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You get a seal, and you get a seal... (Perlia's Ridiculous Reclass Frenzy)


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Alright guys, I have an old MMU file that I... got bored with because it's Normal and I'm getting the hang of Hard Mode. However, I am unwilling to overwrite it because it's been blessed with a bunch of perfect levels and lots of nice items, I'm sentimental that way. It's at Chapter 16, no kids except Lucina recruited, which then gave me a fun idea to finish this off.

Mug some vegetarian Risen, buy about Grima's weight in Second Seals...

RECLASS EVERYONE. And I want suggestions to make this as ridiculous as possible. I don't care how good or bad they'd be at their new jobs. Also no one has touched a second seal prior to this.

My only rule is this if anyone makes a list:
Up to three people can be in the same class, but they can't all be the same gender. (Ex. If Gaius and Stahl are Myrmidons, Sully can become a Myrmidon, but Gregor cannot.)
That means for gender-restricted classes, up to two can be that class.

EVERYONE'S FATE (Chosen ones in bold)

Chrom: Archer / Cavalier

Frederick: Knight / Wyvern Rider

Lissa: Troubadour / Pegasus Knight

Sully: Myrmidon / Wyvern Rider

Virion: Mage / Wyvern Rider

Vaike: Thief / Barbarian

Stahl: Myrmidon / Archer

Miriel: Cleric / Dark Mage

Sumia: Knight / Cleric

Kellam: Priest / Thief

Lon'qu: Wyvern Rider / Thief

Ricken: Archer / Cavalier

Maribelle: Mage / Pegasus Knight

Panne: Wyvern Rider / Thief

Gaius: Fighter / Myrmidon

Cordelia: Dark Mage / Mercenary

Nowi: Mage / Wyvern Rider

Gregor: Barbarian / Myrmidon

Libra: Mage / Dark Mage

Tharja: Archer / Knight

Olivia: Pegasus Knight / Myrmidon

Cherche: Cleric / Troubadour

Henry: Thief / Barbarian

Donnel: Fighter / Mercenary

Anna: Archer / Mage

Edited by Perlia
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Cherche as either healing class. It really doesn't matter which.

Cordelia as Dark Mage.

Avatar as Archer/Cleric/Whatever, That should be voted on.

Freddy as just a Knight.

I'll let the rest get picked out.

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