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Why people call their close friends brother(bro) or sister(sis)


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The last thing I'd ever want is another sibling. I have just one and it's already pretty hard to stand her. Thinking of close friends as brother or sister, IMO, would only make you enjoy them less.

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some people like their friends more than their siblings

I'm one of those people. What i'm saying is that being a close friend is better than being a sibling (you can choose your friends, you can't choose your siblings). Siblings suck, so calling friends siblings means you also think they suck

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It sounds like your sibling relationship must have been pretty God Damn Bad, for you to say that you can't even imagine an amicable, much less close one

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(full disclosure: I only have half-siblings that have never been in the same house as me for much over a week, but have seen with my own eyes such debauchery as close-in-age siblings hugging and generally enjoying each others company)

(further, I have never been referred to as bro or sis by anybody with enough consistency to remember it)

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just because you don't get along with your sister doesn't mean people cannot call whoever the fuck they want sis or whatever, you manchild

I'm not saying they can't... They can do whatever they want, i'm just asking.

Anyway, it's not that my relationship with my sister is that bad, it's just that our personalities are very different. I enjoy being aroud my close friends more than i enjoy beig around my sister, and that seems to be true for almost everyone, so i don't understand the point of calling friends brother or sister

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irl i only have sisters and they're all cunts. i have one friend who i call my sis because she actually feels like one emotionally.

What's "felling like a sister emotionally"? I'm honestly curious.

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I am close to my brothers(no sisters) and my friends :). They are my hombres.

Though my little brother isn't going trick or treating this year and so I won't get half his candy, I still love him all the same.

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What's "felling like a sister emotionally"? I'm honestly curious.

the simplest way to explain it is the wonderful love and support, and that feeling that some people talk about...you know, "family is all you have in this world" and "you shouldn't leave family behind"...the general idea of feeling that their companionship is always worth it and that they won't just come and go like most friendships in general. oh and the idea of a romantic relationship is almost never on the table, of course.


because people like incest

i was too slow...

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Yeah, someone tell Tang that I don't call her "sister" because I like incest.

But then I've been on pretty good relationships with both of my siblings for the majority of my life now. It was only through, like, 10 years of age (for me, they're both older) that I ever really fought with them, and since I've been ~15 they've both been like best friends in crime because we'd all do shit our parents wouldn't have let us and cover for each other.

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I don't really care. I've never had any siblings nor have I really wished for any, so I don't feel the need to call anyone as "siblings." The closest things I had to siblings are cousins but they were terrible to me, and any sense of family was never formed in my brain so I wouldn't want to call any close friends as family.

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It's weird imo,

and I have a rule against dating any guy that has a 'sister' because it's usually some obsessive friendzone situation that I just don't want to deal with.

I don't do it

and now at my age I don't know anyone who does it either.

So perhaps it is a childish thing?

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I honestly don't know why. Once I even asked someone who was calling me bro why he was calling me bro. He said it was an acknowledgement of having been through something together (which was true in that particular case).

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