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Which FE do you you think was the most well-written?



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If that was the case, then the topic would've been "The Most Well-Written localized Fire Emblem" but it's not

Localizers and fanslators do the same thing, so I fail to see how FE 1-6 or in this case FE4 isn't qualified to be in the running or why it's ridiculous

Especially the group who did the Awakening localization--on a podcast they entertained the idea of turning the script as entertaining and "meme-worthy" where it fit. Profit over accuracy and all that.

The interesting part is where the original text and its localizations and fan translations directly differ, portray different ideas/connotations, or outright contradict one another.

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If that was the case, then the topic would've been "The Most Well-Written localized Fire Emblem" but it's not

Localizers and fanslators do the same thing, so I fail to see how FE 1-6 or in this case FE4 isn't qualified to be in the running or why it's ridiculous

the difference is localizers actually know things about words, while fanslators are mostly just derpfaces

take the thracia translation, it was clearly done by someone more familiar with japanese than english

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Especially the group who did the Awakening localization--on a podcast they entertained the idea of turning the script as entertaining and "meme-worthy" where it fit. Profit over accuracy and all that.

The interesting part is where the original text and its localizations and fan translations directly differ, portray different ideas/connotations, or outright contradict one another.

spittake.jpg I knew it, I just knew that script was too immature to even be real, I wonder how a fanslation would've looked

I concur with this, it's the different interpretations that make it all interesting

the difference is localizers actually know things about words, while fanslators are mostly just derpfaces

take the thracia translation, it was clearly done by someone more familiar with japanese than english

Just as a fanslator would. Even if you insult the translator, that doesn't always mean their work is bad

even so, the point still stands, I could just as easily point you to a localized game where the the localizers have proven their incompetency...willingly, I might add

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Just as a fanslator would. Even if you insult the translator, that doesn't always mean their work is bad

you realize that any translator worth their salt is more familiar with the language being translated into right

the entire NOA localization team is all white guys (also they happen to be good at what they do, unlike most fanslators)

also, in this case it does mean their work is bad

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Of course, I've done my fair share of translating so that I do know

the entire NOA localization team is all white guys (also they happen to be good at what they do, unlike most fanslators)

also, in this case it does mean their work is bad

I find the fact that the NOA team being all white is humorously irrelevant, and I doubt they'd have a job if they weren't good at it even if they haven't shown it recently...(localization wise, but yeah)

The bad work is referring to fans or NOA?

Also to confirm, you were talking about FE 5 right?

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Of course, I've done my fair share of translating so that I do know

I find the fact that the NOA team being all white is humorously irrelevant, and I doubt they'd have a job if they weren't good at it even if they haven't shown it recently...(localization wise, but yeah)

The bad work is referring to fans or NOA?

Also to confirm, you were talking about FE 5 right?

NOA does good work, and they've only gotten better over time

I'm talking about Thracia, FE4, and FE6, which all have lackluster at best translations

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Of course, I've done my fair share of translating so that I do know

I find the fact that the NOA team being all white is humorously irrelevant, and I doubt they'd have a job if they weren't good at it even if they haven't shown it recently...(localization wise, but yeah)

The bad work is referring to fans or NOA?

Also to confirm, you were talking about FE 5 right?

It would be good to recognize that the localization team isn't one coporate entity, but smaller groups of people who are essentially [fan] translators who get paid under contract.

Not to mention, the last couple Fire Emblem games have had their localizations outsourced, according to Awakening's US localization team. It's not even Nintendo of America in charge of its content.

Edited by Celice
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Especially the group who did the Awakening localization--on a podcast they entertained the idea of turning the script as entertaining and "meme-worthy" where it fit. Profit over accuracy and all that.

The interesting part is where the original text and its localizations and fan translations directly differ, portray different ideas/connotations, or outright contradict one another.

I sure do miss the Japanese script where Cordelia kept talking about the inadequacy of the size of her boobs. Clearly this was a deep game that 8-5 ruined for profit </sarcasm>

Also I think it's rude to say that fan translations are bad, no questions asked. The FE4 and 5 translations could use improvement, but the 6 overhaul by gringe brings up the quality by a large margin. The translation for 12 is also very professionally done. And people are definitely looking at FE4 to bring it to a polished stage and finish untranslated parts. Outside of FE you have an excellent translation for Mother 3 that is easily the level of any official localization.

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The Mother 3 fantranslation is soooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Of course, I guess they had the benefit of having better written source material to begin with.

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Mother 3 Fan Translation was headed by a guy who is an actual (paid) translator. Directed the script for Kingdom Hearts II as well.

And really even if they could be better most of the Fire Emblem translations are much better than nothing at all. Fans put a lot of time and effort allowing us to play these games and that effort should be appreciated. Not that anyone here is being overtly hostile towards fan translations, I just feel like praising the fans.

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And really even if they could be better most of the Fire Emblem translations are much better than nothing at all. Fans put a lot of time and effort allowing us to play these games and that effort should be appreciated. Not that anyone here is being overtly hostile towards fan translations, I just feel like praising the fans.

That is definitely true. I wouldn't have played any of the Japanese only FE games had they not been fan translated.

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And really even if they could be better most of the Fire Emblem translations are much better than nothing at all. Fans put a lot of time and effort allowing us to play these games and that effort should be appreciated. Not that anyone here is being overtly hostile towards fan translations, I just feel like praising the fans.

I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed them as much if they weren't translated as well

It would be good to recognize that the localization team isn't one coporate entity, but smaller groups of people who are essentially [fan] translators who get paid under contract.

Not to mention, the last couple Fire Emblem games have had their localizations outsourced, according to Awakening's US localization team. It's not even Nintendo of America in charge of its content.

Naturally I know that and I meant it as an umbrella term, at the end of the day your name is still on the brand

Now this I didn't know, either due to not finishing Awakening or not paying enough attention, now I'm curious if they were all outsourced to the same place?

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I'm sure I wouldn't have enjoyed them as much if they weren't translated as well

Naturally I know that and I meant it as an umbrella term, at the end of the day your name is still on the brand

Now this I didn't know, either due to not finishing Awakening or not paying enough attention, now I'm curious if they were all outsourced to the same place?

I think FE10 and FE13, or FE11 and FE13, were done by the same group (I don't remember exactly--the podcast was hosted on Giantbomb, I think). And I was kinda gearing that statement more to an open audience, just so you know :p Some people risk attaching authority and skill to the corporation, but forget it's made up of a mixture of translators of different goals, morals, and backgrounds--individuals who are, at the end, pretty ordinary.

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ordinary people yes, good at their job yes

the second cannot be said for most fanslators, many of whom operate under the assumption that the goal is simply to make the words intelligible

i havent read the fe12 translation yet but i know that there was a lot more scrutiny as to making it not donkey dick so maybe it doesnt suck, and the projects for fe4 and fe6 are a step in the right direction

btw id be totally willing to update the thracia script and in fact have done a few drafts of updates already

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As far as the FE12 translation goes, minus the memes-they stand out so much when they appear it almost ruined the atmosphere- it's a really good translation, dunno if my word on it works for ya

btw id be totally willing to update the thracia script and in fact have done a few drafts of updates already

As would I, but I haven't gotten this far... but I believe if this, specifically, goes on we'll derail the topic

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Define 'properly'.

Names spelt like they are pronounced or actually using the name from the mythological characters they are based on (though they did conveniently ignore Marth's name origin when localising him, which I approve).

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Names spelt like they are pronounced or actually using the name from the mythological characters they are based on (though they did conveniently ignore Marth's name origin when localising him, which I approve).

localizing also has to take cultural connotations into account

for instance, the change between Rachel and L'Arachel was not an accident or some localizers being a tad whimsical

also, many times names are tweaked to cohere to a certain region

for instance, Lawrence was changed to Lorenz again not to sound fancy but to make his name German, so that it would sound similar to the other Grustian characters (most of whom, with the exception of Camus, have German names), while at the same time the Macedonian characters have Greek names for the most part, etc

and sometimes the japanese names just sound/look stupid, for instance xyst or soanevalcke

it's these kinds of considerations that led to the great vergil wars of 2011

Edited by General Banzai
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This is why everyone from Macedon is the best, not to mention the fact that they ride fucking dragons all day every day.

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Xyst is like the worst name ever I'm glad Gerik got a name as manly as himself here

Also the Awakening translators having the decency to not leave Skasaher's name as that is another thing to support Banzai's point (the conflicts with Alster the place be damned)

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localizing also has to take cultural connotations into account

for instance, the change between Rachel and L'Arachel was not an accident or some localizers being a tad whimsical

also, many times names are tweaked to cohere to a certain region

for instance, Lawrence was changed to Lorenz again not to sound fancy but to make his name German, so that it would sound similar to the other Grustian characters (most of whom, with the exception of Camus, have German names), while at the same time the Macedonian characters have Greek names for the most part, etc

and sometimes the japanese names just sound/look stupid, for instance xyst or soanevalcke

it's these kinds of considerations that led to the great vergil wars of 2011

Oh yeah I get that, that's why I like the fact that they used Marth instead of Mars. I just think they made the wrong choice calling them Caeda and Navarre and can't see much justification as to why they decided to change it. And I don't even know what they were thinking calling Doluna, Dolhr. The only name change I might actually like that they had in Shadow Dragon was Aimee->Larabel but that's offset by her having actually been localised Aimee for the past two games. Consistency is nice and all. Oh well at least that give me some hope they might realise Alvis is a much better name than Arvis in the future.

And I'm not just stoically against American or purely localised names either, Sentinel sounds better than Lancer in my opinion. I just think someone in America dropped the ball when it came to some of the names.

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It's Navarre because Navarre is the name of the thing he's named after, while Nabarl is not a thing

Also, why is Alvis better than Arvis

He's called Nabarl in Japan, like Nabal the character in the bible. A google search of Navarre turns up a small area of northern Spain which sounds like a really weird thing to name something after considering they name many characters after mythological figures.

In general I think Alvis just suits the character better and find it to just sound much more like an actual person's name than Arvis.

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