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Favourite Villain?


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Since it's Halloween i thought i'd ask this. I was going to make a poll also, but there are just way too many villains to choose from O_O.

From the top of my head I'd say...

Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame for being so dark and realistic. Hellfire!

Xehanort from KH for planning practically everything ahead and deceiving so many people.


So who's your favourite villain, and why?

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I guess I liked N from Pokémon as a villain, as even when you were working against him, you knew he was a good guy.

Oh... Metatron was pretty awesome from DeSu Overclocked's Chaos Route, and Naoya was just as awesome when you played AS him, or played against him. He's so obviously evil, it's funny.

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I feel he's a complex character, and his dynamic with Thor is one of my favourite things in Marvel U. He makes you feel sympathy for him, but unless you've fallen victim to his good looks you also get he's a crazy-ass bastard. He's not a being of pure evil, but rather chaos, and I really like that he's willing to go to any means to be as unpredictable as possible, and it's fitting of his trickster god status.

And he is pretty hot, not gonna lie. I'm not one of those fans who's like daww Loki is hottie must woobify because can't stand hotties being so evil because doing that would be a disservice to his character, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him pretty attractive, at least both Hiddleston's portrayal and in the upcoming Agent of Asgard series, as well as in Siege.

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Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2)-He's a glorious, hilarious douchebag

Saren (Mass Effect)-Essentially a rouge supercop. Just thought he was done really well.

Buggy The Clown (One Piece)-So much fail

Reaver (Fable II/III)-See Handsome Jack

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Saren (Mass Effect)-Essentially a rouge supercop. Just thought he was done really well.

Saren was more of a pawn to the reapers though, If anyone in the ME U then maybe the illusive man or the Reapers themselves.

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Saren was more of a pawn to the reapers though, If anyone in the ME U then maybe the illusive man or the Reapers themselves.

I still found him more compelling, because you felt like you had a chance. Most of the third game was spent like 'OH GOD WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!' then in the second game, you're basically one of the bad guys...

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The Joker, in all his incarnations, he's a great representation of villainy. Scar from the Lion King is another one I like, Dracula from both his original source, the actual Vlad the Impaler, and the Castlevania version. Revolver Ocelot and Liquid Snake in Metal Gear Solid. Giovanni from Pokemon. Damion Cray from the Alex Rider book series. Nergal, Alvis, and Garnef from Fire Emblem. Ganon, Megatron, Darth Vader, Kefka, I could go on, I'm a big fan of movies and games, and I really like villains.

#1 has to be Joker though.

Edited by Knight
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I have a lot too, but I'm not sure who is my all time favorite. There's Mr. L from Mario, Vaati and Ghirahim from Zelda, Black Knight from FE, Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, Zira from The Lion King II, and probably more I'm not thinking of. :P

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B-But you can't kill children in skyrim!

He's so evil he breaks the game. He combines every players efforts to kill the children, which amalgamates into one mighty blow, forever writing his name in blood upon the pages of history.

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Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame for being so dark and realistic. Hellfire!

I didn't particularly like Frollo a s a villain. He was in love with Esmeralda, and a really evil person shouldn't be capable of love, in my opinion.

If we are talking about Disney movies, I would choose Scar, who killed his brother.

But it's difficult to choose the most interesting villain, there are too many. Maybe the mafia boss "The Puppeteer" (Il Puparo) from the Italian TV series "Octopus" (La Piovra). On the other hand, by choosing him, I am contradicting my own previous statement about Frollo that a villain shouldn't be capable of loving, since the Puppeteer cared about his adopted daughter. But anyway, he impressed me how he managed to control the mafia and even weasel his way out of being killed even when the whole mafia Commission turned against him.

Edited by Dwalin2010
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Hmm, I'm not sure if I like any real villains. I suppose the closest character I have to fit the bill is Light Yagami, but I personally don't really think he is a villain (but I don't think he's good either. I view him as a very complex character). Most people seem to consider him to be a villain, though, so I'll just go with him as my answer anyways.

All the other "villains" that I like turn out to be good guys just playing the part for the greater good.

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Light was definitely one. However I would say my favorite would have to be Joshua from the World Ends With You. He may not be the largest villain but he does cause a lot of trouble for Neku and he has a large impact on the story at multiple points.

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game villain: ganondorf

movie villain: darth vader

comic villain: has to be the joker

star trek villain: KHAAAAAANNN!

tv villain: tony soprano if that counts

anime villain: raoh

bond villain: alec trevelyan

disney villain: shere khan

FE villain: zephiel

this thread reminded me of this video

Edited by Aizenberg
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Err probably biased on this one due to absolutely loving the game but Dimentio


Now I haven't played this game in a LONG while (I really need to re-buy it ]: ) but from what I remember Dimentio was ruthless, chaotic, emotionless, sadistic and manipulative. One of the darkest characters in a Mario game and I love him because of it

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I thought Sephiran was an excellent villain. You could tell from a mile away (by the end of PoR definitely) that he would be a villain, but he was still great.

Baldanders in Severian's magnum opus is great, but I prefer Dr Talos. I think he could reasonably classified as villainous by Sword of the Lictor. The two of em are not really superb antagonists, but they do some bad stuff in general.

I'll also go with Lens Larque in The Demon Princes. He has great subordinates and the culmination of his plot during the "falling action" of The Face is absolutely hilarious.

Lord Gro in The Worm Ouroborous (sp?) was great too. He betrays both sides at varying times, and manages to seem noble despite being treacherous almost on principal.

Saren was more of a pawn to the reapers though, If anyone in the ME U then maybe the illusive man or the Reapers themselves.

Being a pawn of a villain generally makes you a villain. And Saren was a high-ranking piece, considering the extent to which Sovereign went to modify him to serve them. I think he's a pretty good answer.

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Being a pawn of a villain generally makes you a villain. And Saren was a high-ranking piece, considering the extent to which Sovereign went to modify him to serve them. I think he's a pretty good answer.

But to me that would make Sovereign and the reapers an even bigger villain since they used him for their own advantage.

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But to me that would make Sovereign and the reapers an even bigger villain since they used him for their own advantage.

I agree that Sovereign is a bigger villain, but I don't think that increasing the scope of a villain's plans necessarily will make them a more favorite villain. Otherwise, everyone's favorite villains would probably be after world/universal domination or destruction.

EDIT-Not saying the reapers ain't cool though.

Edited by SeverIan
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I agree that Sovereign is a bigger villain, but I don't think that increasing the scope of a villain's plans necessarily will make them a more favorite villain. Otherwise, everyone's favorite villains would probably be after world/universal domination or destruction.

EDIT-Not saying the reapers ain't cool though.

True, in ME i'd say The Illusive Man was probably my favourite villain.

And Harbinger because of his awesome speech at the end of ME2

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