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If I was a Fire Emblem Villain, I would never...


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Send my weakest, low ranking soldiers to kill the only heir to the only weapon that can kill me, and progressively send stronger ones.

Now it's your turn, what would you never do as a Fire Emblem villain?

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If I steal the legendary weapon that can kill me, and I wouldn't let them get it back, I would keep it with me at all times.

Or, better yet, destroy it or hide it and not announce its location to everyone.

Edited by Konpaku Youmu
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Send soldiers who's allegiance to me is questionable towards the band of heroes. Furthermore, no sending former comrades, lovers, or acquaintances of any of the enemy's troops to battle them.

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I wouldn't leave the Fire Emblem under my throne. Face it, the heroes are due here any day now. Why hand the thing to them on a silver platter?

On second thoughts, I'll leave a few mines under there. I never liked Kenneth anyway.

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I'd never try to absorb a race's essence for power. Or if I was, I'd not bother encouraging a military force to come at me.

Another thing I'd avoid is royalty. Let them eat cake!

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I would be a more for the people guy, than for the king. So when the heroes come, I will run up to the Lord or anyone else in range and chat with them. I will explain how I no longer agree with the king and ask to fight on the hero's side. I will make sure I am not a recruit and but a flyer so I can have better odds of talking to who recruits me.

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[spoiler=Don't...]Touch ancient tomes containing the most powerful being in your world (especially if they're of the possessing persuasion.)

Try to use an unholy demon to bring someone back from the dead.

Turn an ancient being into a demon (Seriously, Demons are bad, m'kay?)

Invade a country under the protection of ragtag heroes.

Betray your liege for their crown with a coup. It just never works.

And last, but definetly not least....


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