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Why Fire Emblem?


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I hated strategy until I played Fire Emblem. It just brought me in. Plus, it has the story quality of a novel, and it pulls it off succesfully but not in a way that you have to read it. I also like raising characters, like in Pokemon.

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I liked moving the little units around.

Really, that's why. Same reason for liking Nintendo Wars, and a bunch of older NES and RPG games. I have some sort of freak fetish with 16x16 units, especially chibi-esque ones--you know the ones, with the two vertical lines for eyes, little square hands, and various clothing and weaponry. They're like little LEGO brickes ~_~

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The characters and the game play were what drew me into Fire Emblem. I like how each character is unique and actually has a personality. The game play is great because it's simple, yet it makes me think unlike many other tactical role-playing games. Permadeath is pretty fun, too. =)

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Gameplay, replayablilty, having a different combination of characters, the girls (especially of the Pegasus/Falcon Knight class), what's not to love about the series?

Plus, I also like how few have to do with each other storywise.

Edited by Black Luster Soldier
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I love RPGs.

I love Chess.

The story of the games, put blatantly, aren't completely frikkin horrible.

Characters aren't all the same person with different looks (personality-wise)

Edited by BACON
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Gameplay, replayablilty, having a different combination of characters, the girls (especially of the Pegasus/Falcon Knight class), what's not to love about the series?

Plus, I also like how few have to do with each other storywise.

Meaning that you like how most have basically never met each other before, or how most characters come in, have a few lines of dialoug, and then never talk in the story again besides supports?

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