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Aleksander saw the sadistic glee that spread across Athena's face when the thought of fighting Feanor together crossed her mind; to be honest, he didn't blame her considering the fact that he was a self-absorbed asshat. Still, Aleksander knew that actively seeking out and subsequently fighting everyone wasn't the best strategy, so he had to play it safe.

"I know how you feel, Athena. But I get the sense that he's strong... if we run into him and he gives you trouble, don't hesitate to call for my help. I'd gladly throw myself in harm's way to protect you."

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"I think I'll be right here. All I need to do is convince them that I am, indeed, guarding a flag. I don't have to be a good guard, in fact being a 'good' guard would hurt my chances. Best for them to think I simply don't care about the flag and care more about digging up rocks and non-existent artifacts. Plus, failure only results in them taking a fake." she said with a smile as she gave her pickaxe a swing into the ground, kicking up grass and soil. She then took the arrows as well as the real flag out of the bag and, without so much as thinking, thrust the arrow through the flag, being sure to hold onto it tightly. Then, calmly, she went to lean it up against a nearby tree before picking up some grass and carefully resting it against the flag, so she could ensure it hadn't been stolen.

"There. Should be hidden until dawn. Now I just need fakes and I'll be all set!"

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Soles pouted and waited a few moments for Esmund to reach a decent level of distance ahead of her. Soles raised her right foot slowly off the ground and flickered her wings. She quickly flew right past him with ease, "I don't need anyone to carry me thank you very-" Soles forgot to look where she has going and flew into a large oak tree, "awh fuck!" She yelled cupping her nose tightly. "Ugh Esmy why did you have to challenge me to a race!?" Soles stomped her foot and she stood back up in front of him. "What if I had broken my nose!?"

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"Thanks..." Sonny felt so embarrassed that he was so terrible at controlling his magic. "Us giants have huge pools of mana resting inside of us, but it's very difficult to control. Giants can either be great wizards or complete failures... I'm a little closer to the latter." Sonny looked down at his reflection and punched it. Always letting everyone down Sonny... can't you do anything right? he thought to himself.

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Esmund moved Soles' hands from her face, "Hmm... it still looks cute to me as usual..." Esmund looked at her nose from multiple angles. "I'll be more careful next time I promise!" Esmund winked at her and began to walk next to her. "We'll stick together from now on, sound good?"

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Fëanor watched The Observer carefully. What was going on right now? Was he trying to be baited into a battle? Was this a test of self-control or strength? Clearly there was a flag in it for him. "You look faggy enough to be the masochistic type." Fëanor smirked, "a battle between us wouldn't even be fair. You're nothing but a one trick pony. A speedster. You're already dead." Fëanor lunged a quick fire whip out of his hand at The Observer.

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Athena walked with Aleksander down a muddy path in the forest, "one moment." Athena removed her shoes and tossed them in a nearby bush. "I'm not worried about battling with Feanor. I expect us to team up for it. You're powerful too. You wouldn't be giving up your life or anything. We have a number advantage." Athena stopped again to touch one of the trees. "I'm marking our path so we don't get lost and can find Felina again." Athena gave Aleksander a quick smile, "I wouldn't get too attached to me if I were you. I know I seem stable now but, well you've already seen how I can get. Not very proper of an elf."

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Aleksander felt his face flare up somewhat, albeit not the kind of flaring that he was used to. He couldn't believe that he'd said something so... direct, so forward, and now he felt like an idiot. But what really caught his attention was that last part. When did he ever care about being proper?

"It doesn't matter to me how you try and look; the fact is that I'd fight for you no matter who may be standing in front of me, and I'm not concerned of your mental stability considering all that I've done in my life. If anything, it makes me feel more at ease knowing someone can understand me like you do."

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"Don't sell yourself short onii-chan." Cindy gave Sonny a gentle smile. Cindy dipped her feet into the pound. "Are you hungry? There are fish in this pound and I can," Cindy kicked her feet as several fish jumped on the soil next to Sonny flopping around, "if we're going to fight we're going to need our energy. So eat up." Cindy grabbed a fish and bit into it raw, fish guts spilling out of her mouth. "It's delicious!"

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With Aleksander and Athena gone, Felina started to get to work making fakes from whatever she could and trying them up upon sticks, sticking one out in the open of where she was before, carefully, spreading the rest out over a short distance before returning to her clearing and starting to dig, humming softly as she did so, being sure to pick up and 'study' various rocks, all the while keeping a careful eye on where the flag actually was.

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The Observer smirked and in an instant, slashed the flames to nothing with his claw. "That was an impressive blast of fire, but unfortunately not quite quick enough to keep up with me." The Observer disappeared and reappeared behind Feanor "Have you ever heard of dual elements Feanor?" The Observer disappeared again and appeared directly above Feanor. "Light energy...and air energy... what's that make? Can you guess?" without giving Feanor a chance to respond, the Observer slashed downwards, sending a huge bolt of lightning at him.

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"So this is what humans are like?" Athena smiled, "I like it." Athena looked into Aleksander's eyes, they were so expressive. "I need to become much stronger. There is something I have to do. Do you understand that too? Among my people emotion is looked upon as weakness. They think things like love is simply superfluous. All they care about are number and results," Athena pulled up her sleeves to reveal several scars from being burnt and whipped. "Can you understand that too? I'm not a good person, Aleksander. I am not someone worth protecting."

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Sonny took a few fish from the pile. "You're right Cindy, I'm pretty hungry anyways." he cringed a little as fish guts flew out of her mouth when she smiled. Sonny looked at the fish in his hands and closed his eyes. He shoved them all in his mouth, chewed and swallowed. They tasted absolutely rancid. Maybe the water was polluted by some sort of magical energy? Sonny didn't want to make Cindy feel bad so he smiled too, showing off his teeth stained with fish intestines.

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Two Elven girls rustle through the bushes near Athena and Aleksander. One pops out from behind and the other in front.

[spoiler=NPC Event Characters]


A jet of freezing cold water is shot at Aleksander and Athena from behind, and a blinding light is glaring at them from the front.

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Soles' skin crawled at the sound of the horn ringing. "We hardly have anything ready Esmy!?" Soles dropped down several fallen branches and vines she had collected around the forest. "Will this be enough to make a door?" Soles carried a branch over to the opening at the base of a tree Esmund was taking shelter in. Esmund had originally wanted to build a treehouse type thing at the top of a tree, but Soles convinced him they would be safer in a tree. "Can you cut these or something to fit? I can start braiding the vines together. I'd imagine we don't have much time left." Soles bit her lip nervously.

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Aleksander looked down at the scars and burn marks that Athena was showing to him. It made him angry and upset that someone would treat her this way, but he knew as well as anyone else that there was no taking back the past, and that the only option was to move forward.

"Athena, I don't care about what other people think of you. Those people don't matter as long as you're happy with yourself... and with me."

Suddenly, the two were ambushed by a pair of elven girls. Aleksander shoved Athena out of the way and took the full brunt of both attacks, forcing him to one knee.

"Gah...! Water and light magic? This must be some sort of test..."

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The Elven girls took back to the bushes, concealing themselves from Aleksander and Athena's sight.

"We'll take your flag..." is heard from the left.

"Without fail..." is heard from the right.

The forest floor was beginning to get damp and squishy from some sort of water magic, making it hard to move around.

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Esmund focused his wind magic into the shape of a blade at the end of his gauntlets and cut the branches to a fitting size for a door. "Yeah we better hurry. I'm going to hollow this tree out some more to give us a bit more room." Esmund handed Soles a bundle of cut branches and went back to cutting wood bit by bit to hollow out the tree. "Say Soles... we gotta come up with a way to fight together. I know you're mainly a healer, but we can learn to use that to our advantage."

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Fëanor's pupils widened as he watched the bolt of lighting heading for him. Fëanor quickly crossed his arms above him to protect his head. A strong flame lined his arms, something that lighting wouldn't be able to travel through. As soon at the lighting disappeared Fëanor pulled his arms apart and he ran over by a tree. "Dual elements?!" Fëanor had only read about things like that in books. "Who the fuck are you really? And what do you want with me?" Fëanor sneered. Fëanor thought for a moment and than smiled, fire is strong against air. Fëanor created a blazing circle of fire around himself to burn up any oxygen surrounding him, "how can you make your precious lighting without any air to use?"

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Aleksander slowly attempted to raise himself up, but the residue from the water magic made it difficult for him to act properly. Whoever these two were, they were good... perhaps too good. Aleksander figured the best way to do things was to try and keep them at bay as long as possible so Athena could get away... perhaps, he thought, by saving her life he could atone for his.

He drew his scythe from the ground, grasping it firmly in both hands whilst letting the power emanating from the weapon flow through him, giving him a boost that he sorely needed. The scythe's blade lit up as he got into a fighting stance, ready to face both of these challengers at once.

"Athena, go! I'll keep them busy while you complete our objective. Your life is too precious to be put at risk here!"

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"Ew Sonny you're nasty". Cindy stuck her tongue out playfully at Sonny as the horn could be heard. Cindy panicked and dove into the pound. "Where's our flag? Where did I put our flag!?"

Athena watched as Aleksander took both the powerful attacks noting one of them was using light magic. This guy wasn't kidding, he really did want to protect her. Athena used her magic to sink away into the darkness, appearing to leave Aleksander alone. She moved behind the elven girls as she watched the water using one bent over, her hands in the earth. Athena allowed a toxic smoke to seep out of her pours and into the breathing area of the two attackers.

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Aleksander took a moment while the two elven women were hesitating, as there were watching Athena leave the area at his behest, to take stock of the attackers in front of him: one was a light mage that would be able to inflict serious harm on Athena - which Aleksander just couldn't let happen - while the other was a water mage, likely gunning for him.

"Hmm... you two seem serious about harming us. Tell me, who sent you? And which of you is first to face me? You won't hurt a single hair on her head if you wish to live, so I'd suggest both of you stay and focus on me as opposed to going after my partner."

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The Observer began to clap. "Excellent dodge and observation Feanor. But you forget one thing, that circle limits your movement drastically. And if you try to levitate it and have it follow you, you'll only be expending energy you need to attack me." The Observer leaned next to a tree. "It's true that is a phenomenal defense you have there, but how long can you keep it up?"

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Soles attached the door and joined Esmund inside the hallowed out tree. "I'm not 'mainly a healer'." Soles huffed as she left light hand prints all along the inside of the tree. The hand print provided enough light for the two of them to see inside the tree, but not enough for anyone to notice there was light coming from inside a tree. "Could a healer do this?" Soles smiled as she pressed her hand against the inside of the tree trunk creating another little hand print. Soles stretched and slowly sauntered over to Esmund, cornering him up against a wall. "You know Esmy," Soles spoke softly as her blue eyes gazed into his. Soles pressed her body up against Esmund, her hand slowly feeling its way down to his waist. Soles smiled as her lips were close to his, she could feel his heart beating fast. Soles giggled as she pulled her gun out of his back pocket and then regained a normal standing position, "we need to come up with a way to use this."

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