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Am I like the only one who wishes they had a brother or sister...?


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I do remember doing the "hey [parent], can I have a little sibling?" thing when I was smaller. Though on reflection I'm lucky I exist at all, my parents having had me at like 45

I did that too when I was around 9, only my parents had me at like 20 years younger and I actually got a little brother...two, in fact! The 9 year age gap unfortunately means that they certainly aren't helping me improve my social issues (stoopid INTJ).

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I have an older sister and a younger brother, and I love them both dearly. My sister has probably been the biggest influence on my life, even though she's only a year older than I am, and I'm glad to have her as my sister. My brother and I aren't as close as I am with my sister, but we get along a hell of a lot better than what we used to, mostly because my sister moved out and took away the ability to gang up on the other sibling.

And I'm not sure if having siblings close in age helps all that much with social issues, Refa. Both my siblings are a year apart in age but I'm more than a bit socially retarded and a recluse by nature. Then again, I was also the dreaded middle child who was ignored most of the time, so I guess I'm not the best example.

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I am an only child, but I do remembered that my parents told me that they had a foster son before I was born and was left to live with his real father again, which I think counts that as Foster Brother (but I haven't even saw him). But, I do wish for having siblings in my family.

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And I'm not sure if having siblings close in age helps all that much with social issues, Refa. Both my siblings are a year apart in age but I'm more than a bit socially retarded and a recluse by nature. Then again, I was also the dreaded middle child who was ignored most of the time, so I guess I'm not the best example.

Fair enough, honestly I think I'm just trying to blame someone besides myself at this point. :p

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Yeah, I've always wanted to have a younger brother or sister. Being an only child with busy parents was pretty lonely growing up haha. BUT IT'S O-OKAY. I... I had videogames to keep me company! Haha... ha.

I think this is why I'm really close to my kid relatives though. I treat them like a sibling I never had xD

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Weee I'm happy to have siblings~ I think I would be too bored without any.

The problem isn't really... that I can't get along with them. It's just that my two younger brothers can't get along with each other~

Otherwise, it's fun having siblings to do things like play Sonic the Hedgehog or Streets of Rage with ^~^

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I don't think being an only child deprives you of developing socially. It really depends on how you're raised with your parents and your friends. You don't need siblings for that. I only lack social abilities and everything because I've never experienced what family feels like, so.

but I still enjoy being an only child.

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I WISH I was an only child, I have an older brother in his late 20s whos either being a deadweight and mooching off of us or living with someone else until the relationship goes sour just to come crawling back and my parents will ALWAYS accept him back no matter what which disgusts me and I want him out of our lives completely. Not to mention he treated me horribly as a child and got me in trouble for things I didn't do when I was already being bullied in school anyways meaning I was never safe and everything was shit no matter where I was. Though sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have a sister instead, perferably one closer to my age.

I mean sure I'd imagine being an only child could get lonely at times but I can't really relate since I'm usually lonely and left out anyway plus I perfer friends because you can actually CHOOSE them, when it comes to having someone terrible in your family you're pretty much screwed until you can get out on your own.

Edited by Lettuce
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i have one little sister, and i must admit life's just so fun with her, we shared many things together, in bad things like from yanking hair each other to even had a fight once to the point because of simple matters (especially in pokemon and Rune factory .__.). and in other random things (usually otaku stuff), but yeah, even with her annoying and provocative attitude, things are just boring without her ^>^

but buhhh, since i've gone to bandung, now i can only visit her once in a 3-4 weeks ~.~, boredom is killing...

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What you guys call boredom, I call peace.

Overall it really depends on what kind of siblings you have~

Either you don't have siblings and your basis is from other people with siblings or something else, or you have siblings and they're not very nice siblings =b

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I have two and you can't have either of them. But you can have me. For a price. Fufufufu...

What you guys call boredom, I call peace.

Siblings are just lifeforms that get in the way of Pokemon, eh? :P

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I did that too when I was around 9, only my parents had me at like 20 years younger and I actually got a little brother...two, in fact! The 9 year age gap unfortunately means that they certainly aren't helping me improve my social issues (stoopid INTJ).

Is INTJ short for Intellijent?

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My sister let me spend a week's vacation with her in Chicago once

She's among the most unambiguously awesome people in my life

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I talk about life my older brother and go on long walks and talk about his friends and games with my little brother. And I game with both of them. though my little brother has like, one or two cute years left before he is a teenager. Lil bro' don't change for the worse when you enter high school! Hopefully lil' bro you will still think D&D is cool when your in high school :), because the both of you will forever be my gaming buddies.

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