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I'm not sure anymore...


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I can't bring myself to play this game without raging almost right away. I've been trying to give it another go for awhile now but I get really tired of it almost right away, like I don't want to play it. I can put up a bunch of things that I hate about it (and I've done it before) but in reality, those things really shouldn't keep me from replaying it like this. Why can't I bring myself to play it anymore? Do I hate it THAT much?

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You have the answer >_>

I actually like playing it casually, I think the game is not better suited for low TCs and such. And I don't like how the majority of the cast are Pair Up dependant. I don't know, perhaps yeah, you hate it DAT much.

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Well...I've tried playing it without LTC in mind. But that just bores me to death. I could play and enjoy it like that the first time, but not anymore :/. And the game is definetely not suited for challenge runs or LTC...I don't think that's it though.

EDIT: I want to enjoy it again, since I used to. But i don't seem to be able to. I do realize it's a nice game with flaws rather than a bad game but I can't even give it another go. >_>

Edited by PKL
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Thing is, like some have said...if you're in it for the LTC, you're really not in for a treat. I, myself, make this mistake to an extent (barring Lunatic Mode, which I'm having quite the fun). Just...play it out casually, and enjoy what the game has to offer in it's other cute details, like cute characters, those cute little voice clip thingies and everything else other FE games didn't have.

You can still enjoy other FE games.

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I think Awakening was trying to draw in the casual gaming fans as well as the veteran hardcore FE fans like us. I mean, because casual mode exists and all that. And I think pairup is really cool and realistic. <3

This is probably why it isn't as suited for challenge runs/LTC as past titles. Yes, I do know what LTC is. Lowest Turn Count.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think Awakening was trying to draw in the casual gaming fans as well as the veteran hardcore FE fans like us. I mean, because casual mode exists and all that. And I think pairup is really cool and realistic. <3

This is probably why it isn't as suited for challenge runs/LTC as past titles. Yes, I do know what LTC is. Lowest Turn Count.

brb getting a girlfriend for +5 speed boost

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a unit taking no damage from the attack they blocked is not realistic.

Especially when it's a Pegasus Knight taking an arrow for an Armor. That's always hilarious, just like a critical hit with a Log.

"Welcome to die, Frederick."

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I actually wished the protector took SOME damage from the blow... I mean, that would add a significant challenge.

... And some rage. Lots of rage. >.>

It's like I have an Awakening video for everything.

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I actually wished the protector took SOME damage from the blow... I mean, that would add a significant challenge.

... And some rage. Lots of rage. >.>

Considering it's RNG whether your unit dual guards or not...yeah, that would cause more raging.

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*that video I need to show my sister again for the Halloween lulz*

It's like I have an Awakening video for everything.

... I forgot about Lethality. o.o

Make that LOTS and LOTS of rage... especially in the harder modes. Now I'm kind of glad it's there.

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... I forgot about Lethality. o.o

Make that LOTS and LOTS of rage... especially in the harder modes. Now I'm kind of glad it's there.

honest to god, i never knew it could do that.

I knew it was an instant kill nomatter what skills activated, but still.

It doesn't. Dual Guard stops it. It's what would happen if the mechanics were like what Vash said.


The thing is, Vash... you don't even have to deal with Lethality in the main game.

You only deal with it on Spotpass and Streetpass teams, as well as a few DLC stages.

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I've always though of the defending to be through the weapon they are holding. Can your partner defend without a weapon?

On the actual topic:
I would recommend not going to the worst game ever, surviving extinction, and other threads that feature Awakening negativity for a little while. Hearing (or in this case reading) people constantly bash something can make you dislike it subconsciously even more. Groupthink is usually strong among fanbases.

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