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Prims is Gay Mafia - Game Over


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You wake up and find Paperblade dead. Here is his role PM:

Dear Paperblade, you are the Choctaw Hog.

You are a rare American breed descended from Spanish livestock. This ancestry gives you several characteristics not common to most native pigs, that you may use to your advantage.

Once at night in your role PM, you may post <Night X - Kick USER>. Your fused toes make your foot more like a hoof, which means your kick will overpower your opponent and kill them. Or, once at night in your role PM, you may post <Night X - Stand in front of USER>. Anyone coming to kill USER will see your wattle. Repulsed by this gross protuberance of flesh, their attempt will fail. Alternatively, once at night in your role PM, you may post <Night X - Talk to USER>. From this conversation, your impeccable breeding will allow you to determine whether or not USER is a member of the Federation of Pigs. You cannot, of course, use more than one ability a night, since you are literally as lazy as a pig.

You are allied with the Federation of Pigs. You win when all threats to the Federation of Pigs are eliminated.

Edited by BigBadMarshmallow
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01[04:22] <Shinori> So tell me why you wanted to lynch poly and tell me why you wanted to lynch Eury

01[04:22] <Shinori> Or this conversation comes to a halt now.

[04:22] <Blitz> lol

[04:22] <Blitz> I am not getting what you mean

[04:23] <Blitz> the Poly lynch was sorta widely accepted due to SB's reasoning

01[04:23] <Shinori> And no one else wanted to think for their own about it?

[04:23] <Blitz> it made sense

01[04:24] <Shinori> Why would scum go around intentionally telling people they are being lazy and telling everyone who the vivor is

[04:24] <Blitz> I always wanted to talk to Poly

[04:24] <Blitz> never got to

01[04:24] <Shinori> <Blitz> it made sense

01[04:24] <Shinori> So in other words

01[04:24] <Shinori> you blindly followed without thinking on your own.

01[04:24] <Shinori> Which isn't like the smart blitz I know.

[04:24] <Blitz> I guess you could say that

[04:24] <Blitz> but you forget that the smart Blitz doesn't actually exist

[04:25] <Blitz> it is the lucky Blitz

[04:25] <Blitz> normally, I like to talk to a person before deciding a lynch on him/her

01[04:25] <Shinori> Okay so enough about poly

01[04:26] <Shinori> I heard what I wanted to hear

01[04:26] <Shinori> What about eury

01[04:26] <Shinori> Why did you agree with the turbo lynch on her?

01[04:26] <Shinori> And how in the world was post #68 scummy?

[04:26] <Blitz> Eury was the post, which I disliked

[04:26] <Blitz> I told about it to quite a few people

[04:26] <Blitz> it is too defensive

[7:52:32 AM] Shinori: The only stuff I've heard from blitz WRT Eury is that he didn't like post #68 and he said she had no reads.

[7:52:55 AM] Shinori: Then when I poked him about the reads, since she did have them and she even posted them in thread when he said she had no reads, he changed it to "No reads he agrees with."

##Vote: Blitz

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[11/18/13 21:09] <Gaia> hello

[11/18/13 21:09] <clipseykitty> Hi.

[11/18/13 21:09] <clipseykitty> Ready to claim now?

[11/18/13 21:10] <Gaia> lol, not happening

[11/18/13 21:10] <Gaia> I don't trust Life

[11/18/13 21:10] <clipseykitty> Shinori wants you lynched, and I have no objections.

[11/18/13 21:10] <Gaia> and I want you lynched

[11/18/13 21:11] <clipseykitty> Not happening.

[11/18/13 21:11] <Gaia> you seem sure of yourself

[11/18/13 21:11] <clipseykitty> That's because my role PM says that I'm town.

[11/18/13 21:12] <Gaia> lol, like mine doesn't

[11/18/13 21:12] <Gaia> so, then let me hear your reads

[11/18/13 21:12] <clipseykitty> The difference is that Life tried to organize the town and got a bunch of claims in the process. You, on the other hand, are doing fuck-all, to my knowledge.

[11/18/13 21:13] <clipseykitty> Right now, you're my top read for being willfully uncooperative, as well as generally having shit for posts in the thread.

[11/18/13 21:13] <Gaia> did you even see the way Life went around asking for roles?

[11/18/13 21:15] <Gaia> if you think any person with some ability to think would claim to him, you are completely off

[11/18/13 21:15] <clipseykitty> I'm in his role PM. You're not.

[11/18/13 21:15] <Gaia> what is that supposed to mean?

[11/18/13 21:16] <clipseykitty> That means I know whether or not anyone claimed to him.

[11/18/13 21:16] <clipseykitty> Now, do you want to claim, or do you want to die? If you're town, it is in your best interest to claim.

[11/18/13 21:17] <Gaia> give me a good reason to trust you first

[11/18/13 21:17] <Gaia> and I don't care if X and Y trsted you

[11/18/13 21:17] <clipseykitty> Because I will have you lynched if you don't.

[11/18/13 21:17] <clipseykitty> This means that you are throwing the game if you're town, or you're shooting your team in the foot if you're scum.

[11/18/13 21:17] <Gaia> lol, funny that your only weapon is tyranny and nothing better

[11/18/13 21:18] <clipseykitty> It's better than what you've got.

[11/18/13 21:18] <clipseykitty> Because what you've said has told me enough.

[11/18/13 21:18] <Gaia> you don't even have acop backing you up

[11/18/13 21:18] <clipseykitty> Because you're not one.

[11/18/13 21:18] <Gaia> lol

[11/18/13 21:18] <clipseykitty> Which is the only reason why you weren't lynched yesterday.

[11/18/13 21:18] <Gaia> why don't you claim in thread you have a cop back up then?

[11/18/13 21:19] <clipseykitty> Why don't you claim, period?

[11/18/13 21:19] <Gaia> lol, faulty logic right there

[11/18/13 21:19] <clipseykitty> You either claim, or I will have you lynched. If you refuse to claim, then this conversation is over.

[11/18/13 21:21] <Gaia> I am not gonna claim to someone who is using tyranny, not to mention has no backing whatsoever to further her claim of being town

[11/18/13 21:21] <clipseykitty> Very well. Then you will be lynched.

[11/18/13 21:21] <Gaia> lol

Blitz, you know better than to fuck with the town leader. You're either intentionally setting up a mislynch (if you're town), or you are shooting your faction in the foot (if you are mafia). Either way, refusing to cooperate with the town leader is extremely anti-town in OC; thus, your lynch.

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[01:29] <Gaia> do you really trust Life?

[01:29] <Gaia> I mean, I know you want me lynched and all
[01:29] <Gaia> but, why the heck would you accept town leader?
[01:29] <Gaia> he has done nothing town like so far
01[01:30] <Shinori> Because I had my own stuff set up anyway in case something happened to me.
[01:30] <Gaia> huh?
01[01:30] <Shinori> Secret secret hush hush
[01:30] <Gaia> okay
01[01:31] <Shinori> Besides
01[01:31] <Shinori> if life is scum in this game he will be quickly found out.
01[01:31] <Shinori> As far as I've seen though, you're more likely scum
[01:33] <Gaia> alright fine, tell me, if I were scum, what good was that last hour try for a lynch change do for me?
01[01:33] <Shinori> What last hour try for a lynch change? You talking about when you were voting eury and trying to get her lynched?
[01:34] <Gaia> yeah
01[01:34] <Shinori> There are a couple of possibilities
01[01:34] <Shinori> 1: You didn't think.
[01:34] <Gaia> go on
[01:34] <Gaia> lol
01[01:34] <Shinori> 2: Poly/bear is your buddy.
[01:34] <Gaia> next?
01[01:34] <Shinori> 3: You were trying to bus eury for town cred.
[01:34] <Gaia> LOL
01[01:34] <Shinori> or
01[01:34] <Shinori> 4: you just weren't thinking.
01[01:34] <Shinori> or you know didn't expect to get called out on stuff.
[01:35] <Gaia> lol, 1 and 4 are the same thing
01[01:35] <Shinori> That was the point
01[01:35] <Shinori> JEEZ
01[01:35] <Shinori> LEARN TO TAKE A JOKE
01[01:35] <Shinori> GAWD
[01:35] <Gaia> lol
[01:35] <Gaia> firstly, you realize none of your points actually point me to be scum regardless
[01:35] <Gaia> cause for 1, I thought Eury was more suspicious until I talked to her
[01:36] <Gaia> for 2 Poly turned up town
[01:36] <Gaia> and Bear was hardly getting lynched compared to Poly
01[01:36] <Shinori> But you had no actual reasons for thinking she was suspicious
[01:36] <Gaia> and as for 3
01[01:37] <Shinori> She had reads - you just didn't agree with them and kept saying she had no reads. however that was then changed to "No reads you agree with" when I confronted you about it
[01:37] <Gaia> you yourself said you found Eury more likely to be town
01[01:37] <Shinori> And just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean they are scum.
01[01:37] <Shinori> You asked for possibilities.
01[01:37] <Shinori> I gave you random possibilities.
[01:38] <Gaia> lol, that literally means that you voted me half cocked
01[01:38] <Shinori> No I didn't.
01[01:38] <Shinori> I found your entire arguments from yesterday bull
[01:38] <Gaia> then explain
01[01:38] <Shinori> and your reasonings you stated in our conversartion were all really bad
01[01:39] <Shinori> You even stated you just blindly followed the vote block
[01:39] <Gaia> then waht are your reasons for suspecting Bear?
[01:40] <Gaia> also, let me confirm that the person you wanted to lynch yesterday was bear and no one else
01[01:40] <Shinori> Nope.
01[01:40] <Shinori> Never once said that.
01[01:40] <Shinori> why are you putting words in my mouth exactly?
[01:40] <Gaia> I meant that as a question
01[01:40] <Shinori> "Let me confirm" Means that you are verifying something.
01[01:41] <Shinori> If you are verifying something that means something had to have been said for you to verify
[01:41] <Gaia> sorry my English isn't in your standard then
01[01:41] <Shinori> I was extremely suspicious of Kirsche for basically all of day 1.
[01:41] <Gaia> so, who else did you want to lycnh yesterday?
01[01:41] <Shinori> And my thoughts didn't change too much till night phase.
[01:42] <Gaia> so, at night, you thought Kevin was more likely town?
01[01:43] <Shinori> After I talked to him a bit I felt more comfortable about him.
[01:43] <Gaia> and why was that?
01[01:44] <Shinori> I have no reason to tell you that.
01[01:44] <Shinori> Anything that I would tell you would retain to what me and him talked about, which i don't need to tell you at all.
01[01:44] <Shinori> ;;/
[01:45] <Gaia> or you just don't have a reason to defend your scum buddy
[01:46] <Gaia> so, then, what is your stance on the so called "vote block" at the moment?
01[01:46] <Shinori> So you are saying Kirsche is scum even though he's in the vote block that you are/were in and agreed with?
[01:47] <Gaia> no, I am saying if the two of you were scum, it would make sense for you to change your opinion suddenly with no reasoning
01[01:47] <Shinori> So in otherwords you're just grasping with no real reason or info at all?
01[01:47] <Shinori> Kay.
[01:48] <Gaia> lol, you are one to talk with that BS vote on me
01[01:48] <Shinori> Btw.
01[01:48] <Shinori> You're acting exactly like you did in SFM when I called you scum.
[01:48] <Gaia> go on
01[01:48] <Shinori> Guess what you were in that game
[01:48] <Gaia> lol, very funny

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[spoiler=Eury the Liar]Session Start: Tue Nov 19 20:45:33 2013

Session Ident: Eurykins
01[21:19] <kirsche> yo yo
01[21:20] <kirsche> why were you so misleading about your role?
01[21:21] <kirsche> you lead us to believe you were lovers with SB when that wasn't the case
[21:21] <Eurykins> Eh? How was I misleading?
[21:21] <Eurykins> I never actually said anything that implied it, to be frank.
[21:21] <Eurykins> It wasn't until AFTERWARDS that I realized what went through most of your guys' heads.
01[21:21] <kirsche> yes but that was obviously what we were thinking
01[21:21] <kirsche> failing to correct a misunderstanding is basically lying
[21:22] <Eurykins> I was more surprised by the conclusion you guys drew from it.
01[21:22] <kirsche> that's the logical one
[21:22] <Eurykins> All I meant by my comment/post in-thread (this is the literal meaning of what I was saying):
01[21:22] <kirsche> well, given our circumstance
[21:22] <Eurykins> You kill me, there's one mislynch/townie death.
[21:22] <Eurykins> And then there is the night kill of another townie.
[21:22] <Eurykins> AKA. 2 deaths.
[21:22] <Eurykins> That's all I meant by my post.
01[21:23] <kirsche> can I get clarification: If you are lynched, does another someone else WHO IS DEFINITELY WITH THE TOWN die?
[21:23] <Eurykins> They wouldn't directly die with me, no.
01[21:24] <kirsche> what
01[21:24] <kirsche> that is not what you implied at all
[21:24] <Eurykins> I'm not tied to anyone in terms of roles.
[21:24] <Eurykins> There are people I've talked to who'd lose out on a fellow townie/person to talk to. In that sense, YES, you are gimping others.
01[21:25] <kirsche> that's not what I mean
[21:25] <Eurykins> I understand in what you mean (or at least I think so?)
[21:25] <Eurykins> Also.
[21:25] <Eurykins> That voting block of yours/that you're in.
01[21:25] <kirsche> you said that two townies would die if we lynched you
[21:25] <Eurykins> That was pretty interesting.
[21:25] <Eurykins> Well, yeah. I explained that above.
[21:25] <Eurykins> I also didn't say that "Two people will die instantly with my lynch, including myself"
[21:26] <Eurykins> I just said that two people overall were going to die.
01[21:26] <kirsche> that was obviosuly implied though
01[21:26] <kirsche> everyone made that obvious
01[21:26] <kirsche> why did you not correct the misunderstanding?
[21:26] <Eurykins> You want me to be honest about that?
[21:26] <Eurykins> It's called using myself as live bait.
01[21:26] <kirsche> yes
01[21:27] <kirsche> what
[21:27] <Eurykins> If I could drag someone into killing me over someone else like Paper.
01[21:27] <kirsche> am I supposed to believe that
[21:27] <Eurykins> Then it's more beneficial that I die instead of someone stronger.
[21:27] <Eurykins> You can if you want. It's just the simplicity of it all.
[21:27] <Eurykins> Question: You know of SB's role, correct?
01[21:27] <kirsche> yes
[21:27] <Eurykins> And you're relatively close to him if I recall?
01[21:28] <kirsche> I've talked to him a fair bit I guess
[21:28] <Eurykins> Do you trust him?
01[21:28] <kirsche> hmmm
01[21:28] <kirsche> I guess moreso than others right now
01[21:29] <kirsche> why?
[21:30] <Eurykins> Was just curious. Why was he not listed in part of your voting block?
01[21:31] <kirsche> who was listen in my voting block?
01[21:31] <kirsche> *listed
01[21:31] <kirsche> we haven't really voted together so whoever invented the voting block didn't put him in it I guess
[21:32] <Eurykins> I saw you, Paper, Refa, Bear, and Blitz being hosted as the voting block for my own mislynch.
01[21:33] <kirsche> that's because we were all online
01[21:33] <kirsche> and all had common ground
01[21:34] <kirsche> what was this got to do with you lying about your role
01[21:34] <kirsche> You just claimed <SNIP> to SB
[21:34] <Eurykins> Haha, so you are in good connection with SB. That's good.
01[21:34] <kirsche> yes we are talking
[21:34] <Eurykins> So long as SB doesn't backstab you or vice versa.
01[21:34] <kirsche> what is that supposed to mean
01[21:35] <kirsche> ok now I know you're scum
[21:35] <Eurykins> I'm not actually
01[21:35] <kirsche> What was it? "Planting seeds of doubt"?
[21:35] <Eurykins> But you can have fun lynching me, as you'll start to realize that the remaining Vanilla claims wafting around AREN'T what they seem to be.
01[21:36] <kirsche> lol
[21:37] <Eurykins> I'm honestly calling Bullshit on Refa or Bear's vanilla claim, but that's just me.
01[21:37] <kirsche> wait Refa?
01[21:37] <kirsche> he claimed vanilla?
[21:37] <Eurykins> I... believe so. Or so I heard. Lemme double check
[21:38] <Eurykins> Yeah, I believe he did- I have it written in my notes.
01[21:39] <kirsche> he says he hasn't
[21:39] <Eurykins> My notes say otherwise. But that's fine.
01[21:43] <kirsche> of course

Outright lying about her role under pressure of lynch and then lying about Refa's role, diverting discussion away from her to try and get me to drop the subject, the instigator of her lynch wagon dying immediately after, poor lynch priorities + all around scummy behaviour = best lynch candidate.
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*snrks* Not my fault you guys can't read. And after that hyper mislynch attempt, your guys' misunderstanding is the next validation for my lynch (again)? If that's not graspy, I'm not sure what is.

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I already knew her claim and talked to her about it when she said that yesterday and told her she shouldn't have done it.

I got the implication/feeling that it was sincere and that she didn't mean to mislead anyone.

And to be technical she never did outright lie about her role in thread because she never claimed anything.

However I'm not gonna stop a Eury lynch because even though I heavily think she's town I know I could be biased partially and I know she has done some bad play. I just feel it is more noob behavior than scum behavior. I would just prefer a different lynch.

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The lovers misunderstanding is bad play at best, but what really sets me off is where Eury called bullshit on my vanilla claim, despite me...never claiming to her. For reference, at the time, I had only claimed to Life/Eclipse, and just recently (like 10 minutes ago or something) I claimed to SB. Very suspicious.

##Vote: Eurykins

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Trust whom you will. I don't feel the need to do/say things that warrant being trusted by people; I'm doing/saying what I will with what hand I was dealt. I said it late D1, and I'll say it again (but perhaps with more clarity so no misunderstandings occur): Mislynch me, and you'll be down one townie (at the end of the day phase), and will probably lose another via Night Phase 2. Hence 2 deaths.

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The lovers misunderstanding is bad play at best, but what really sets me off is where Eury called bullshit on my vanilla claim, despite me...never claiming to her. For reference, at the time, I had only claimed to Life/Eclipse, and just recently (like 10 minutes ago or something) I claimed to SB. Very suspicious.

##Vote: Eurykins

She didn't call bullshit on your claim.

She said you did claim vanilla.

Which is it?

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[21:37] <Eurykins> I'm honestly calling Bullshit on Refa or Bear's vanilla claim, but that's just me.

Um....yeah she did.

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