but according to mine, I live in USA - Pennsylvania, so I should have Modern pattern.

PA can get more than one pattern, actually, according to that gallery. xP

I'm from PA myself, btw. I just happen to live in NC right now.

Edited by Anacybele
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