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Reclassing is terrible...

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The game is full of inconsistencies (Cordelia looking for ways to be with Chrom AFTER she's married and swore love to someone else, Cherche still babbling about Minerva after being reclassed or promoted to Griffon Rider, Panne still hating humans after S supporting someone, etc.), and I think the best thing is just to overlook these things and not pay much attention to them.

Yes, never mind all those inconsistencies and problems with the writing, just ignore them and it's almost like the game is perfect!

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Yes, never mind all those inconsistencies and problems with the writing, just ignore them and it's almost like the game is perfect!

This stems from how 'free' the games let's you be in your decision. To make up for these inconsistencies, they would have to create a second set of support convo for every characters or force you to complete the c rank with every character before you can B rank another, which is difficult due to the amount of support option that are available in this game. Yes these problems are sometime glaring, but they're the downside to the liberty we have of chosing the pairing ourselves.

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I like it as it's very fun to play with headcanon-story reasons, but feel like they shouldn't have given you unlimited second seals. *shrug* Just my opinion.

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Unlimited second seals make sense in a context of a game intended to have a postgame/grind portion, though would've been cool if their existence was a lot more limited before you beat the game. On the other hand, I guess game wants you to have the liberties of choosing how you wanted to play the game, whether is straight up nogrind (in which case the SS that the game drops at you is probably enough tbh), max grind, or anything in between. So it doesn't bother me much.

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I generally liked how Awakening handled reclassing.

The DS games had a good concept, but the fact that, say, half of the cast could all potentially be the same class killed a lot of uniqueness. At least in this game, characters are limited to certain class sets, which are based on the characters themselves.

As for the infinite levelling up, I can understand if some people don't like it; I'm kind of indifferent to it personally. Still it's better than how FE8 did it (by letting you accumulate infinite stat boosters).

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"90% of the cast are better in their original class"

Panne, Lon'qu, Sully, Virion, Miriel, Gregor, Lucina, Chrom, Avatar, Donnel, Vaike, Gaius, Say'ri

all perform better in a reclassed class than in their main class during the main game. Unless you meant postgame, then I have no idea because I don't play that. But yeah, that didn't sound like 10% of the cast to me.

As for my issues with the reclassing in this game, is that I lost the freedom and some of the replayability when reclassing. In the DS games I could just do whatever with my units in subsequent replays to have a lot of fun with different classes. But in this one I have to wait an eternity to make them change classes and when they do reclass I have to baby them during the main game ( dont bring up grinding i dont like it) because of their poor starting weapon rank. I feel like FEDS also did weapon ranks better. Oh, sure a reclassed unit has E bows as a sniper. That was one of their niches in the DS games. But whatever. The biggest culprit to me is that levels reset with each reclass. I hated that so much because it is part of the issue why the game is so broken and can be oneman-handled.

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"90% of the cast are better in their original class"

Panne, Lon'qu, Sully, Virion, Miriel, Gregor, Lucina, Chrom, Avatar, Donnel, Vaike, Gaius, Say'ri

all perform better in a reclassed class than in their main class during the main game. Unless you meant postgame, then I have no idea because I don't play that. But yeah, that didn't sound like 10% of the cast to me.

As for my issues with the reclassing in this game, is that I lost the freedom and some of the replayability when reclassing. In the DS games I could just do whatever with my units in subsequent replays to have a lot of fun with different classes. But in this one I have to wait an eternity to make them change classes and when they do reclass I have to baby them during the main game ( dont bring up grinding i dont like it) because of their poor starting weapon rank. I feel like FEDS also did weapon ranks better. Oh, sure a reclassed unit has E bows as a sniper. That was one of their niches in the DS games. But whatever. The biggest culprit to me is that levels reset with each reclass. I hated that so much because it is part of the issue why the game is so broken and can be oneman-handled.

Mind if I ask you about some of these?

Now, I understand most of them (Panne, Lon'qu, Virion and Sully because wyvern, wyvern, wyvern, and more wyvern; Miriel has Dark Mage for Nosferatanking; Lucina and Chrom both naturally have Cavalier; and Donnel is obvious), but Gregor, Gaius, Vaike and Say'ri have me a bit stumped. Can you explain your reasoning for these four, if you don't mind of course?

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Mind if I ask you about some of these?

Now, I understand most of them (Panne, Lon'qu, Virion and Sully because wyvern, wyvern, wyvern, and more wyvern; Miriel has Dark Mage for Nosferatanking; Lucina and Chrom both naturally have Cavalier; and Donnel is obvious), but Gregor, Gaius, Vaike and Say'ri have me a bit stumped. Can you explain your reasoning for these four, if you don't mind of course?

I guess they're lesser known. But I've noticed Myrmidon Gregor does a lot better than Mercenary to me. Myrmidon Gregor has actual speed. Vaike as a Barbarian is really nice and on par with his Hero promotion IMO. After Say'ri gets Astra I had sucess with her as a Pegasus, although I delayed a child paralogue to train her in and gave her an Arms Scroll. She probably would be unviable if she doesnt get an Arms Scroll and some training. As for Gaius, I really liked the time I made him a Fighter. I find him wayyyy too frail in his original classet, but Fighter takes that away. And an Axe flinger with +1 move is pretty rad.

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Quite frankly, classes in Fire Emblem are barely different anyway. For the most part, they just have a few more points in that stat and a few less in another one.

And in Awakening, this few differences pretty much lost all meaning because of the stat inflation.

Like, Generals are supposed to be great at tanking hits. But attack scales to such absurd levels that their defense lead becomes so meager, it allows them to take one more blow at best.

So they end up being used just like any other melee ground unit.

For my part, I consider reclassing little more but an excuse to make people waste time with repetitive grinding for skills.

Edited by BrightBow
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Quite frankly, classes in Fire Emblem are barely different anyway. For the most part, they just have a few more points in that stat and a few less in another one.

In a game series where even one stat point can make a world of difference.

You even said it so yourself.

Who REMEMBERS this shit?!

Edited by Ike-Mike
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Quite frankly, classes in Fire Emblem are barely different anyway. For the most part, they just have a few more points in that stat and a few less in another one.

And in Awakening, this few differences pretty much lost all meaning because of the stat inflation.

Like, Generals are supposed to be great at tanking hits. But attack scales to such absurd levels that their defense lead becomes so meager, it allows them to take one more blow at best.

So they end up being used just like any other melee ground unit.

For my part, I consider reclassing little more but an excuse to make people waste time with repetitive grinding for skills.

"meh, all 718 Pokemon are barely different anyway, just a few more stat points in attack or speed and less in defense or whatever"-BrightBow, when asked about Pokemon

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The 1 stat of difference over GKs they have is way too small in Awakening though. 1 stat point CAN make the difference a lot of times in earlier games though. Like Snipers vs Horseman in the Endgame of FE12. 30 AS doubles some enemies that 29 AS doesn't.

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The 1 stat of difference over GKs they have is way too small in Awakening though. 1 stat point CAN make the difference a lot of times in earlier games though. Like Snipers vs Horseman in the Endgame of FE12. 30 AS doubles some enemies that 29 AS doesn't.

even with Awakening's "ridiculous stat inflation", it still matters earlygame

also I'm fairly sure if you're speedrunning benchmarks become much more important (surprise surprise!)

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In the games I've played, it seems a small difference in stats matters much more in early game than late game.

Pokémon for instance. If you have 11 Attack instead of 10 in the first battle, it makes a lot of difference. When you're challenging the Elite Four, however, 150 Attack doesn't make much difference from 149 Attack.

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In the games I've played, it seems a small difference in stats matters much more in early game than late game.

Pokémon for instance. If you have 11 Attack instead of 10 in the first battle, it makes a lot of difference. When you're challenging the Elite Four, however, 150 Attack doesn't make much difference from 149 Attack.

this applies to every game ever that involves stats

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In the games I've played, it seems a small difference in stats matters much more in early game than late game.

Pokémon for instance. If you have 11 Attack instead of 10 in the first battle, it makes a lot of difference. When you're challenging the Elite Four, however, 150 Attack doesn't make much difference from 149 Attack.

That's because Pokemon's main story is easy. In competitive battles, every stat point matters.

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That's because Pokemon's main story is easy. In competitive battles, every stat point matters.

I'd say only Speed really matters otherwise people wouldn't sacrifice stat points for Hidden Power types.

Most people who battle competitively do it in simulators or with hacked Pokémon so EV distribution becomes the thing that separates the players. And, since most people follow EV templates (as in every RPG really), most of the time the stats don't vary between the same species, unless they run a different template.

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In a game series where even one stat point can make a world of difference.

You even said it so yourself.

Who REMEMBERS this shit?!

In which context did I say that? Was it even related to this game?

Anyway, my point is that classes are even less serving different purposes in the team then usual.

Like, take BS Fire Emblem Episode 1 as a contrast.

You got among others Midia as a level 1 Paladin and Macellan/Dolph as low level knights.

However despite her massive level lead, Midia will die in like 4 hits. In contrast, Dolph and Magellan barely get scratched and can easily take the double amount of hits, as long as you keep them away from Mages.

Yet, Midia isn't weaker then them. She is just different.

She is an offensive powerhouse that can actually kill things and she can shrug of the attacks of the mages due to her Resistance.

So these differences change fundamentally what role they are going to play.

And the difference between those roles is way larger then a simple: The General's higher Def might sometimes allow him to take a single hit more then the Paladin.

"meh, all 718 Pokemon are barely different anyway, just a few more stat points in attack or speed and less in defense or whatever"-BrightBow, when asked about Pokemon

From my limited knowledge about Pokemon, I probably wouldn't claim that.

Pokemons show way more difference then most Fire Emblem classes. Their entire move pool and passive skills are different. Not to mention that the Rock Paper scissor aspect is way larger.

So the difference that just the Types present in the team have is absolutely massive, even before nature, stats and moves begin to factor in. And those aspects matter way more then the meager difference between having access to a Silver Sword or a Silver Axe.

Not to mention that Pokemon has an actual world with exploration, traveling and stuff.

So having hundreds upon hundreds off Pokemon actually makes sense, since the world benefits from having all that fluff. Even when some of these Pokemon are hardly different or completely useless.

And most important of all: Pokemon can't even Reclass anyway. Well, for the most part.

Even if they could (and I am forgetting about certain mechanics, like variable evolution paths), the presence of competitive play allows for an actual pay-off for all the tedious farming besides shiny, green numbers.

Edited by BrightBow
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Like, take BS Fire Emblem Episode 1 as a contrast.

You got among others Midia as a level 1 Paladin and Macellan/Dolph as low level knights.

However despite her massive level lead, Midia will die in like 4 hits. In contrast, Dolph and Magellan barely get scratched and can easily take the double amount of hits, as long as you keep them away from Mages.

Yet, Midia isn't weaker then them. She is just different.

She is an offensive powerhouse that can actually kill things and she can shrug of the attacks of the mages due to her Resistance.

So these differences change fundamentally what role they are going to play.

And the difference between those roles is way larger then a simple: The General's higher Def might sometimes allow him to take a single hit more then the Paladin.

Didn't those chapters not have any level ups?

Really though, with how high the growths have gotten over the years I'd say that's more of the issue than reclassing.

Edited by The Void
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Didn't those chapters not have any level ups?

Really though, with how high the growths have gotten over the years I'd say that's more of the issue than reclassing.


But the reason I brought this up, is that re-classing isn't all that useful for the sake of the new class but simply serves as an excuse to climb the level letter yet again to farm skills.

It would be a different matter if these skills were actually limited to the classes.

You know, more stuff like how you have to be a Dark Mage in order to use dark tomes. That is such wasted potential.

Edited by BrightBow
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