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Persona: dissolution (Social Links Currently Open!)


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PERSONA: dissolution

a PERSONA roleplay

created by Breezy and Vashiane

[spoiler=THE story]

Tanabata City - a sprawling jungle of glass and concrete where dreams are made and stars are born... if you're lucky. Some have climbed their way up ladders and mountains and achieved their wildest dreams, while most others have settled into a life of quite mediocrity, only hoping that one day, maybe some day... the impossible would happen.

As of lately, that's exactly what's been happening,

Ordinary people are suddenly beating impossible odds with acts of boldness, bravery and kindness. The town goes wild, approving of these new-found heroes and visionaries with media coverage, interviews, and popularity. The internet raves with tales of these newly-sung heroes and basks in their appreciation and pride.

And then, it goes horribly wrong.

The high point of their lives suddenly isn't high enough, and the hero is seized by a mania to be greater, better, MORE. They try to outdo themselves with acts even more daring, even more reckless, until they shatter their own lives into separate pieces - the life before and the life after, IF that is, they even survive their downfall.

Naturally, the Tanabata's local gossiping hub, bondsreunited.net, exploded with theories and rumors... with one of them catching more interest than most... a theory of shadows that feed off of the victim's intense mania.

Shadows, huh? Sounds like a job for another Wild Card...

[spoiler=THE site]

bondsreunited.net. A chat hub popular with the locals and a good way to keep in touch in the vast city of Tanabata. Logging in is simple, just put down your name, email, a password and a username you'd like. You have the ability to create your own chatroom about various subjects and whims, but a highlight of the chat is at 7:45 PM sharp, when the MANIAC server goes live and a user known as shadowstalker108 broadcasts the latest news on this phenomena, which formally starts at exactly 8:00 PM.

NOTE: Most Social Links and in-game events will be initiated through this site. It's best to stay "logged in" on your character's laptop or phone so they can be easily updated.

[spoiler=THE sign-in]

In order to join, you MUST fill out the profile and either send it to me, Vashiane, or to the user Bre-Z.

WE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING INVESTIGATION TEAM MEMBERS ONLY. Additional social links/important NPCs will be open for playability AT A LATER DATE.


Name: (Note that the setting IS in Japan)

Age/Grade in School (if applicable)

Corresponding Arcana: (In less fancy words, your character's Persona)

Character Role: (Whether you're on the Investigation Team or a Social Link/Important NPC)

Chatroom Username: (For bondsreunited.net)




0 - The Fool: Sachiko Fujiwara (played by Vashiane)

I - The Magician: Obanna Ryou (played by Rothene)

II - The High Priestess

III - The Empress: Rin Takahashi (played by Aqua)

IV - The Emporer

V - The Hierophant

VI - The Lovers

VII - The Chariot: Takeshi Kimura (played by i have opinions)

VIII - Strength

IX - The Hermit

X - The Wheel of Fortune: Taichi Ishikari (played by Polydeuces)

XI - Justice: Richter Reinhard (played by AcaciaSgt)

XII - The Hanged Man: Daiki Etsuko (played by pokemon123)

XIII - Death: Oyamada Kazue (played by Ether)

XIV - Temperance

XV - The Devil

XVI - The Tower

XVII - The Star

XVIII - The Moon: Eliana Goulart (played by Xinnidy)

XIX - The Sun: Ichiro Takahashi (played by Bre-Z)

XX - Judgement

XXI - The Universe


1. Fujiwara Sachiko

2. Takahashi Ichiro

3. Oyamada Kazue

4. Takeshi Kimura

5. Obanna Ryou

6. Daiki Etsuko

7.Richter Reinhard

8. Eliana Goulart

[spoiler=THE setting]

Tanabata City is naturally a huge place, split up primarily into three districts with their own characteristics and style.

Downtown is fairly tame during the day, with its main appeal at the time its trendy stores, but the nightlife brings the entire area to life in a wild burst of neon lights. A recent addition to the night scene is a teen-friendly dance club called Pisces, and it’s already become very popular for its high-energy atmosphere and delicious non-alcoholic drinks.

Another popular night-time location is The Loft, a popular live-music venue with a reputation for finding hidden gems in the music business. It’s a good place to meet other music fans, discuss great tunes and let your hair down.

The Kin District is mostly corporations, banks and high-rise apartment buildings, a place of money and wealth and of course, secrets and greed.

The main calling to the district is the Tanabata Complex, a sprawling, three-story indoor-shopping mall with a food court and movie theater, an easy place to waste hours on end and browse the colorful displays and eye-catching selections.Also nestled into this area of chrome and business is the astute Tiamo Academy, a private school known for its high standards and success rates.

The Midori District is where nature and industry collide in a flurry of greenery and tradition, mixed in with more modern values. This is the district containing the Tanabata Secondary, the local public school, clustered besides the local art museum and the district’s largest park. The true gem of this area lies within the Taki Koen, literally called the “Waterfall Park” for its grand koi pond with a crystalline water-fall spilling into it.

[spoiler=THE start]

… What exactly did you expect to be here, young adventurer? The answer is now, of course!

calendar/weather report

|-| january |-| february |-| march |-| april |-| may |-| june |-| july |-| august |-| september |-| october |-| november |-| december |-|

|-| the 13th day |-|

|-| currently it is: dry and sunny |-|

high temperature is: 70oF - 21oC - 294K

time: morning

Edited by Vashiane
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this seems interesting and all but we're not going to get a bunch of people throwing out kun and san and senpai, are we?

because like

i realize the country it's set in and i know the series does it but we're typing in english and it's the most obnoxious thing

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So this was it huh. Hmm... I'd think about it, but I'm afraid it may take too long and so would be out of a spot regardless of what I decide. Oh well...

Not to mention that I'm no stranger to coming back from school and see 10+ new pages, which is also more reason to just stay away from this sort of stuff.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'd say so.

Also we are using Persona 4 arcanas for the Personas for the characters?

Since those are the most recent ones, I'd say so, yes.

this seems interesting and all but we're not going to get a bunch of people throwing out kun and san and senpai, are we?

because like

i realize the country it's set in and i know the series does it but we're typing in english and it's the most obnoxious thing

No, you don't have to if you don't want to.

So this was it huh. Hmm... I'd think about it, but I'm afraid it may take too long and so would be out of a spot regardless of what I decide. Oh well...

Well, we're probably going to open it up to the social links as well once we get the main team, so if you want to think on it some more, it's perfectly fine.

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No, you don't have to if you don't want to.

but what if i don't want anyone to because it's incredibly annoying

anyway uh

do we just choose an arcana or do you pick one for us? like, first come first serve or what?

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but what if i don't want anyone to because it's incredibly annoying

anyway uh

do we just choose an arcana or do you pick one for us? like, first come first serve or what?

Well, I can't really force someone to not do such a thing if they really want to but...

Just a question, do the character are forced to be Japanese? Can't be a transfer student or something...?

Hmm. Breezy, what do you think on this one?

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Well, I can't really force someone to not do such a thing if they really want to but...

You totally can, you're one of the GMs. Make it a rule or sth.

Anyway that's my questions asked, off to Notepad.

Edited by I have opinions
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Okay also hoping Vashi approves:

When you submit your character along with your Persona,

*insert your name here*/Vashi/ and I will work on your "level up" movesets.

This is to keep the balance and make it so we can kinda keep eyes on everything.

Also me and Vashi will *hopefully* get the battle system worked on yesterday.

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Okay also hoping Vashi approves:

When you submit your character along with your Persona,

*insert your name here*/Vashi/ and I will work on your "level up" movesets.

This is to keep the balance and make it so we can kinda keep eyes on everything.

Also me and Vashi will *hopefully* get the battle system worked on yesterday.

That's perfectly fine by me.

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unless said person feels like putting it up



Name: Takeshi Kimura

Age/Grade in School: 17 / 11th grade student at Tanabata Secondary

Corresponding Arcana: Chariot/Eligor

Character Role: Investigation Team

Chatroom Username: SilverPierrePolnareff

Personality: Takeshi is a mediocre student with mediocre grades and a mediocre outlook on life. He's Laid back, slightly cynical, and just fine with where he is, as long as he doesn't flunk out of school. The only thing he truly cares about is how good he is at Soccer, and he puts most of his free time into that.

Backstory: Born and raised in Tanabata, Takeshi has lived his life without many friends and mostly focused on staying in shape. He runs, he bikes, he plays soccer, and he sometimes hits the gym. Barely making his way through school, he's tried slightly harder to remain above passing for his 11th grade, just so he doesn't get kicked off the soccer team. He's noticed the recent happenings in Tanabata, and hasn't paid too much attention to them. News isn't very exciting to him. Little does he know...

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Name: Takeshi Kimura

Age/Grade in School: 17 / 11th grade student at Tanabata Secondary

Corresponding Arcana: Chariot/Eligor

Character Role: Investigation Team

Chatroom Username: SilverPierrePolnareff

Personality: Takeshi is a mediocre student with mediocre grades and a mediocre outlook on life. He's Laid back, slightly cynical, and just fine with where he is, as long as he doesn't flunk out of school. The only thing he truly cares about is how good he is at Soccer, and he puts most of his free time into that.

Backstory: Born and raised in Tanabata, Takeshi has lived his life without many friends and mostly focused on staying in shape. He runs, he bikes, he plays soccer, and he sometimes hits the gym. Barely making his way through school, he's tried slightly harder to remain above passing for his 11th grade, just so he doesn't get kicked off the soccer team. He's noticed the recent happenings in Tanabata, and hasn't paid too much attention to them. News isn't very exciting to him. Little does he know...

Got it, thank you. And I also got one from Ether, Breezy.

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I'm in! okay let us start

[spoiler=character]Name: Daiki Etsuko

7th grade

Hanged Man


pokemon 123

weird.. mood swings,Has anxienty problems, Into many types of video games, Very interested in the concept of death and how he views the world. He can also be afraid on how people judge him. Will speak his mind. Tends to be worried on his future and how will it affect his life.

Will change this up completely

Daiski was born in Nagaski on February 25 2001. He was born with rich parents who became rich through several investments into stock. Daiski was a child who always wanted to feel good. Daiski was living a life of luxury. Daiski was a person used to getting things and not used to making sacrfices. He was slightly spoilt and but seemed to understand other people's perspectives quite well so this made him a little more considering. His father was a heavy smoker. On May 24 2011 his father was diagnosed with lung cancer. His father was unable to work and slowly Daiski's luxurious life began to decline. Daiski was having a hard time coping with this. On february 12 2012 his father collapesd and was rushed to the hospital. It was said that his lungs had become so bad that he had been unable to breathe. In the end his mother let them take the breathing supply away and that was how he died. The next day his mother was found dead due to hanging herself. Daiski of course was impacted by this and he was slowly realizing what the true world was like. He was having trouble making sacrifice. On september 21rst 2012 he was sent to an orphange in Tanabata. He is very anxious now and has become paranoid due to the recent things happining in

Tanabata. His only outlook is social networking sites.

Edited by pokemon123
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Posting from PM

Name: Oyamada Kazue
Age: 19, 11th year(was held back 2 years due to reasons)
Arcana: Death(Thanatos)
Role: Investigation team
Chatroom username: Angelos
Personality: Rather blunt, and at times heavily inflective. She seems to have a love of cosplay.
Backstory: Kazue was a fairly standard girl growing up, for the most part. That is, until at the age of 12, the Oyamada household was targeted by an arsonist. Both of her parents and brothers, one elder, one younger, perished in the fire, leaving Kazue the only survivor. For about a year after, Kazue found herself locked in her room at her uncle's home, by choice of course. Within that time she spent the bulk of her days online, and eventually became enthralled in otaku culture. Though her enjoyment of anime and games never faded, her shut-in tendencies did, about the time of her 14th birthday. Determined to get back into shape for a rather large local convention, Kazue began doing daily workouts, making her goal of being able to cosplay for the first time later that year. Though her first costume was ordered online, Kazue didn't need to devote quite so much time to her physique the next time around, and her future outfits were hand made.

It would seem that Kazue's vigour for life had returned, and it mostly had. Aside from a notable and understandable aversion to fire, the girl was right as rain, though her openness about her generally frowned upon otaku tendencies, as well as the age gap, lead to a few bumps upon returning to school, they smoothed out fairly quickly... the girl had a strange aura about her that seemed to deter her classmates from attempting any sort of bullying. By the time she took to attending Tanabata secondary, the anomaly of her persona had been mostly forgotten. She had transitioned to a somewhat seclusive student, with slightly above average grades, her best in physical classes due to continued attention to her body and physique. Rumours have been passed about that an angered Kazue may be the scariest thing one has ever seen, with eyes that ooze ill-intent and a tongue that would cut through steel, but no individual has come forward with claims to have experienced it.

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