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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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Does anyone have a Guts Timburr with Drain Punch and Mach Punch?

If not that, then I'm looking for an Adamant/Jolly Tyrogue with Rapid Spin.

NVM I just require the Timburr.

Edited by ZM©
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Does anyone have a hidden ability Fennekin?I'm getting tired of all the Protein Froakies...Plus,it would be wait better then the one Shauna gave me.

NOTE:I do not have much HA Pokemon for trade.Unless you want a HA Pansear,Ninetails or Charmelon.And I do not trade shinies unless I have two.

Edited by Shinehollow
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Resurrecting this, especially since it could probably be repurposed for OR/AS too.

Does anyone have any of the following that they could spare or let me borrow temporarily?

- Male in Field Egg Group with a Def IV of 30

- Shroomish/Breloom with Hidden Ability (female preferred)

- Carvahna/Sharpedo with Hidden Ability (again, female preferred)

Looking to get these on my copy of X; don't need perfect IVs or Egg Moves, I can take care of that myself. I just Wonder Traded out most of my excess breeding stuff, but if there's something in particular that anyone wants, I can see what I can whip up...

Edited by Lord Glenn
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After I do this battle maison thing I can check if i have any spare female HA shroomish

I remember I kept a few from when I was breeding but IDR if any of the ones left are female

If not you can borrow my breloom temporarily for whatever you need to do

get on skype

Edit: turns out I do have 2 F Quick Feet shroomishes left

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I was wondering if someone could trade me a meditite or a chinchou. I just got Omega ruby and planned to use both of those for my team. The problem is that I just found out you can only get those two fairly late in that game, which is why i'm asking.

I'm looking for female pokemon so I can breed one of my own. I don't really care about the nature or IV's. Just not a nature that decreases their main stat, but otherwise I'm fine with every nature.

I just started the game so I don't have too much to give though. Could give a seedot for the people with Saphire, but i'm afraid I don't have much else.

Ahem anyway thanks in advance.

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I was wondering if someone could trade me a meditite or a chinchou. I just got Omega ruby and planned to use both of those for my team. The problem is that I just found out you can only get those two fairly late in that game, which is why i'm asking.

I'm looking for female pokemon so I can breed one of my own. I don't really care about the nature or IV's. Just not a nature that decreases their main stat, but otherwise I'm fine with every nature.

I just started the game so I don't have too much to give though. Could give a seedot for the people with Saphire, but i'm afraid I don't have much else.

Ahem anyway thanks in advance.

I can get you a Meditite and possibly a Chinchou.I have Y,but they're fairly easy to find.I don't really mind what I get in return.

Edited by Shinehollow
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Ah thank you very much. Is it possible to trade from Y to ruby?

Yep.They use the same format,like Crystal and Silver.You just can't trade over OR/AS mega stones.

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Ah thats nice. Anyway my friend code is 2191-7770-7149

Okay.I'll edit this with my friend code and then I'll try to catch them.I'll PM you when I do get them.

EDIT:Code:4639-9633-724 Name:Shine

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After I do this battle maison thing I can check if i have any spare female HA shroomish

I remember I kept a few from when I was breeding but IDR if any of the ones left are female

If not you can borrow my breloom temporarily for whatever you need to do

get on skype

Edit: turns out I do have 2 F Quick Feet shroomishes left

Been sick again, but when I'm feeling well enough to get on Skype, I'll take one of the Shroomish. Anything you'd be looking for? If I get stretches where I'm able to get some 3DSing in, I'm going to be breeding for Zubat, Scyther, Swablu, Deino, and Bagon (probably in that order, but not necessarily), so if any of those jump out, I can hang on to something to trade.


@Sasori - If Shinehollow can't hook you up with a Chinchou, I probably can. I was breeding them in X in preparation for OR/AS, so I can breed an extra if necessary.

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Been sick again, but when I'm feeling well enough to get on Skype, I'll take one of the Shroomish. Anything you'd be looking for? If I get stretches where I'm able to get some 3DSing in, I'm going to be breeding for Zubat, Scyther, Swablu, Deino, and Bagon (probably in that order, but not necessarily), so if any of those jump out, I can hang on to something to trade.


@Sasori - If Shinehollow can't hook you up with a Chinchou, I probably can. I was breeding them in X in preparation for OR/AS, so I can breed an extra if necessary.

Bagon sounds good. I haven't bred one of those yet but I've wanted to.

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Does anyone have a Togepi? I need one with Serene Grace for my team, but I'm having a hard time getting one from Wonder Trade, and when I go back to the GPS to get it with something I have, the Togepi is gone and the others want Diancie and Latias. Just...blarg.

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I got a Serene Grace Female Togepi off of Wonder Trade a while back (with Extrasensory too, not that it's necessarily useful), but I have a slight backlog of stuff to breed, and I don't know when I'd be able to get to breeding one from it.

If no one else can help and you don't mind the wait, I can get you one eventually.


I've updated my post further up the page as I no longer need the Shroomish/Breloom or Carvanha/Sharpedo. I do still need something in the Field Egg Group with the 30 Def IV, though.

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If no one else can help and you don't mind the wait, I can get you one eventually.

I'll keep this in mind.

Edit: Finally managed to get one off the GTS. Ran into someone who wanted a Torchic for it and traded over one of my spare speed boosters.

Edited by Dai
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I hate to be that guy and double-post, but...does anyone happen to have an Unburden Treecko? I need one for my team.

I need to look up a bunch of breeding mechanics (mostly regarding passing on a HA via breeding), but I MIGHT be able to do it. It'll take a while, though.

The other thing I need to look up are what the Judge says about the highest IV. If it's what I think it is, I might be able to get Lord Glenn's request, too.

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I need to look up a bunch of breeding mechanics (mostly regarding passing on a HA via breeding), but I MIGHT be able to do it. It'll take a while, though.

I can wait. ^_^ I'm just planning on running a set that has Leaf Storm and White Herb, and I need an Unburden for it.

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An honest-to-God miracle just happened. I found an Unburden Treecko on GTS. I'd like to grab a copy for myself (in the form of getting an Egg), so here's your options:

- I trade you the original once I get my Egg

- I hatch an Egg for you

This. . .should take a hell of a lot less time than planned. Which one do you want?

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