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The Ursa Knights (planned Streetpass team)


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Yeah, I came up with a new name for my Streetpass team since that thread I made on the subject. lol I changed to Ursa Knights because "ursa" means "bear" and I consider Frederick a leader of the team. And he's Freddy Bear. :3

So anyway, I'm posting the skill sets and final classes I have planned right now for the team. Note, though, I don't want to have to make much change, if at all, to Frederick's skill set because he levels up slower than the others. I also won't change the final classes I have in mind. Only the skill sets if necessary. Only Frederick gets Limit Breaker because he's Frederick and I doubt I'm going to want to clear Rogues & Redeemers 3 more than once. xP

Also, I am aware that not every unit that could've had Galeforce will have it. In the case of Morgan, I didn't know the skill existed at the time and I hardly think Inigo needs it with the setup I've got for him. Not to mention that while I want my team to be a challenge, I don't want it to be so tough that challengers will pull their hair out in frustration. lol



Class: Great Knight




Resistance +10

Outdoor Fighter

Limit Breaker

Kelli (Avatar)

Class: Dark Flier



Rally Spectrum

Pavise (because her defense is utterly rubbish)




Morgan (Male)

Class: Great Knight






Rally Spectrum (?)


Class: Great Knight





Hit Rate +20



Class: Falcon Knight








Class: Bow Knight








Class: Bow Knight






Rightful King (the reason Inigo has three skills here that are affected by this one. :D)

Virion (If I can find the patience to fix his current screwed-ness. Otherwise, I'm replacing him with Donnel)

Class: Bow Knight



Quick Burn


Hit Rate +20

Rally Skill

Donnel (If I decide not to use Virion)

Class: Bow Knight







As you can see, they're all knights of some kind (except Kelli in title, but I still consider Dark Flier to be a type of Peg knight, so yeah) because of the name. Ursa Knights! So is this good? Any advice? I'm a newbie to this efficiency stuff, so...

Edited by Anacybele
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Shouldn't you use Blink Dagger to initiate and Vladmir to solo Roshan?

I think using BKB is optimal so that you did not get cockblocked by Stunner

As for the rest of the team, I suggest Io to babysit Ursa, Jungle Batrider, Magnus Mid, and Huskar Top

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Shouldn't you use Blink Dagger to initiate and Vladmir to solo Roshan?

I think using BKB is optimal so that you did not get cockblocked by Stunner

As for the rest of the team, I suggest Io to babysit Ursa, Jungle Batrider, Magnus Mid, and Huskar Top

Uh...? I have no idea what you just said. o_O

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The only thing about Streetpass is that the person who fights your team has Pair-Up... and your team doesn't. That automatically puts your team at a massive disadvantage, and really the only way to ensure a win is to create a build focused solely on Lethality.

Now, um, a few other notes:

  • Outdoor Fighter is... NOT that good of a skill. At all. I'd recommend (if he has it) Aegis, Quick Burn or Sword/Lancebreaker. As for main game/post-game I'd include Deliverer in some way. It adds +2 movement if paired up so Frederick becomes a tanky movement bot.
  • Rally Spectrum is also a bit useless for Streetpass. Aegis would be an excellent skill for her as a Dark Flier - that halves damage from bows AND wind magic. Always lovely.
  • Both of the above bullets also apply for Morgan. A good class set for him would be Hero - that way you get TWO useful skills (Sol and Axebreaker) and don't have to level-grind TOO much.
  • Stahl's fine, although if he has Bowfaire you could make him a Bow Knight. Super-effectiveness.
  • Cordelia's fine, although I'm really not found of using Sol and Vengeance together. Maybe Tomebreaker instead of Vengeance?
  • Same with Severa - Sol and Vengeance don't work well at all together. Maybe Astra instead?
  • Inigo is the best for a serious Lethality build, but that would require a LOT of skill grinding. So he's fine.
  • Virion... instead of Lifetaker, how about Slow Burn? It'll stack with Quick Burn I believe for maximum hit. And instead of Rally Skill try... Bowbreaker.
  • Donnel can't really GET Astra...? OR Swordfaire. He can't become a Myrmidon.
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My suggestions, which include some repeated info:

Frederick: Outdoor Fighter is a bit of a dud. Pavise might be useful for annoying players.

Kelli: Everyone should drop Galeforce because players will almost definitely reset once one of their units die, so Galeforce will be useless. You might want to consider dropping Rally skills too, because the AI doesn't use them until the end of the turn, so they're only useful for defence.

Morgan: I'd swap Aegis for Resistance +10 because the latter is always active. Morgan has a massive pool of better/annoying skills, like Counter, Lethality, Miracle as well.

Stahl: I would probably drop Hit Rate +20 unless he's got a really inaccurate weapon (even when forged).

Cordelia: Personally I'd dump Bowbreaker and give her Iote's Shield (if you bought SB3); if not, keep it.

Virion: His skill pool is kind of crap, but I'd dump Lifetaker for the same reason as Galeforce. Maybe give him the Dread Fighter skills?

Donnel: No need for Armshrift really since your units won't last long against the enemy. Only reason I can see is if you have Aversa's Night, which Donnel doesn't have.

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Sorry, I can't give anyone Dread Fighter skills except Frederick. I don't want to have to repeatedly go through Lost Bloodlines 2 either. I don't have Smash Brethren 3 either and don't plan on getting it because I don't like Lyn.

Galeforce? Useless? After how many people I've seen rant about it and put it on as many characters as they can?

Outdoor Fighter increases avoid and hit on outdoor maps. How is that not a good thing? o_O

Lethality has a really low activation rate. That's why I only planned to give it to Inigo because he has Rightful King to sort of fix that.

Why should Frederick get Aegis when Resistance +10 does the same thing, but better? (decreasing damage from magic) xP

Other than that, your suggestions are fine. Thanks. :)

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Galeforce? Useless? After how many people I've seen rant about it and put it on as many characters as they can?

On Streetpass, yes, considering that pretty much 10 times out of 10, if they lose a unit, they're restarting.

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Sorry, I can't give anyone Dread Fighter skills except Frederick. I don't want to have to repeatedly go through Lost Bloodlines 2 either. I don't have Smash Brethren 3 either and don't plan on getting it because I don't like Lyn.

Galeforce? Useless? After how many people I've seen rant about it and put it on as many characters as they can?

Outdoor Fighter increases avoid and hit on outdoor maps. How is that not a good thing? o_O

Lethality has a really low activation rate. That's why I only planned to give it to Inigo because he has Rightful King to sort of fix that.

Why should Frederick get Aegis when Resistance +10 does the same thing, but better? (decreasing damage from magic) xP

Other than that, your suggestions are fine. Thanks. :)

Because Frederick has Quick Burn, which increases hit and avoid at the start AND is active on ANY map - indoor or outdor.

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Are you making a StreetPass-focused team or a team you're going to use in the game and will be used for StreetPass? They're two similar yet different things.

My suggestions are for the former ^^

Galeforce? Useless? After how many people I've seen rant about it and put it on as many characters as they can?

It's useful in the game, but it's largely useless in StreetPass.

Outdoor Fighter increases avoid and hit on outdoor maps. How is that not a good thing? o_O

By 10, which is not a lot. Players facing your StreetPass Team will be paired up and won't have trouble hitting you. If you want to increase your team's hit, go for breaker skills.

Lethality has a really low activation rate. That's why I only planned to give it to Inigo because he has Rightful King to sort of fix that.

It's low, but still viable. Lethality is probably the easiest and cheapest way to ensure a kill in StreetPass; even a weaker StreetPass team can kill one of your characters if they have Lethality.

Why should Frederick get Aegis when Resistance +10 does the same thing, but better? (decreasing damage from magic) xP

Well, it depends on the numbers I guess.

By endgame standards, you'll typically do 60 damage against 40 resistance. Either way, both skills are going to reduce the damage down to 10 and Resistance +10 always works. If the gap is larger, Aegis is more effective, but it's still only going to activate around 50% of the time.

Edited by VincentASM
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Are you making a StreetPass-focused team or a team you're going to use in the game and will be used for StreetPass? They're two similar yet different things.

My suggestions are for the former ^^

It's useful in the game, but it's largely useless in StreetPass.

By 10, which is not a lot. Players facing your StreetPass Team will be paired up and won't have trouble hitting you. If you want to increase your team's hit, go for breaker skills.

It's low, but still viable. Lethality is probably the easiest and cheapest way to ensure a kill in StreetPass; even a weaker StreetPass team can kill one of your characters if they have Lethality.

Well, it depends on the numbers I guess.

By endgame standards, you'll typically do 60 damage against 40 resistance. Either way, both skills are going to reduce the damage down to 10 and Resistance +10 always works. If the gap is larger, Aegis is more effective, but it's still only going to activate around 50% of the time.

A Streepass focused team, of course.

How is Galeforce usless in Streetpass? Doesn't it enable a unit to move twice, basically?

Fine, whatever, I'll get rid of Outdoor Fighter. xP

The rest: no comment.

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A Streepass focused team, of course.

How is Galeforce usless in Streetpass? Doesn't it enable a unit to move twice, basically?

Fine, whatever, I'll get rid of Outdoor Fighter. xP

The rest: no comment.

ONLY if they kill a unit, which considering pair-up and their chances of resetting IF they ever die, isn't going to happen.

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How is Galeforce usless in Streetpass? Doesn't it enable a unit to move twice, basically?

You're missing the point XD

Turn the situation around.

What if you faced my StreetPass team full of Counter, Miracle, Lethality, Limit Break and Vengeance users?

By the 2nd turn, my MU killed your Frederick.

Would you continue the battle?

If you had said "yes", consider that other people probably would pick "no" and hit reset. In the second case, there's no chance for my MU to possibly use Galeforce.

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I thought Donnel could go Myrmidon, my mistake.

As for the Galeforce thing, I see now.

I definitely don't know as much as I thought I did. How embarrassing...

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Yep, that's right! I chose mounts because Great Knight and Bow Knight are my favorite classes in the game and Cordelia is my favorite girl, so I decided to include her and I made my Avatar a Dark Flier for this reason and so there's a cavalier knight x Peg knight thing between her and Frederick since they're married. :)

Also, I replaced Morgan's Outdoor Fighter with Counter. Also gave Donnel Counter and took away the Myrm skills. I remember now, he has Fighter, not Myrmidon. lol

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