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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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Any offers for some of my 5 IV Speed Boost female Venipedes with Spikes and Toxic Spikes? Get them while they're hot.

How about a female 5 IV impish Sableye with Prankster with recover and mean look (not sure if they're egg moves though)?

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Does anyone have a 4 or 5 IV Quiet Honedge they'd be willing to trade me? Let me know what you want in return, and I'll see about getting it (I also deal in Battle Maison items).

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If you don't, I have some Quiet Honedge breeding leftovers.

Edit: Overall, I don't have place anymore - if someone wants something of my excess stuff, just ask. I don't really care about most of my 4 IV mons.

Edited by Assurhaddon
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Yeah I do have a Quiet Honedge, so I'll be adding you right away.

@Ass : I'll probably PM you later for the stuff you're willing to give.

Thanks, I'll add you back. What would you like in return?

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I have lots of 4IVs (with some 5IVs mixed in) of these pokemon:

- Buizel

- Houndour

- Mienfoo (w/ Baton Pass)

- Vullaby (w/ Foul Play and Mean Look)

- Larvitar (w/ Dragon Dance and Outrage)

- Bulbasaur (w/ Chlorophyll)

- Charmander (w/ Dragon Dance)

- Vulpix (w/ Drought)

- Natu (w/ Magic Bounce)

- Absol (w/ Baton Pass and Play Rough)

- Kangaskhan

- Fletchling (w/ Gale Wings)

- Lapras (w/ Freeze Dry)

- Deerling

- Feebas (w/ Hypnosis, Haze, Mirror Coat, and Dragon Pulse)

- Skrelp

- Froakie (w/ Protean)

- Torchic (w/ Speed Boost)

- Mawile (w/ Fire Fang)

- Eevee (w/ Anticipation and Wish)

If you'd like something else, I'd be willing to breed it as well. Or give BP items.

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Doublepost sponsored by Double Dragon Neon

Kevin Bacon: BRO

Integrity!: BRO
Kevin Bacon: hey i'd like to doublepost in a thread
Kevin Bacon: i just want mod approval before i do
Integrity!: what's the thread and what's the context
Kevin Bacon: pokemon trade
Integrity!: oh yeah
Integrity!: that's nbd
Kevin Bacon: announcing what i'm breeding and offering for trade
Kevin Bacon: THANKS BRO

I've been breeding Bold Prankster Klefkis with Switcheroo (that's 5 Pokémon worth of chainbreeding, starting with a Hypno!) and Iron Defense. I currently have 3 with 5 IVs (They're missing Speed or Special Defense, there I said it) that I'm willing to trade and I'll breed more until I get one I'm satisfied with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm looking for a Modest Rain Dish Aura Sphere!Squirtle if anyone has one; 4-5 perfect IVs are preferred, but not required. Let me know whatever you want and I'll do my best to get it; you can also request anything on my list of offers on the previous page, Battle Maison items, or my Pokedit services.

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I'm looking for a Modest Rain Dish Aura Sphere!Squirtle if anyone has one; 4-5 perfect IVs are preferred, but not required. Let me know whatever you want and I'll do my best to get it; you can also request anything on my list of offers on the previous page, Battle Maison items, or my Pokedit services.

Have Modest 3IV Squirtle with Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, and Water Spout.

No Rain Dish, though. D:

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Aww, I can't believe I missed a shiny 6 IV Milotic recently >___<

Guess I'll start with the basics... does anyone have a Feebas or Milotic they could spare for breeding? I only just beat the 4th gym, so I don't have much to offer yet : o

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Aww, I can't believe I missed a shiny 6 IV Milotic recently >___<

Guess I'll start with the basics... does anyone have a Feebas or Milotic they could spare for breeding? I only just beat the 4th gym, so I don't have much to offer yet : o

I can get you one~

you can just get me anything random lol

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