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Friend Codes For Friend Safari--Pokemon X&Y


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Oh, by the way guys, just a heads up

I've got Pokérus if you want it

Is this really the right thread for that? Actually, do we have a trade request/offer thread? It seems like it'd be a useful thing to have.

@Flandre - okay, added you back.

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Is this really the right thread for that? Actually, do we have a trade request/offer thread? It seems like it'd be a useful thing to have.

Well, this is the FC thread which people are probably going to go to first.

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Since I've been enjoying the friend safari so much I'm going add the vast majority listed in the op. Give me a reminder if I forgot you. The list is pretty big.

Edited by Gregosa
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EEEP! Okay, added Ether, and several other people who said that they added me. If I'm not showing up FSR, lemme know~!

##Vote: Polydeuces and Breezy

You two should add me~!

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[spoiler=Compilation of FCs]
WanderingMage/Casey/Cyrus// 3153-3531-8688 Floatzel, Krabby, Poliwhirl
meibum/Katrina/Katrina// 3153-4176-3930 Boldore, Pupitar, Barbacle
Kon/Kay/Lucia// 1607-2073-3281 Boldore, Pupitar, ?
Fruit Insanity/Neal/X// 1805-3417-7671 Farfetch'd, Hoothoot, Rufflet
Alfred Kamon/Alfred/Alfred Kamon// 3909-7667-0449 Duduo, Woobat, Tropius
Laurent~/Matt/Vincent// 1177-6959-9610 Delibird, Sneasel, Cloyster
Acacia Sgt/AcaciaSgt/Juan Manuel// 1306-5372-1341 Krabby, Floatzel, ?
shyteddie/Shy Tenda/Xylo// 0490 5280 8199 Mienfoo, Pancham, ?
DodgeDusk/Dusk/Dusk// 3668-8055-4125 Mienfoo, Sawk, Riolu
sawslothducksaucestrawman/Adam/Adam// 2122-5622-4878 Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, ?
Nobody/Daniel/Daniel// 2063-0086-1010 Wooper, Dugtrio, Palpitoad
Silver Lightning/Ariadne/Amoret// 2723-8843-7042 Combee, Illumise, Vivillion
Ether/Melody/Selena// 1848-3079-1042 Ledyba, Volbeat, Pinsir
Spaceman Craig/-3-/Lin// 3454-0315-2195 Ponyta, Larvesta, Fletchinder
Kinumi/Kinumi/Kinumi// 0576-3536-2155 Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbacle
Sylphid/Sylpheed/Bianca// 1805-2447-8856 Pansear, Charmeleon, Fletchinder
DualSilverGunner/Derek// 4828-4279-3653 Vullaby, Crawdaunt, Inkay
Knight/lol hax/Seth// 1091 - 7617 - 5179 Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk
Karaszure// 3136-6671-5270 Fletchinder, Growlithe, Larvesta
Alg/Alg/Serena// 0232-8031-8561 Octillery, Quagsire, Azumarill
Hawkeye/Hawkeye// 2079-6416-3077 Snorunt, Sneasel, ?
ponesjones/mustardear// 4313-0949-0655 Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim
SecondWorld/David/David// 3780-9533-5399 Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay
Vicious Sal/Falco/Falco// 1977-0131-4332 Teddiursa, Kecleon, ?
Melonhead/Melonhead/Kevin// 0173-1883-7315 Butterfree, Beautifly, ?
Gcubedude/Gcubedude/Cody// 3909-7618-0953 Farfetch'd, Tranquill, Fletchinder
Lexington/Kenneth/Kenneth// 4854-6697-2995 Seviper, Swalot, Muk
Bre-Z/Shadow/Justin// 3222-6419-8950 Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier
Rothene/Rothene/Rothene// 2406-6570-5172 Mawile, Skarmory, Excadrill
Sartek/sartek// 2079-6270-5782 Ferroseed, Metang, Excadrill
Shelie// 4468-1013-9845 Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier
Avarice_Shadow/Avarice// 2466-2105-5640 Drowzee, Espurr, Girafarig
roymbrog// 1676-3902-1143 Loudred, Dunsparce, ?
Lordofhomer/Michael// 4854-6877-0047 Delibird, Sneasel, Lapras
Flandre/ シャーリ /Serena// 1607-2706-8655 Mankey, Throh, Riolu
Siegmund// 2680-9673-0861
L95/Lin/Lindsy// 4596-9460-1427 Dedenne, Pikachu, Zebstrika
SB./Charlie/Charlie// 2337-3158-6749 Shelgon, Fraxure, Sliggoo
eclipse// 0490-5014-2440 Mienfoo, Throh, Riolu
Skyward/Skyward/Joshua// 4897-6215-7029 Spritzee, Kirlia, ?
arvilino/Azzie/Azzie// 2449-4649-4995 Teddiursa, Audino, Ditto
Sasori/Pieter// 2191-7770-7149 Pansage, Petilil, Maractus
29918071//Olivia 3308-4829-2719 Kecleon, Dunsparce, ?
Gregosa//Gregnofool 1461-7199-4510 Marowak, Wooper, Diggersby
AthenaWyrm//Sean 5343-8149-0012 Dwebble, Magcargo, Shuckle
Spiky// 5284-1485-2679
MagicLeafy/Mandy/Mandy 3411-0789-7076 Galvantula, Electabuzz, Pachirisu
Sumia// 1977-0564-6708 Panpour, Floatzel, Frogadier
TheVinceKnight// 4038-6570-1338 Electrode, Helioptile, Luxio
WobblyBlissey// 1547-6613-0283 Klefki, Forretress, Mawile
Shuuda// 1048-8708-5581 Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen
Helios// 3866-8068-9897
Alexander/Ƶerker// 0619-3223-8530 Dragonair, Fraxure, ?
Falter// 0173-2712-9080 Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen
Danaos/Philip/Philip// 3566-1643-5909 Mincinno, Dunsparce, ?
Scooter/Richy/Richy// 1907-8419-1842 Kakuna, Muk, Swalot
Polydeuces// 2766-8685-4348
Kitty of Time/Link/Swagg// 2680-9433-1967 Grumpig, Espurr, Duosion
Serenity/Biloh// 1993-8086-5535 Tangela, Sawsbuck, Quilladin
Kurix/Blyvern/Riku// 4425-1916-0945
Happy_Dingo// 0731-4860-2223
James Bond/Sask/James Bond// 2380-3134-0115 Pansage, Swadloon, Gogoat
Red Fox of Fire/Fox/Fox// 4613-6721-5187 Panpour, Poliwhirl, Floatzel
third72// 0576-4272-7300

If somebody could give some more info to fill out the rest...

WobblyBlissey// 1547-6613-0283 Klefki, Forretress, Mawile
Kitty of Time/Link/Swagg// 2680-9433-1967 Grumpig, Espurr, Duosion
Serenity// 1993-8086-5535 Tangela, Sawsbuck, Quilladin
Skyward/Skyward/Joshua// 4897-6215-7029 Spritzee, Kirlia, ?

Could the above add me back?

Because I want the Forretress, Duosion, Quilladin, and Kirlia...

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I've added almost everyone from the list Fruit Insanity posted. I'll get to pming people who haven't added me yet later. Maybe.

For the list, Sasori's third pokemon is maractus, serenity's mii-name is biloh and danaos has normal-type safari with minccino and dunsparce (I can't see the third one).

Btw I think it would be good to mention that the friend safari seems to display mii name instead of in-game name.

EDIT: roymbrog also has normal-type with loudred and dunsparce

Edited by Sylphid
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I'm looking for the Froakie line, and Scyther line.

Unfortunately, all I know about my safari so far is that it's ground type and has Sandslash. If someone could let me know what the rest are, that's be great.

Friend code:

2664 - 2127 - 8516

How would I go about adding the people who have Frogadier? Should I message them?

If you add me, let me know so I can do the same.

Edited by Hacksorus
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SecondWorld/David/David// 3780-9533-5399 Vullaby, Sandile, Inkay

Melonhead/Melonhead/Kevin// 0173-1883-7315 Butterfree, Beautifly, ?

Sartek/sartek// 2079-6270-5782 Ferroseed, Metang, Excadrill

Shelie// 4468-1013-9845 Krabby, Floatzel, Frogadier

roymbrog// 1676-3902-1143 Loudred, Dunsparce, ?

Siegmund// 2680-9673-0861

Skyward/Skyward/Joshua// 4897-6215-7029 Spritzee, Kirlia, ?

Sasori/Pieter// 2191-7770-7149 Pansage, Petilil, Maractus

Danaos/Philip/Philip// 3566-1643-5909 Mincinno, Dunsparce, ?

Polydeuces// 2766-8685-4348

Happy_Dingo// 0731-4860-2223

James Bond/Sask/James Bond// 2380-3134-0115 Pansage, Swadloon, Gogoat

third72// 0576-4272-7300

Could the people on this list add me back? My FC is 0576-3536-2155.

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I'm looking for the Froakie line, Scyther line, and Togepi line.

Unfortunately, all I know about my safari so far is that it's ground type and has Sandslash. If someone could let me know what the rest are, that's be great.

Friend code:

2664 - 2127 - 8516

How would I go about adding the people who have Frogadier? Should I message them?

If you add me, let me know so I can do the same.

Giving you a try.

Edited by Chrom-ulent
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Added all seven. But sasori I'm not sure if you've added me since the start same with SB. You probably have though but Polydeuces hasn't.

Actually I hadn't added you yet. I'm kind of lazy so I haven't updated the whole list yet. I've added you now

Also added hacksorus, Kimuni and chrom-ulent

Edited by Sasori
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Unfortunately, all I know about my safari so far is that it's ground type and has Sandslash. If someone could let me know what the rest are, that's be great.

Second Pokemon is Nincada. Third is Diggersby.

I want to know what type I've got.

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third - your other Pokemon is Nosepass. Don't know what your final one is.

EDIT: Polydeuces - You have Shuppet, Phantump, and Spiritomb.

Edited by eclipse
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dat Ghost Safari


Please add me.

In different news:

Kurix has a Fighting-type safari with Meditite and Pancham.

Danaos' third pokemon is Eevee.

29918071//Olivia's third pokemon is Smeargle (in-game shows the safari under name Der Olli)

I also have steel, fairy and ground type safaris whose owner I don't know. (As in, names in the list on this thread and the names shown in-game don't match)

This is quite random, but Vivillon doesn't seem to appear on the in-game list of pokemon in a Safari. I've seen the Vivillon in Silver Lightning's safari, even caught one to check this, and it refuses to appear on the list.

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I added you and you haven't added me back !

I tried, it wasn't showing up.

also god dammit Eclipse now everyone's spamming my inbox halp

Edited by Polydeuces
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