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Fire Emblem Link Arena Discussion Topic


Things in the Fates meta that look bannable?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. (tick many) What looks bannable in the Fates meta?

    • Dragon Ward (Hoshido Noble)
    • Life or Death (Master of Arms)
    • Counter (Oni Chieftain)
    • Darting Blow (Sky Knight)
    • Multiple Amaterasu (Kinshi Knight)
    • Wary Fighter (General)
    • Inspiration (Strategist)
    • Aggressor (Dread Fighter)
    • Galeforce (Dark Falcon)
    • Awakening (Great Lord)
    • Dancing Blade (Lodestar)
    • Ban ALL DLC/Amiibo skills.
    • Other (state what)

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I'm here to criticize, you should remove the useless LA skills like lunge.

I'd make a Broshido team to be your opponent, Nintails. Uh, what are the restrictions?


The restrictions are :

- No 3 class units.

- No DLC/Amiboo thingies.

- do 3 child sacrifices to Anna a turn

- No Nohr weapons for Hoshido and vice-versa. I don't wanna annoy me with complexity.

- I can't kill Kaden so pls don't use him

I think that's all.

Is the S bow really ridiculous?

It's 22 might on units that are at best 37 AS (the best speed for Sniper is Kamui) but screws completely over their defense.

Though I don't get what "enemy follow up attack speed +5" and "follow up attack speed +5" means. Just seems to me there are no changes to the speed lol.

Now all we need is a host.

By the way, thanks a lot for the list Elie. Will avoid me getting lost during my theorycrafting. xD

Edited by Nintales
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Follow up attack speed means you get +5 speed when attacking. The enemy gets +5 speed when attacking you. But a likely scenerio is you just flat out kill someone then you maybe die in return.

Can we ban all weapons worth 0g? The prfs are OP and the other weapons are hard to keep track of. No forging right?

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Follow up attack speed means you get +5 speed when attacking. The enemy gets +5 speed when attacking you. But a likely scenerio is you just flat out kill someone then you maybe die in return.

Can we ban all weapons worth 0g? The prfs are OP and the other weapons are hard to keep track of. No forging right?

Ah lol okay.

Yeah, ban this thing then.

No forging.

But should we ban the small weapons like Kaze's Needle or Fuga's Club who are in my opinion really strong (and even for some just better silvers)?

If so I have to look again at my whole Broshido team. xD (not really, just has to fix the inventories)

Edited by Nintales
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Yeah, I don't imagine fighting Ryoma would be very fun for you.

I'll make a team here and send it off before I sleep.

Anything worth 0g banned for now. They'll probably be unbanned later but this just simplifies things.

Wait, are any skills banned?

Edited by General Horace
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Yeah, I don't imagine fighting Ryoma would be very fun for you.

I'll make a team here and send it off before I sleep.

Anything worth 0g banned for now. They'll probably be unbanned later but this just simplifies things.

Who do I send the Nohr team to already? Espi?

Yeah, fighting a 37 speed lobster Lord with the Raijinto wouldn't be fun I think.

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Skill ban list: Counter, Amaterasu stack, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death. No DLC reclassing and no Gold Bars.

I don't consider any Prf weapon other than the maxed Yato to be overpowered tbqh. Let Ryoma, Takumi, Leo and Xander use their weapons - they're nothing to write home about.

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Skill ban list: Counter, Amaterasu stack, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death. No DLC reclassing and no Gold Bars.

I don't consider any Prf weapon other than the maxed Yato to be overpowered tbqh. Let Ryoma, Takumi, Leo and Xander use their weapons - they're nothing to write home about.

Still no gold bars?

But the gold looks delicious! (and a gold bar skill is only active for a battle as far as I'm concerned, does not affect high speed units atm -Orochi and Asama could be dangerous with it due to Snake Spirit though I guess- takes two skills to be used, and requires you to use your unit on the first 7 turns)

As for Ryoma though, 37 speed + 1-2 +3 Might Silver is pretty broken I'd say. You can't really counter that. (while Takumi is pretty bad in the context of the link arena due to his low speed I guess)

I'm okay with the 0 gold weapon ban. (clarification)

Edited by Nintales
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I'd personally allow everyone to use both Nohr and Hoshido weapons regardless of their game of origin just to make things simpler.

This totally isn't because Jedi has access to weapons that reverse the weapon triangle from Hoshido while Nohr has no such weapons.

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I'd personally allow everyone to use both Nohr and Hoshido weapons regardless of their game of origin just to make things simpler.

This totally isn't because Jedi has access to weapons that reverse the weapon triangle from Hoshido while Nohr has no such weapons.

This makes things more complex for me to build now. ;_;

You still have breakers while Jedi only gets Lancebreaker if he's willing to gimp himself with Rinkah, Hayato or Hinata

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Both routes have strong weapons, Nohr has killers.

I'm all for including both route weapons.

Not me.

Just makes that very complicated to draft.

And just imagine Swordmaster Kaze with the Brave Sword.

Damn that thing is evil.

EDIT : Both routes have very good weapons on their own. While Hoshido has the reverse weapons, Nohr has the Brave weapons and the effective ones. You can't really have issues drafting weapons imo.

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Actually, you can and do counter Ryoma since 1-2 range is countered by everything. It's not like PoR Ike with his Ragnell and Oscar support - Ryoma isn't difficult to kill as an SM.

I believe you and Elie went too far trying to accommodate the Gold Bar gimmick.

Kaze has negative strength mods...

For Hoshido vs. Nohr battles it may as well be Hoshido storebought weapons vs. Nohr storebought weapons. Later on we'll be playing with the assumption of Revelation and, like, rigged Lottery or something. Dunno what players who want to use Scarlet will do, cause choosing either Hoshido or Nohr limits buddy/marriage reclassing.

Edited by Espinosa
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So, I have my probably terrible team ready. Who should I send it to?

Also, I made this team under the assumption that we could use both Hoshido and Nohr weaponry, so I guess we should decide now if we want to allow that or not so that Jedi and I (and possibly other people later on) can equip our units correctly.

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Do you think I should flip the pictures available in the Introduction page on SF or wait until newer pictures are made, maybe similar to the Awakening ones in quality? There's no sign that anything of the sort will be made.

Ryoma may counter everything but he's also countered by everything. He's not really more menacing than something like a Berserker imho. We'll see if he's as a hard to deal with as you're saying. Leo, Takumi and Xander don't seem particularly threatening however.


This is a good bookmark for quickly getting units' max stats in each class.

Also, I'll host Horace's game if I haven't said it yet.

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Actually, you can and do counter Ryoma since 1-2 range is countered by everything. It's not like PoR Ike with his Ragnell and Oscar support - Ryoma isn't difficult to kill as an SM.

I believe you and Elie went too far trying to accommodate the Gold Bar gimmick.

Kaze has negative strength mods...

For Hoshido vs. Nohr battles it may as well be Hoshido storebought weapons vs. Nohr storebought weapons. Later on we'll be playing with the assumption of Revelation and, like, rigged Lottery or something. Dunno what players who want to use Scarlet will do, cause choosing either Hoshido or Nohr limits buddy/marriage reclassing.

The thing is that Ryoma's 1-2 (allow the Magic Weapons) can actually double attack. Ryoma also has a base 37 speed with a Katana on Swordmaster, along the Sky Knight's skills that can allow him to obliterate almost anything. (notably Camaraderie and Warding Blow)

He can only be doubled by Master Ninja Setsuna/Kaze/Kamui with the Practice Sword too.

EDIT : I don't think Takumi and Leo are this threatening though. They have low speed, and this is usually a death sentence unless you can thwomp pretty well. Not sure for Xander, but that -1 speed modifier is pretty bad to be honest since his classes aren't the fastest. The issue is just that Ryoma gets access to the Raijinto with 37 speed. :(

Edited by Nintales
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Rule set:

Skill bans: Counter, Amaterasu stack, Lethality, Dragon Ward, Life or Death. No Gold Bars.

No forging

Master/Heart Seal reclasses only

Storebought equipment of the respective path only

No Yato

No 0g weaponry (Royal Prfs okay)

Think that's it?

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I'll probably change my Hoshido team then if I'm too keep this setup against Elie.

By the way, do Magic Weapons let Lifetaker's effect work? They don't trigger special skills like Vengeance, but idk if after the battle they'll allow me to heal.

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