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Your most favourite FE game?



92 members have voted

  1. 1. Your 1st most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga
  2. 2. Your 2rd most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow ~
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga
  3. 3. Your 3rd most favorite FE game?

    • Fire Emblem: Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Fire Emblem: Gaiden
    • Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
    • Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
    • Fire Emblem: Sword of Seals
    • Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword
    • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
    • Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
    • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
    • Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
    • Fire Emblem: New Mystery of the Emblem ~ Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Fire Emblem: Awakening
    • None
    • Tear Ring Saga

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Well, I know that was some similar topics, but thats always interesting talk.

1. Thracia

This game is more strategic game than RPG and that's what I like in it! Cast is really balanced (almost everybody can be OP, beside some bows users, Miranda, Shanam and maybe someone else). Mounted are really nerfed in compare to the other games (lolFE4, lolFE6), but still useful indoor. IMO mechanic and level design is best in series. Only story and characters could be better, but still it's not really bad.

2. Sacred Stones

FE8 has everything, what FE5 don't have. Probably most likable cast in series, good graphic (beside rangers with bow animation) and really, really nice music. Yeah, you can call "Sethsolo", "not challenging", but still it's great game.

3. None

Surprised? I have played many other games (FE7, FE6, FE1, a little FE4 and FE11), but any of them can be called my 3rd most favorite.

Edited by Nicolas
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As much as I recognize the flaws in the Elibe games (moreso FE7 than FE6, which doesn't even have too many flaws for me), they are the first ones I played and are very special to me, so they are my two favourites.

My third favourite now is FE12. I think the gameplay got pretty much everything right (I would just put Weight back on weapons), I love the story, and the characters getting so much potential development is nice too. I even like the Avatar and think he was done correctly in this game, both in story and gameplay.

Edited by Axie
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1. Thracia. Hilarious overkill to the max and I don't need to go shopping Capture is just so much fun.

2. New Mystery. Lunatic is pretty much my ideal difficulty when I want a challenge, and I think outside of the texually unannounced ambushspawns, it's done quite beautifully. It loses to Thracia because I can't use my favourite character(Malice) on my favourite difficulty mode without expending far too much resources. I managed to favor Navarre, but that'll be the extent of it.

3. Geneology. See hilarious overkill bit on Thracia, and Ayra's one of my absolute favourites in the series as a character, but the amount of time it takes to move unmounted units everywhere is a point against it.

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Radiant Dawn is definitely my favorite! It took almost everything I loved about Path of Radiance and made it better! Except for the support system, which sucks in RD. But that's a minor thing for me considering that I don't like the game's pool of paired endings either (should've been larger, imo). But everything else in RD was an improvement. I loved the story, the gameplay, the returning characters were cooler for me, and I liked that it was longer! ^^

Second is Awakening, because it just has a lot of awesome new gameplay features and mechanics, and more awesome characters. The story could've been better, as could the main characters (imo, Chrom and Lucina are boring), but overall it's an amazing game.

Path of Radiance is a close third and only doesn't match Awakening because Awakening is just more fun to play. But Path of Radiance has an amazing story and it was my first FE game. It's got a special place in my heart for that. It also has a lot of my favorite characters. <3

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1. Sacred Stones. A very well written cast that's integrated into the plot and great gameplay.

2. Shadow Dragon. If anyone wants my thoughts on why FE11 is actually a really good game and has better plot and characters than FE13, go here.

3. Genealogy of the Holy War. The grand scale of the game and the interesting story is what drew me in.

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Sacred Stones is my favorite because it took a lot of what I enjoyed about Blazing Sword and cranked it up. I like the conflict, the characters, the maps and multi-promotions, and I feel like I can get the full SS experience within one game.

Awakening comes in as second because I'm enjoying it a lot right now, but I don't know if it touches SS for its more well-rounded enjoyment.

To me, Awakening is like the level up where only a few important stats get hit, where SS gives +1 across the board.

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3. I know I'm not amazingly far in it, but New Mystery of the Emblem. It's basically FE11 done right. The Avatar doesn't piss me off like in FE13, and the game is addicting and fun to play.

2. Sword of Seals: Overall, I like this game's characters, plot, and overall atmosphere better than no. 1, but the frustration factor pushed it down to number two. The staves and hit rates make it a very frustrating game to play. Even so, the characters are bright and fun to use, and I think the story is slightly more interesting than some of the others. Zephiel is a great villain, mostly taking in his backstory from FE7 into account. One well written character IMO is Narshen. The main thing to do with villains is make you hate them. Narshen passes that easily. He's one of those guys who you love to hate.

1. As if it wasn't obvious enough, Blazing Sword is my favorite. The characters are incredibly colorful and really have well written supports. The story doesn't seem very special, but like I said with Zephiel, the main villain has a very good backstory as revealed through some of the extra chapters in Hector mode. This game also does a good job of explaining why Zephiel went crazy and also provides a very good link with FE6. The soundtrack is also fantastic. All the map themes do a very good job of creating atmosphere, especially the one that plays in chapter 30/32 (I don't know what it's called, and I know it plays in more than just that, but that's where it was most memorable IMO).

Just some other info to reference, I've also played FE9 (4), FE8 (5), FE13, FE11, and FE4. I didn't rate FE13, 11, and 4 since I'm not a huge fan of any of those.

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Could we maybe add Tear Ring Saga to the poll?

Anyway, I guess I keep this short for once.

1. Path of Radiance

Absolute unrivaled world building and character integration. Plus, beyond the quality of the story itself, the game is just so good at actually telling it. It's amazingly immersive.

Removing Maniac mode during localization sucks, though. But I don't penalize games for those kind of changes.

2. Tear Ring Saga

It pretty much put together all the good stuff of the past Fire Emblem games, improved it and added it's own intelligent mechanics. It even made some stuff work that was never probably done before, like weapon levels.

Plus, the cast is just massive but nevertheless well integrated into the world. Every character has subplots to them and relationships with other characters. Unfortunately, it can be hard to keep track of all the stuff going on.

Oh, and the map design shares Thracia's beautiful diversity.

3. Thracia 776

Like I said above, it has an unequaled wonderful diverse map design. And an amazing atmosphere.

4. Sacred Stones - As long as the game has my vote on the poll, I guess I might as well elaborate.

The game has a wonderful main cast and got itself a particular outstanding villain, who is intelligent and well developed. Not that it doesn't need these elements, since the map design is pretty lackluster.

Edited by BrightBow
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1. Blazing Sword is my favorite. It has my favorite cast in the series (excluding Brom) and my favorite character in the series (go Lyn!) and I really like the story. The music is great, and the animations are amazing. I could go on and on, but I'll stop there...

2. Sacred Stones is my second favorite. It has everything I love about Blazing Sword, but it was kinda short and I didn't like the cast as much. Don't get me wrong, I love the cast of Sacred Stones, but not as much as Blazing Sword's.

3. Awakening is my third favorite. It brought a lot of new things to the series while bringing back some old things. The cast for the most part is good, but there are a few characters I didn't really care for.

I have a feeling that if I ever play Sword of Seals, it would move up to second and bump Sacred Stones down to third.

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The game has a wonderful main cast and got itself a particular outstanding villain, who is intelligent and well developed. Not that it doesn't need these elements, since the map design is pretty lackluster.

I always thought Ephraim's route had some really cool maps. Chapter 13, 14, and Scorched Sand have some amazing designs, in particular.

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I'm glad Sacred Stones gets so much love. I thought it was the least impressive Fire Emblem game until at least last year, but then I replayed it and just realized how much fun I have with it and how good the storyline actually is. I think my true top 3 would be FE6 first, FE12 second and FE8 third, but FE7's association with FE6 goes a long way to make me love it more.

I actually like all Fire Emblem games I've played. It's just a consistent franchise when it comes to quality, in my opinion.

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Thracia because it's my inner kleptomaniac's wet dream.

Radiant Dawn because the parts system was really nice, the music was great, the script was funny elsewhere than in supports and the endgame is pretty nice.

FE6 because it took parts of FE2 and FE5 and mixed them into a fun little game for the Playstation, while adding a few number of other fun things.

FE7 might get an honorable mention whenever I try it. It seems to have a lot of potential.

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Thracia because it's my inner kleptomaniac's wet dream.

Radiant Dawn because the parts system was really nice, the music was great, the script was funny elsewhere than in supports and the endgame is pretty nice.

FE6 because it took parts of FE2 and FE5 and mixed them into a fun little game for the Playstation, while adding a few number of other fun things.

FE7 might get an honorable mention whenever I try it. It seems to have a lot of potential.

What? FE is a Nintendo-exclusive series...

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1. Radiant Dawn, despite its flaws, has been a near-perfect FE experience for me, only lacking good support conversations. I find it kind of funny how it is currently getting the most votes, yet almost no one is mentioning it in posts.

2. Blazing Sword, mostly for nostalgia's sake, first FE and all.

3. Eh, not sure, really. I voted Awakening because I've likely spent more time on it than any other remaining choice, but Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance could also be here. Well, maybe not Path of Radiance, because that one's annoying to replay and Radiant Dawn's superiority often makes it feel like I'm just downgrading. So this is probably between Sacred Stones and Awakening.

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What? FE is a Nintendo-exclusive series...

I think he's making a joke

i.e. that he dislikes the real FE6 so he pretends TRS is FE6

Or maybe not. *shrugs*

Edit: It looks like Sacred Stones is winning second place. *Insert "Sacred Stones is total #2" joke here.*

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