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Weather wars are over


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Looks like weather inducing abilities have been nerfed greatly. I observed Hippopota's Sand Stream only bring out sandstorm for 3 turns. Looks like T-Tar usage will drop a lot, especially with a fairy weakness.

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5 Turns actually

Also T-tar is the least damaged out of all Weather summoner because this thing can still do its job: killing Special Dark weak threats

Not to mention VGC does not give a fuck. If VGC Gen 5 was a Weather Wars, nothing is stopping them from being the same in Gen 6

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If they did change it like you said, then that just means weather teams will have to keep switching in their weather makers to keep their weather going. This might hurt them, but I don't think it would ruin them. In fact, sandstorm and sun teams may have an advantage in this regard, cuz they now have two weather makers while rain only has one (unless I'm mistaken; I don't know of all the mega evolutions, or even all the new pokemon yet).

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5 Turns actually

Also T-tar is the least damaged out of all Weather summoner because this thing can still do its job: killing Special Dark weak threats

Not to mention VGC does not give a fuck. If VGC Gen 5 was a Weather Wars, nothing is stopping them from being the same in Gen 6

5 turns? Seemed shorter than that. 5 turns is still a really short time, whether in VGC or regular play. In fact, it is worse for VGC because everyone runs protect and there are only 4 pokemon a battle.

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5 turns? Seemed shorter than that. 5 turns is still a really short time, whether in VGC or regular play. In fact, it is worse for VGC because everyone runs protect and there are only 4 pokemon a battle.

dude, that makes weather better if there's fewer Pokemon (and therefore fewer turns)

especially because VGC is doubles

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