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Am I like the only one who wishes they had a brother or sister...?


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My siblings are........ well, I certainly don't hate them cause they are definitely interesting characters. I still love them both, for family mean everything to me, but it sucks when you're the youngest of three

Edited by Hero-King
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I love my siblings more than anything.

Children without siblings usually had a harder time developing socially, so it's always a good idea to have more than one child when you are planning that in your life.

Your siblings can be your best friends, and even if you don't get along during those awkward angsty teen years you will as adults and you'll always have them <3

I demand more!

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I have 6 siblings. You can take a few, if you'd like.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLLLL. I actually am really jealous of girls who have great relationships with their sisters...I don't have a sister but I kind of wish I did...

OH WAIT I DON'T. I have a younger girl cousin (she's....my cousin's daughter...so I think that makes her my cousin once removed) and she and her brother are little nightmares that I had to treat as younger siblings for a prolonged period of time. That wasn't fun. I had to wake up super early every day because my 'little brother' was screaming his head off whenever he woke up, and my 'little sister' insists that I cook her breakfast for her. And then if I need to go out somewhere, my 'little sister' be like 'I WANNA GO TOO!!!' and I be like 'No, I have to do it myself, can you stay home?' and she be like 'NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!' *sigh* Oh...it's trying....it's trying...

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I have 2 bros 1 sis. I fought with my younger all the time, I really like the other 2. All my life I wished I had a twin or at least a sibling closer in age to me. Last year I found out my mom had an abortion a year before I was born. =[

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I remember hearing about a study (whose source I forget) that saw a significantly more positive correlation between single children households and either happiness, success, or both in the lives of those kids, compared to households with even just a pair of siblings.

Upon reading of it, of course, I immediately looked around and thanked goodness for my success-free and socially retarded existence

I do remember doing the "hey [parent], can I have a little sibling?" thing when I was smaller. Though on reflection I'm lucky I exist at all, my parents having had me at like 45

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I remember hearing about a study (whose source I forget) that saw a significantly more positive correlation between single children households and either happiness, success, or both in the lives of those kids, compared to households with even just a pair of siblings.

Upon reading of it, of course, I immediately looked around and thanked goodness for my success-free and socially retarded existence

I do remember doing the "hey [parent], can I have a little sibling?" thing when I was smaller. Though on reflection I'm lucky I exist at all, my parents having had me at like 45

I heard something about siblings 4 years apart being the worst distance, but even though he beat me up sometimes I got along pretty good with my older brother. I never beat him!

EDIT-Wait a second, that's not true. Once I laid down on the ground in the backyard and kicked up at him with my legs, and he couldn't counter. He had to flee.

Edited by Lanfear
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Idk man my relationship with my sister is great actually, definitely better than most of our friends' sibling relationships.

Being a single child shouldn't be bad though, I thought.

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Having a sibling is great. I have an older brother ( Who is also on SF ) and really, we're the best of friends. We have the same hobbies ( Gaming ) There are times though where he annoys me to the point where I just want to slam a door in his face and never speak to him again, but having a sibling is great for company. Without my brother, I would probably be bored shitless with my life.

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I kinda wish I had a sibling. I mean I love just talking to people I'm close to, and I often spend hours just having a conversation (even with my parents). But on the other hand there I times were I just like to be by myself and don't really want to talk to anyone.

Edited by Junpei Iori
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fortunately for me I don't have to wish for siblings because I already have them!

they're pretty cool but we can get mad at each other over petty things

it happens with all siblings though I'm pretty sure

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fortunately for me I don't have to wish for siblings because I already have them!

they're pretty cool but we can get mad at each other over petty things

it happens with all siblings though I'm pretty sure

Once I got mad at my brother for talking to me.

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