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[LoL] Mystery Gift Trading Thread


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!!! I wasn't online much yesterday, you was in a game if I recall so I didn't want to bother you.

Anyway yes, to VanguardRaven please. You can send me one or even three, I'll send just as many in return once I get back from work.


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lol ikr

but that kayle is pretty sweet though. although you already probably have aether wing kayle so everything else would seem quite redundant

So wanna do it again tomorrow?

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Battlecast Cho'Gath randomly from eclipse. I don't have RP and never asked for a gift and I can't return the favour.

I'll return it for you then. Good show old chap. Too bad you didn't fight like a Gentleman.
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Forgot this earlier, but also got Glacial Malphite (this thanks is even later than Shamrock's one).

Battlecast Cho'Gath randomly from eclipse. I don't have RP and never asked for a gift and I can't return the favour.

You got me into LoL U. That's more than enough!

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Unfortunately I am not level 20 yet so I can't gift anything, but from my fiance I got Annie in Wonderland and Definitely-not-Blitzcrank. Needless to say I am happy about both.

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Man, 3 Legacy skins through mystery gifting, now. Just got Professor Ryze of Psych. I don't play Ryze (I suck balls with him) but it's still pretty awesome.

Can't wait for when Tristana finally gets her VU. That Firefighter skin is going to be so fucking sweeeeet. Still can't believe it's a Legendary skin though; there's no redeeming qualities on it which would make me say it's worth more than 975 RP.

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  • 1 month later...

Got myrmidon Pantheon, sent Eternum Nocturne back.

Also if anyone wants to trade, feel free to send some my way I'll send some back :D

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Darn it i sent rengar... I meant to send a skin

Edit: sent a samurai yi too got Exiled Morgana :D

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