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Pokemon Trade Thread: Gen VI

Fruity Insanity

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I still have a Bagon, and some Joltiks up for trade.

Naive Female Bagon: 31 / 31 / x / 31 / x / 31 (Rock Head)

Timid Female Joltik: x / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 (Compound Eyes)

Timid Male Joltik: x / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 (Compound Eyes)

Anyone interested?

Edited by Shuuda
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Joltik is too adorable to pass up... But I have no idea if I have anything you'd want.

Does the bagon have DD?

Yes, the Bagon has Dragon Dance.

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Hmm... Now I want one of both... The Timid female joltik to be precise...

What do you want in return I guess?

Tricky question. I'm willing to consider most offers.

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Er, I don't know what you'd want or anything XD

I have a bunch of random crap, I have no ditto in my safari, so I don't have much perfect IV stuff though.

Do you have a Rotom, by any chance? Or one of the Venipede line with Speed Boost? If none of those, then I'm happy to listen to any offer you make.

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No whirlipede in the safari either... I can go rotom hunting though, I traded the one I had away.

I have a bunch of honedge(who doesn't), a bunch of helioptile, a bunch of sneasel, a bunch of eletabuzz, just a bunch of random crap.

I hear the Rotoms only turn up on Tuesday, so I'll just get my own then. What ability does the Helioptile have?

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Dry skin and sand veil, no solar power from me...

(although I think dry skin is the best ability for it).

That'll do, I suppose. The Eletabuzz as well. I'll be online later to trade. My FC is 1048-8708-5581.

Edited by Shuuda
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I still have this Joltik.

Timid Male Joltik: x / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 (Compound Eyes)

I'm going to be very stingy now, and say no more generous trades on my part.

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I still have this Joltik.

Timid Male Joltik: x / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 (Compound Eyes)

I'm going to be very stingy now, and say no more generous trades on my part.

I'm interested; currently this is the list of pokémon I can breed. Just pick one if you want, I'll try to breed it asap

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Not really interested in shinies, I'm afraid.

I have a bunch of pokemon that perhaps you might be interested

Timid gastly with 4 perfect IVs

Modest Rotom with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant speed boost torchic with 4 perfect IVs

Modest togepi with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant guts larvitar with 4 perfect IVs

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Good news. I just checked my boxes, and I found I have two Male Joltiks with the same four IVs. So you can both have one, if you want.

I'm interested; currently this is the list of pokémon I can breed. Just pick one if you want, I'll try to breed it asap

I believe I'll have a Froakie. Thanks.

I have a bunch of pokemon that perhaps you might be interested

Timid gastly with 4 perfect IVs

Modest Rotom with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant speed boost torchic with 4 perfect IVs

Modest togepi with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant guts larvitar with 4 perfect IVs

What gender and IVs does that Togepi have? If it's female, and has the IV for HP, then I'll take that. If not, then I'll take the Rotom.

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Good news. I just checked my boxes, and I found I have two Male Joltiks with the same four IVs. So you can both have one, if you want.

I believe I'll have a Froakie. Thanks.

What gender and IVs does that Togepi have? If it's female, and has the IV for HP, then I'll take that. If not, then I'll take the Rotom.

I have female Togepis with HP IV for sure, but I don't know if any of them has serene grace as ability, which I think you might prefer.

I'm having a battle right now, after it's finished, I'll check.

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I have female Togepis with HP IV for sure, but I don't know if any of them has serene grace as ability, which I think you might prefer.

I'm having a battle right now, after it's finished, I'll check.

I'm busy as well right now. So we'll trade later.

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Good news. I just checked my boxes, and I found I have two Male Joltiks with the same four IVs. So you can both have one, if you want.

I believe I'll have a Froakie. Thanks.

What gender and IVs does that Togepi have? If it's female, and has the IV for HP, then I'll take that. If not, then I'll take the Rotom.

Got it!

Female, Timid, 31 / x / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 with Protean.

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I have a bunch of pokemon that perhaps you might be interested

Timid gastly with 4 perfect IVs

Modest Rotom with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant speed boost torchic with 4 perfect IVs

Modest togepi with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with 4 perfect IVs

Adamant guts larvitar with 4 perfect IVs

Is that Gastly still up for trade?

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