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fea v pokemon x/y



42 members have voted

  1. 1. niggas

    • fire emblem awakening
    • pokemon x/y

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I'll do a breakdown:

I can't rate playtimes, because Pokemon's is expanded thanks to not-sleeping, via GTS.

I'll look at other aspects:
Gameplay: I'm not that big on Pokemon's PvP-oriented Metagame, and I'll give any PvE focus over a PvP one any day. Sure PvP is nice, but I'd rather PvE. [This is why Armored Core Verdict Day is still worse than 4/4A, BTW. Verdict day is a great game. Multiplayer focus? NONONONO.] Difficultywise, Pokemon's dirt easy, and this is by dirt-easy-Pokemon standards: That push for multiplayer yields too much power too quickly. Also, forcibly handing you a Legendary (Cover Legendary is a Forced Catch. If you KO it, the battle restarts. Said Cover Legendary has a higher chance to be caught than a freaking Weedle, BTW, and you can readily catch it with a basic Pokeball turn 1.) [even giving you the opportunity to add said legendary to your team and calling you out if you choose not to] then throwing a boss at you that said Legendary can always sweep doesn't help much. THEN there's the Wifi/E4 Exploit (need to Pokecenter because you somehow didn't OHKO all of the E4's Pokes? Wifi battle!)

Then Megas are kinda dumb: Hurdur.. let's make all the stuff that's already confirmed to be REALLY good and make that better! Oh, this doesn't even waste a turn! [Mega Evolve should at the very least blow the turn used to Mega Evolve.]

FE:A is much more challenging-- hell there's more threat of loss on FE:A NORMAL/CAS than there is in Pokemon X/Y.

And L+ is MUCH better designed than lolBattlemansion. [battle Mansion and Battle Test are MORE RNG than L+, except wait, no, the game is explicitly cheating to counter you, which means it's essentially L+ Chapter 2 for the whole thing.]

Of course, the low difficulty and free access to top tier resources in Pokemon is because this is Nintendo trying to push a PvP game here.

Winner: FE:A

Graphics and Music: FE:A BY FAR. This is a category I can't really compare them, styles are different. FE:A don't framerate tank like Pokemon does though.

Story: X and Y has the best story in any Pokemon game I've played (which is notable, because Colosseum is/was a thing.), but it's a far cry from anything "good" (although, that's ok, Pokemon's more about post game anyway, and simpler stories for younger audiences... but wait, X/Y has no non-PvP Postgame and isn't as fun of a replay as Gen 3, which was the other one to have no Postgame [because outside of Torchic solo, Gen 3's main game was somewhat challenging]!). FE:A's story is mediocre by FE standards, and those are mediocre. However, FE:A has Future Past going for it, and that's much more touching than anything the story of AZ could offer. Also, those crazy cultists are a better set of villains than those wacky Nazis. Lysandre was as glarlingly evil as Validar, but at least Validar wasn't treated as a good guy, ever, unlike Lysandre.

Yeah, Awakening's the better game.

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I don't understand how people can compare pokemon and fe anyway

they're like two completely different games

its funny to see people take a joke topic seriously

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if you really need to know, i made the topic strictly on preference, didnt really intend for people to compare gameplay and stuff like that. but then again i should have known since sf is home to creeper video game nerds

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Story: X and Y has the best story in any Pokemon game I've played

You must not have played Black/White.

Or Ruby/Sapphire.

Or Diamond/Pearl.

Or Gold/Silver.

Or Red/Blue.

Those last few were a joke, but seriously, X/Y is a far cry from having the best story even in the Pokemon series. Well, unless you're only considering the postgame Looker side story.

Awakening has its flaws, but it's better than X/Y.

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its funny to see people take a joke topic seriously

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if you really need to know, i made the topic strictly on preference, didnt really intend for people to compare gameplay and stuff like that. but then again i should have known since sf is home to creeper video game nerds

oh YEAH I forgot this is the Jape forum


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It's FEA and we have hipsters.

They're pretty terrible excuses for hipsters then, because the least popular Pokemon game will always be more mainstream than the most popular Fire Emblem game.

Fire Emblem hipsters ;)

Just wait until we have FE:A Hipsters and insult the next FE game.

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