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I need serious help with Eirika Chapter 10

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This chapter has been complete BS. I'm in a drafting competition with three friends, and this is my team:

Eirika (14)- 9 Str, 16 Skl, 17 Spd, 15 Lck, 7 Def, 5 Res

Franz (Paladin 16/2)- 13 Str, 14 Skl, 14 Spd, 8 Lck, 13 Def, 4 Res

Garcia (13)- 14 Str, 13 Skl, 9 Spd, 9 Lck, 5 Def, 5 Res

Lute (11)- 14 Mag, 8 Skl, 10 Spd, 13 Lck, 7 Def, 9 Res

Forde (15)- 9 Str, 12 Skl, 12 Spd, 8 Lck, 9 Def, 5 Res

I get Gerik because I drafted him. I keep losing someone to the hordes of reinforcements, or to the boss (He keeps critting!). What are the best strategies to get Gerik/Tethys, recruit Marisa, and kill the boss while maintaining a low turn count? And also, how's my team for this point in the game? I get Saleh and L'Arachel as well.

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If you haven't drafted Marisa, there's no reason to recruit her and little even if you did, and Innes/Gerik/Tethys auto-joins if they're alive at the end of the map. Ignore them and just rush for the boss straight away. The reinforcements only occur if you stray below a certain line on the map (check FEWOD for where it is exactly), so they shouldn't be a problem.

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You're not helping, Banzai.

Do you ABSOLUTELY need to recruit Marisa? Unless you take a massive hit to your turns by not recruiting her, you're better off not doing so.

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You got unlucky with your Franz unfortunately, below average STR and SPD. Your Forde isn't looking so hot either (9 STR :(). But your overall team is pretty godly, so you should be fine (Franz, Garcia, Forde, Gerik, and Saleh? I'm assuming your friends don't draft much...?) Franz and Forde are cavaliers, so are good by default, and Gerik and Saleh will round out your team nicely. Garcia is usable but should have paid off for you in the early chapters already.

Regardless, as the others above have stated, Gerik, Innes and Tethys are recruited automatically at the chapter's conclusion so long as they're still alive. The easiest method is simply rushing the boss and killing him, likely with Franz at the forefront with Forde carrying Eirika, which is doable in 6-8 turns or so IIRC.

If you're dead set on recruiting Marisa for whatever reason (you haven't indicated if you've drafted her, but I'm assuming not), then the fastest way to recruit Gerik/Innes/Tethys is to run Tana down to them and have her talk to Innes (normal draft rules allow you to use undrafted characters for recruitment). But Marisa is usually ignored because recruiting her usually costs you turns, and she comes extremely underlevelled (Joshua comes at the same level 5 chapters earlier).

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