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Famitsu gives Sonic: Lost World 9/9/9/9.


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That's a total of 36 for the mathematically impaired.

3DS version scored 8/9/8/9.


That's quite appealing, surely a top Wii U game.

When I finally do get myself a Wii U (probably next year sometime), this will be one of the games I'll be getting for it, alongside SSB4.

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Nice to see reviewers being fair to Sonic games again although I completely expect IGN to give it a 4 because they hate the series unless its in 2-D

I usually don't pay attention to reviews though I like to judge games myself, but its nice to see.

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Wow Famitsu gives something unrealistically high scores what a new and totally unbelievable move on their part

You know what else received impeccable scores by them? Final Fantasy XIII

And Final Fantasy XII

* Shudders *

Edited by glenncoco
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I've heard nothing but praise from the people who've played FF12. Like Integ and Specta

Ehhhh I hate it personally. It's my least favorite Final Fantasy game. But opinions c:

I even enjoyed XIII more, the one that everybody hates. Not trying to sound Hipster though. xDD

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It's getting hit pretty hard in the states:

currently has 62 on metacritic

Nice to see reviewers being fair to Sonic games again although I completely expect IGN to give it a 4 because they hate the series unless its in 2-D

I usually don't pay attention to reviews though I like to judge games myself, but its nice to see.

5.8. Pretty close.

But to be fair, it doesn't appear to be alone in that sentiment.


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The Sonic fanbase is continuely mixed on games I see. From what I have heard the negative reviews are mostly from people who are terrible at sonic games in general complaining about the speed when it isnt even as fast as some of the games they rated higher

I mean really?

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I played the demo at PAX and I definitely watched the people ahead of me struggle, but on my own playthrough I thought it was quite fun and the world itself is beautiful and bright. But yeah, lots of bad/mixed reviews abound except from seemingly Famitsu and Destructoid. The current metascore would make people think this is some sort of trainwreck due to score inflation for games but my initial impression wasn't nearly that bad, and I'm not even much of a Sonic fan.

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Well its just like the series cant catch any sort of break from the fans or some reviewers. I mean IGNs score is almost like their Sonic 06 score and THAT is criminal.

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If I'm to believe all the scores for this game on Metacritic... then the only conclusion I can reach is that nobody has any idea how good this game is.

Never before have I seen a game with such a large range of scores. It must be awesome.

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Wow Famitsu gives something unrealistically high scores what a new and totally unbelievable move on their part

You know what else received impeccable scores by them? Final Fantasy XIII

Final Fantasy XIII is a very good game though, it just gets lambasted by "fans" for things that have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the game or even problems it doesn't have(and previous entries in the series can be called out as worse for).

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Final Fantasy XIII is a very good game though, it just gets lambasted by "fans" for things that have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the game or even problems it doesn't have(and previous entries in the series can be called out as worse for).


Most of the reasons why Final Fantasy XIII gets dissed is pretty fair, I mean the game was linear as hell till ending chapters and the story is told so badly and you have to read up on the storyline in small books in the menu to understand it more, instead of SE actually telling the story like a novel like they should be and done in the past.

It's not a perfect game and most whom have issues have the game have been playing the game since childhood starting with Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy VII. AKA A Long time.

While I do think that fans should calm down a little and stop being so damn harsh on the game, because it's not terrible, just really flawed, most of the reasons why fans end up disliking the game is pretty fair and understandable. Calling them fake fans when most of them have been playing Final Fantasy before George Bush jr was President is really uncalled for, when the game is linear, when shops and towns are gone, when you still can't control the Airship, and when the characters act so dramatic you'll begin to think that you picked up a DVD of Days Of Our Lives instead of a copy of Final Fantasy.

It has pretty fair reasons why it has a pretty big hatedom. Though it managed to gain Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lighting Returns so it's not like everybody hates the game or anything. .

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FFX was linear and doesnt have nearly as much hate so dont throw that "linear" garbage as an arguement. Its an excuse, some stories are linear some aren't. That is just how some games are.

Every Final Fantasy is different in style and such, people were just spoiled with 4 and 7 and expect every single game in the series to be exactly like them.

I say this as someon who likes both games, I like all the mainline FFs

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FFX was linear and doesnt have nearly as much hate so dont throw that "linear" garbage as an arguement. Its an excuse, some stories are linear some aren't. That is just how some games are.

Every Final Fantasy is different in style and such, people were just spoiled with 4 and 7 and expect every single game in the series to be exactly like them.

I say this as someon who likes both games, I like all the mainline FFs

FFX felt more open.

You can have linearity but if you've ever heard when people complain about FFXIII that they relate it to a "corridor". Let that sink in first.

In FFX from the get go you are placed in the shoes of someone who has emotions and development, say whatever you want of Tidus, that much is true.

I honestly believe that FFXIII would have been ten times better if the story followed Snow. The story being him striving to save the girl he loves, his fiance, he wants to be a hero, sounds almost like your typical player, playing a game to feel heroic.

Instead, we're given Lightning as a MAIN PROTAGONIST. She's a great character, no doubt at the end of 13, but throughout the game she's never got the feeling of a main character, she'd have been better off as a side character, or if the game went the style of FF6, it's like they tried because they did split the party in XIII up for a few moments, so they could have pulled it off.

The death of Hope's mother at the start was incredibly rushed, if they showed a bond between Hope and his mother, Hope looking up to Snow and then Snow failing a little bit further in the game with Snow being unable to save Hope's mother. That would have given players an example of what Hope was like earlier, giving credit to him and not having everyone see him as a big emo baby that they do.

In FFXII, I can honestly say the only downside I can see in this game is the focus on Vaan as a main character, I truly wish they kept it on Basch, but either way, otherwise it's an incredible game and pretty much the second best FF I've played, with 6 being first.

Anyways, sorry for being off topic, this was just rustling my jimmies.

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I have huge problems with FFXIII's last chapters being an incomprehensible mess

of people dying, people coming back to life, and then dying again CID WHY UGH.

, even compared to what we've come to know of FF. If the codex weren't in game to give you the gist of what just happened, I would have been totally lost at the end. So I give it an eyebrow raise instead for being one of the messiest stories ever told.

The combat wasn't really to my taste either, and the one open-ended area was just kinda... dull. I also didn't like the Paradigm system much either, as you could easily go from green HP to 0 and have no time to switch to medic, and you couldn't choose your positioning in battle so skills like Blitz were easily wasted. Everything just seemed so samey that 40 hours in and at the game's end, I felt like I had been doing the same thing through the whole way. The weapon upgrading felt tacked on, the Crystarium was a faint illusion of customization which made it pretty much impossible to go off the rails with ridiculous point costs for later levels/outside roles, and the writing... If I ever hear "Moms are tough!" or "We have hope!" ever again I should just shoot myself. I don't think it would have been as bad if the game weren't fully voice acted, but as spoken lines it's really silly. It was like Tales catchphrases had seeped into the FF franchise, but with such content dissonance that it literally made me facepalm.

However the game is very pretty and I'm not adverse to linearity, and the music is super chill and relaxing. Most of the popular games of this generation are extremely linear and no one has a problem with it in any other genre other than RPGs, apparently. I generally like the character designs. It's just... very flawed. My gripes with the battle system are generally personal gripes and a lot of people enjoy that aspect of the game since it requires lightning-quick reflexes for perfect paradigm shifts.

I think Sonic is in a similar boat. The games have been experimenting heavily, trying to implement new gameplay into Sonic with hit-or-miss results, much like Final Fantasy has been trying ever since 8. Apparently some parts of this game are just downright abysmal (from the reviews, the flying levels are the big offender). But I think generally the fans have actually clung to the series even through its darkest moments like Sonic 06. They had great praise for Colors and Generations even when a lot of big name review outlets have mixed feelings about the series ever since the death of the Dreamcast. Sonic has just gone through rockier territory, being constantly compared to the great platformers after Sega's fall from grace. For RPG fans, you end up having to dig through a lot of unknown franchises with fingers crossed that you didn't end up buying something as bad as say, Ar Tonelico Qoga or something.

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FFX was linear and doesnt have nearly as much hate so dont throw that "linear" garbage as an arguement. Its an excuse, some stories are linear some aren't. That is just how some games are.

Every Final Fantasy is different in style and such, people were just spoiled with 4 and 7 and expect every single game in the series to be exactly like them.

I say this as someon who likes both games, I like all the mainline FFs

I agree with the fact that FF13's linearity isn't a problem in context of the Final Fantasy series, but the problem is in the context of the game environment it came out in. We live in the era of sand box games unfortunately, where GTA is king. The same thing happened with Skyward Sword, which had wonderful puzzle design for the Zelda series, but the overall linearity of the overworld killed it for many people underservingly.

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Well, apparently everyone hated Shadow's title, though my brother and I enjoyed it immensely, so my opinion at least within the Sonic series.
I never played 06 but I wasn't really a fan whilst watching my brother and then seeing people play it on Youtube,

I haven't really fully enjoyed a Sonic title since I played the ones on Gamecube, I'm going to get the on 3DS though, mostly in part to fill out my 3DS library, but if it's a 9/9/9/9 then I can't be doing too much of a wrong decision with it's purchase, right?

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Most of the reasons why Final Fantasy XIII gets dissed is pretty fair, I mean the game was linear as hell till ending chapters and the story is told so badly and you have to read up on the storyline in small books in the menu to understand it more, instead of SE actually telling the story like a novel like they should be and done in the past.

It's not a perfect game and most whom have issues have the game have been playing the game since childhood starting with Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy VII. AKA A Long time.

I hate to break it to you but I've played every entry(well the mainline single player RPGs) in the Final Fantasy series(I've also heard every argument against FFXIII there is). They're all mostly linear, since this is a sonic thread I'll keep it short but take any Final Fantasy game after FFII and note where you can or can't go and what you can do after each story event and you'll see how you actually end up pushed along a linear path with the way back being pulled up from behind you until a certain point, FFVI is a good example.

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Most of the reasons why Final Fantasy XIII gets dissed is pretty fair, I mean the game was linear as hell till ending chapters and the story is told so badly and you have to read up on the storyline in small books in the menu to understand it more, instead of SE actually telling the story like a novel like they should be and done in the past.

When the game is linear, when shops and towns are gone, when you still can't control the Airship, and when the characters act so dramatic you'll begin to think that you picked up a DVD of Days Of Our Lives instead of a copy of Final Fantasy.

I think the story is nice. You had to read to understand the story in other FF games. I understood what was happening even without the data entries (except the Purge), the entries just go into detail. And 'telling a story like a novel'? That usually requires reading.

The Airship, Shops and Towns, and Linear is not really a good argument, because you're basically expecting it to be very very similar to the last FF games. Everything has to change sometime.

And dramatic characters? Did you even pay attention to the story? Everything about their lives has been a lie, and they've been railroaded into committing mass genocide along with their own personal problems brought on by their own weakness and the culture they were raised in. How is acting dramatic because of this a bad thing at all? Would you like them to be stone-faced and feel nothing at all? That's bad character writing.

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I have liked every sonic game except like. Labyrinth, 06 and Secret Rings. I have had fun with like every other title, I dno why the sonic fanbase has such a huge stick up their ass thinking there hasnt been a good one since the Genesis/Megadrive. I know the entire fanbase doesnt feel that way but.. If even its own fanbase is against it how can we be seen as anything but one big joke of the gaming world? I have been lambasted on forums for even liking Sonic and some others for liking the more contoversalgames such as Heroes, Black Knight, Unleashed, Shadow somewhat and actually thinking 06 had potienal but the rush by Sony and Microsoft murdered it, although 06 has an amazing ost and I felt Shadows story in it was pretty good

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To me, the credibility of a review depends on how much the reviewed material was advertised on the reviewers site/magazine. So can a frequent visitor of Famitsu tell me whether or not Sonic Lost World has been advertised on Famitsu and to what degree? This will help determine whether or not I'll finally get into the Sonic series.

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