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'Thank God she grabbed the gun...' Esmund thought to himself. His poor teenage hormones being manipulated by nature. He was very attracted to Soles, but he tried to compose himself. "Yeah... it's definitely important. What do you think we should try?"

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Fëanor smirked, "that might be true. If I were something useless like a human. However us elves specialize in ranged magic. Remember that fireball I ate earlier? Well here it comes!" Fëanor unhinged his jaw and blasted a large blue flame thrower towards The Observer. Fëanor had been continually feeding magical energy into his fireball the entire time, just more so out of site. It was his ace in the hole. A true ultimate defensive offence.

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Soles inspected the gun closely and then threw it on the ground in frustration. "It's stupid," she pouted. Soles had tried to focus her light energy to flow to the end of the gun, but of course nothing happened. Light magic is so useless. Soles covered her mouth as she yawned, replenished magical energy or not she still hadn't slept in a while. "I'm tired Esmy. I haven't slept at all." Soles sunk down on the the floor. "This isn't really an ideal sleeping place and I'm pretty chilly, but I suppose it could be worse." Soles smiled at Esmund as she rested her head against the inside of the hallowed out tree and drifted off into dream world.

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Aleksander continued to twirl his scythe, waiting for the pair of elven women in front of him to reveal their intentions as he had requested. As he had unfortunately expected, however, the pair chose to ignore him, prompting the blade of the scythe to light up as he channelled his magic into it.

"You two are unwilling to answer me? Fine. Then I'll simply cleave the answer out of you!"

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The elf in blue quickly threw up her hand, escaping Athena's grasp, and a large blue dome surrounded the area for at least a quarter mile. All the toxins in the air dissipated as the elf chanted "Purify". Both elves jumped from their hiding places and faced Aleksander head on. The elves put their staves together and yelled "Stormy night!" a blue and yellow bolt shot up into the air and clouds started forming directly above them. The elf in blue shot a lighter blue beam into the clouds and it began to hail heavily, with pieces as large as baseballs, going down incredibly fast and hard. The elves both ran back into cover elsewhere, waiting for the reaction of their foes.

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Aleksander leapt back and swung his scythe, watching as the weapon engulfed itself in flames and melted much of the hail, with Aleksander making sure that none of the magic water got on him so as to not interfere with his magical ability. He cursed under his breath as the dome went up; why had Athena chosen to stay? She could have gotten away from him before the two assailants tried to kill them again, so that at least she could continue living.

"Dammit... I'll need to go on the offensive, it looks like!"

Aleksander spun his scythe in front of him, creating a whirling stream of flame that hurtled itself towards the two enemies before him. He hoped that, wherever Athena was in this dome-like field, that she was okay.

"You will not hurt Athena! Take me if you must, but if you even think to hurt her, I will show you my true power!"

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The Observer was shocked when the huge flame was spouted at him, he dodged as quickly as he could, but his left arm got caught in the blast and was severely burned. The Observer screamed with pain but bit his tongue and took it. "*huff... huff* Impressive Feanor...I should have known I couldn't just walk away from this battle unscathed..." The Observer swiftly hacked off his left arm and flung it at Feanor, the arm whirling at lightning speed.

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Just as Sonny was pointing out that the flag was tied in Cindy's hair, a loud thud was heard.

Right before Sonny and Cindy's eyes, a huge, shirtless blonde giant with flowing hair and brass knuckles was grinning evilly at them.

[spoiler=NPC Event Character]


"Hey losers! I've come to claim your flag!" the giant brushed back his greasy hair with one hand and pointed at them, "No time to lose! Come on!" The giant leapt into action and his fist was engulfed in flames, aiming for Sonny's head.

Edited by shmobum
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Felina is alone, picking away at the dirt with her new pickaxe when she hears breathing next to her.

"Hello there little Miss."

[spoiler=NPC Event Character]


"Luck has brought us together." said the strange boy. "For you mademoiselle." The boy hands a small lantern to Felina, to help her keep things lit during these late hours.

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Esmund was feeling abit sleepy too, he yawned and stretched as he watched Soles fall asleep. She sure is beautiful while she sleeps... Esmund got a little closer to Soles and touched her face gently. Her skin was immaculate and smooth, he couldn't believe it. He noticed she was shivering, she was freezing cold. Esmund looked around to see if there was anything he could use to keep her warm. He decided the only thing to do was to take off his shirt and jacket. He placed them over her body, making sure she was still nice and snuggled up. She still looked a bit cold, so Esmund gave her a long kiss on the cheek, but the cheek quickly got cold again. Esmund began to shiver too. Maybe we'll have to share body heat? Esmund knew this probably would creep her out, but he slipped himself under the clothes he wrapped her in and wrapped his arms around her body, very careful not to wake her up. That's...better... before Esmund knew it, he had fallen asleep, embracing the beautiful fairy.

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"My my. How courteous." said Felina with a smile as she stood up, a conglomerate rock in her left hand and the pickaxe in her right. Being careful, she picked up the lamp, trying to keep Athena's words about the arrow being dispelled in light to mind. "Does that mean that bringing the lamp close to the flag will dispel the illusion? Better play it safe." she thought to herself. "It's a bit late at night, so either you're up past your bedtime, or you're a member of one of the other teams, Mr. Hoodie."

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Fëanor starred in disbelief as he watched his challenger literally hack off his own arm and use it as a weapon. He's insane. He has to be insane. He hardly flinched. Does he want to kill me that badly? The arm quickly burned up in Fëanor's firewall but the metallic claw on the end was able to make its way through and penetrated just under Fëanor's rib cage. Fëanor fell to the ground and spat up a hefty amount of blood. He left the claw in to avoid losing too much blood. "Enough is enough." Fëanor's firewall swiftly disappeared and than reappeared around The Observer. Fëanor held up his hand and then closed it, making the firewall cave in on The Observer. "Burn filth." At this point Fëanor didn't care if he killed his opposing or not.

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Soles was warm and cosy, she felt like she could sleep forever. But what if some enemies were to attack?! Soles woke-up in a jolt, "we have to protect ourselves!" She looked around frantically for Esmund when she quickly discovered he had wrapped himself around her. Soles panicked and slapped Esmund across the face, "what the hell are you doing you perv?!" Soles stood up, keeping Esmund's shirt and jacket still wrapped around her. She blushed heavily when she saw him without his shirt on. He was even cuter than she had originally thought. "What were you thinking seriously?" Soles turned her back and threw Esmund his shirt. Soles didn't need an answer. The forest was cold at night and Soles wasn't dressed appropriately at all. "Thanks though." Soles whispered softly making sure to hide her face from Esmund.

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Thankfully Aleksander was distracting the two elves, it gave Athena enough time to ready her attack. Dark globs of poisonous sludge began to attach themselves to Athena's body. Before long Athena was a large sludge like creature with red glowing eyes. She rose above the treetops, nearly hitting the top of the dome. Athena began to breath in the cloud, absorbing all the elemental magic within it. "I never run from a fight!" She shouted at Aleksander. Athena's magical energy was fading fast, she could no longer hold her sludge form. Before she lost her power Athena smashed the force field. Shortly after that Athena transformed back into her former state and began to plummet towards the ground.

"Not gunna work!" Cindy called out as she created a large wave from the pond to drench the fire user. Putting out his flames. Cindy grabbed her sceptre turning the gem at the end into a condensed ice. Cindy used her sceptre to stop the enemy's fist from moving any further and as soon as he made contact it began to freeze his arm. "There's no way we're going to lose. I'm a water user, stupid. Get out of here!"

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Aleksander found himself slowly regaining magical energy with every swing of his scythe, rather than losing it as he had suspected. He wondered why that was for a moment, until he saw a large sludge monster shatter the force field, than transform into a woman. Horror swept over Aleksander as he realized just who that was, as he broke off from the attackers and rushed towards the girl's expected landing spot.

"Athena! Don't worry, I'll catch you even if my life ends because of it!"

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Athena felt her body fall into Aleksander's arms. She smiled. She was sure she wasn't going to survive. "I can't believe I'm still alive." Athena stood up on her shaking legs, using Aleksander's body as a support. "Let's hurry up and finished these bitches off." Athena snarled and reached around for her bow and around, "these weapons seem to magnify our powers. If you can scare those two elves out of hiding I can stick them with a sludge arrow that will suck the magical energy right out of them... well enough anyway to slow them down so you can strike them with your scythe."

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Aleksander nodded, all the while feeling somewhat flushed and proud all at once. He had managed to preserve a life, no matter what the cost to him may have been, as opposed to taking one, meaning that he had at least changed somewhat.

"Got it. Now, let's take them down!"

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The hooded boy let out a little laugh under his breath, "I haven't really found much of a team, but I did find this." the boy pulled a purple flag out of his pocket, smiling. "Figured a pretty young maiden such as yourself would appreciate it." The boy outstretched his hand towards Felina, holding the flag. "You can call me Aegis by the way."

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"I know when I've met my better Feanor... you are certainly...impressive." As the flames engulfed the Observer, used the rest of his strength to remove his own head, preserving the flag tied around it. The head rolled to Feanor's feet, looking up with a creepy, solemn expression, flag tied around the top. It was time for Feanor to claim his prize.

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Esmund stretched and rubbed his eyes as he adjusted his vision on Soles. "Don't worry Soles...if anyone...*snore*..." Esmund partially fell back asleep but jolted himself back awake, "ATTACKS us we'll have me to fight and you to heal. And we're gonna get you ready to fight too!" Esmund pointed at the gun. "Let's figure this out together." Esmund shivered in the cold, but tried to hide it because Soles looked so adorable wrapped up in his clothing. He picked the gun up off the floor and wrapped his arms around Soles from behind. "Now I'm gonna show you how to hold this correctly, and then explain to you how I think it works, now take the gun from me and let me explain everything."

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The giant laughed heartily as his arm froze up. He flexed his muscles, and the ice shattered. "I'm also an earth user! Don't think little tricks like that will defeat me!" The giant sent his fist flying towards Cindy, charged with the power of the earth.

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Sonny quickly countered the blow, knocking the giant back with a mighty punch to the gut. "Don't touch her! She's my friend!" Sonny felt rage building up inside him, yet also fear. This giant was clearly skilled in magic, and skilled giants were a rarity. "Cindy, we're going to have to work together very closely for this to work. Whenever he appears to be using fire, back me up with your magic."

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The giant winced in pain as Sonny sent him backwards, but quickly shrugged it off. "Another earth user, eh?" the giant pointed at Sonny, "Looks like this will be a battle of brawn my friend! Watch and be amazed!" the giant drove his fists into the earth, and a hot magma-like liquid engulfed his arms. The giant smiled. "This is the power of a dual elementalist! Magma magic!" The giant slammed his fist into the ground, a torrent of magma hurdling towards Cindy and Sonny.

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The elf sisters began to feel afraid of Athena's intimidating Shadow magic, and revealed themselves to their opponents. They pointed at Athena, who was clearly shaken from the battle, "we wish to fight you again at full strength. Expect us soon. Very soon." A white hot light surrounded the two elves, and with that, they vanished, leaving Athena and Aleksander standing breathless in the swampy battlefield.

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