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FE6 Girls Only LTC


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9 members have voted

  1. 1. Try to train Miledy?

    • Yeah, she has good growths and levels fast.
    • Instapromote for 8 move and compensate for the lack of levels with boosters
  2. 2. Try going for a second Warper besides Niime?

    • Yeah, do your best with Ellen (as of C14, L6.99/0 and 90% into D-C staves)
    • Don't bother; the low-turn direction won't allow this
  3. 3. Fa?

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Busted my ass with chapter 7 just to find out I forgot to buy chest and door keys (seems pretty vital in chapter 8 even though I have Astohl, because I feel getting an early whip for Thany is important... or is it not?).

So I'll probably have to re-do the whole thing.

I also had a lot of difficulty obtaining the Hero Crest from the village on the first attempt; mostly because Zealot and Treck wouldn't work in my best interests (moving north instead of cleaning up south, equipping 1-range weapons when everybody attacking them has 2-range etc.) and in the end I didn't obtain it at all. No idea if the crest can be obtained in Echidna's map more easily with my team but I have a feeling this might be the case.

Not sure if keeping Fir unpromoted is really that much of a crime though - her bases are pretty bad and she doesn't fly or anything.

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I'm jonesing for some more. I think I'm an addict. Just please upload more!

If you aren't going to use Fir in the long run than maybe you should consider promoting her. Just a thought.

Edited by Rah
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I expect that everybody will promote early, excepting Thany and Roy (and maybe Lilina, though her promo bonuses are pretty swell). Fir's problem is that her promotion item is just so hard to obtain (even in chapter 11 my party will be kinda small so I can't guarantee that I'll be able to visit all the villages on time, and I should be seizing the moment Lalum talks to Echidna, iirc on the 8th turn).

Here comes chapter 6 in 8 turns!

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It's kinda hilarious to see Shanna ORKO'ing Wagner.

She actually dents armoured bosses pretty well once she gets to A lances for Silver Lance. Assuming the attacks connect of course.

Chapter 8 is going to be... long and hard. Logistics-oriented maps are some of the most demanding in this game. I wonder if I'll be getting the whip or waiting for the C11 one? There are three chapters until then where +1 move could save a turn or two not to mention the usefulness of the promo bonuses (I'll still want that Body Ring for less crippling AS cuts from wielding just about any lance I think).

Also, Roy is weighed down by the Armorslayer so much that if he doesn't proc a point of speed until Leygance, he will get doubled by him. There's also the Rapier with whopping 4 uses left (couldn't possibly reach the second one in C7).

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If the movement on the map will be exactly like I pre-counted it (no idea as I have no experience LTCing this map w/o Marcus and Zealot; there might be some obstacles on the way that I'm unable to pass without failing to use full move each turn), Thany should be able to attack Leygance at 1-range on the 3rd to last turn of the map (I forget which one it is exactly), so if Roy doesn't get in range, she can engage him for both player and enemy phase combat. Incidentally, she also happens to 4HKO the boss (probably with throne healing factored in too; I forget the percentage of HP it recovers) albeit with like 44% displayed hit. If anything, Roy could grab the kill since he also needs the experience (10 speed is pretty crappy when you're one of the two candidates for taking part in the bosskilling most of the time - can't double much and often gets doubled when holding stronger swords).

The whip probably costs me just one turn considering Leygance cannot be one-rounded. This is just me theoryFEing though as I haven't played the map out yet - no idea how it'll actually go. I'm seriously considering having Clarine tag along and try to keep close to Thany and Sue, maybe carrying Dorothy and dropping her when needed, but I've no idea how effective the plan will be (Dorothy still has base strength so she might miss ORKOs on Soldiers even when doubling). Good thing the enemy density is generally low!

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Wow, chapter 8 was quite fun to perfect. Thany didn't have much trouble using her full move each turn, and Sue got as many as 5 level-ups (only 2 in the first two chapters of her existence). What I find more impressive, however, is how Sue is one shot away from C bows after just 2.5 chapters of presence on the map, which gives her Killer Bow access (you get so many Killer Bows in this game you might as well eat them and shit them out; I will have three bow users though so it can't be bad). This is actually really good because I doubt I can one-turn the Berserker boss of chapter 9, so meaty chip from 2-range should be helpful there. She'll probably be close enough to using Klein's Silver when she promotes too!

Really proud of Sue already - she'll be such a walloper when she promotes. Lilina was nearly impossible to train due to where she started out on the map, though.

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I personally enjoy simultaneously being at the mercy of the RNG (since I never know what could happen when I play out a turn, especially on enemy phase) and also having an idea what I want to accomplish so that I can try to bend the RNG in a meek sorta way to achieve some of the goals set (not always possible as you'll see in my chapter 7 clear).

If you were wondering why I didn't heal Ellen and left her in Soldier's KO range, it's because the Soldier would've attacked Chad otherwise, and male units entering combat is a no-no. I even forced the Soldiers to stay on the same tile so that he would be reachable by both Dorothy and Sue, allowing me to start feeding Sue experience. Making the most out of turns like that is really enjoyable for me, which is why I keep playing GBA LTC.

I hate and love the map designs in FE6. Especially when they do things like what they did to Lilina.

That sort of thing is nothing new for the series though, is it? I mean there's Boah and Midia's unequipped group in the very first FE game. Even earlier if you count Maria (I forget if she had a staff)?

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That sort of thing is nothing new for the series though, is it? I mean there's Boah and Midia's unequipped group in the very first FE game. Even earlier if you count Maria (I forget if she had a staff)?

Yeah. There's also Tana in chapter 9 Ephraim.

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There are always Pure Waters... except the only ones that exist are those in the desert. I wonder if it's worth sacrificing a turn to buy some (plus some Nosferatu tomes for Niime (and no, definitely not Sophia)). Should this be the case of course. There's also the Guiding Ring dilemma - I missed the C8 one, can't be sure if Sophia will get it in the desert chapter (I got it on my HM 5-turn with a full party) and there's one in Illia that I'm not sure if I'll be able to obtain.

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Yeah, if you wanted to explain the meaning of the word 'mess' to a foreigner or something, you'd show them that video.

I guess part of it is because only Thany could fight at 2-range, besides her and Roy the team consisting of two bow users and two healers, plus Thany couldn't ORKO many enemy types on the map so I couldn't quite have her solo and then carry Roy up when that's done. Not sure how I could improve the clear's strat with the resources available to me - after all, the goal was to 7-turn while recruiting Noah and Zealot, and everything else, while not mandatory, would have been nice (still missed Horseslayer, Hero Crest, Rapier and Barrier) if possible.

Right now the only prettier clear I can imagine is Thany rigging a lot of crits; maybe I'm just not seeing it lol.

I guess Lilina and Wendy don't quite give me a fully viable team yet either, even with their 1-2 range? At least Sue can ORKO pretty easily after her chapter 8 levels and Thany should be promoting any moment now (I want to squeeze in another level in 8x for her, and I guess she only has to be promoted for chapter 10 because chapter 9 is slowed down by Fir's forced recruitment, what with Noah prohibited from entering combat).

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Chapter 8 in 15 turns (took 1 extra to obtain the whip).

Very different chapter from the one before; much more enjoyable to do. Milked enemies for some experience (even for Ellen who ties Dorothy in level right now) and would you look at that Sue...

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Very nicely done. I lol'd at the end when Sue cheesed some EXP out of Cath without killing her.

But yeah, Sue's pretty crazy right now. And her killer bow access will keep her viable for a long while.

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Wouldn't it have been better if you just traded off dorothy's weapons and had her bait the archer for like an extra 10 or so exp from just entering combat instaed of using Merlinus?

EDIT: I see you did that later on but there were a few instances where I wasn't particularly sure why you would use Merlinus instead. Is it a priority thing to make the archer stay away the rest of your party as you come round?

Edited by Irysa
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Dorothy has like +4 avo over Merlinus so out of them two Merlinus is the one most likely to be hit, and that's what I needed to happen to keep the staff-spamming going.

Mostly though, it's because I didn't care which one gets 1 point of exp per round (Dorothy might not see longterm use considering Igrene joins with better bases) but I cared a lot about not messing up the intended sequencing of actions in the chapter - one little mistake there and I need to restart from the first turn again or I lose my good level-ups and, god forbid, fail to KO the boss. This is why at times I trade both of Dorothy's bows even though I could just be trading one - leaves a smaller chance that I screw something up because my memory is far from perfect (though I really enjoy subjecting it to the sort of practice GBA LTCing requires).

One place where I did mess up was healing Dorothy for 1 HP instead of Merlinus (in KO range) on turn 3-4 or so. Good thing Merlinus was holding a Vulnerary.

edit: and no, the party on the other side of the map was never in range of that archer (besides Lilina on turn 1).

Edited by Espinosa
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Not quite sure how to go about chapter 9 right now. I can 4-turn the map with just Thany and Roy, but I need to recruit Fir who requires dragging Noah all the way north, and Noah is not allowed to enter any combat as a male unit. Thany and Roy are way bulkier than he, so having Noah advance without cleaning up first is problematic. At this point I'm wondering if it'll be a 5-turn or a 6-turn or worse.

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