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The Fire Emblem Awakening Miiverse Community Topic (Share your NNIDs, Doodles and Screenshots!)


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I did post seven more Fire Emblem related stuff in Miiverse, I did the White Wing Sisters in the Awakening community, Navarre & Ogma in the Pushmon Community, and Ragnell & Chrom (that I came with the Possible intro if he might or not appeared in the Next Nintendo Direct trailer or on the next Nintendo Direct trailers for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS / Wii U) in the Super Smash Bros. community.

Ragnell with the Eruption (Super Smash Bros. community)


Creative Drawing of Chrom's Possible Intro for tomorrow's Nintendo Direct trailer (Super Smash Bros. community)


Navarre (Pushmo community)


Ogma (Pushmo community)


Est (FEA community)


Catria (FEA community)


Palla (FEA community)


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Okaye, I'll post my fav. Awakening related doodles... I'm linking them b/c I don't have much time as of now.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW5bRQtPw --- Me adoring Olivia as a mom.

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAADtU2ySH7FuUQ --- "I could never fight against a woman..." Olivia is just super puzzled at Nabarl!

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW-oxlbXQ --- The duo kills Marth (on Normal Casual).

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW-jVxNsg --- "If I keep on doing this, I'll get extinct!!" "I'LL GET YOU EXTINCT".

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAC_UqFO1jsrXQ --- Suggestive...

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW-NvTgeA --- Kieran triumphs over Oscar once again by rightfully becoming a legend...

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAC_UqFNlSKSlQ --- MUH OTP, SHDHSJFHJD

https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAABUaW5EushgA --- "Guidos & Nerds..."

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I did an Ike post in the Smash community. ^^


Got 20 yeahs in less than half an hour, oh yeah. :D

I know it's a bit messy, but I drew it in like ten minutes lol. Fastest drawing I ever made.

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I did an Ike post in the Smash community. ^^


Got 20 yeahs in less than half an hour, oh yeah. :D

I know it's a bit messy, but I drew it in like ten minutes lol. Fastest drawing I ever made.

I'd say that's good for ten minutes on a touch screen. Those things are slippery.

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Points to whoever recognizes which sword this is (It's a few pixels short so it's not completely accurate).

...How in the hell did you prevent the AI from just swarming together in a bunch?

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...How in the hell did you prevent the AI from just swarming together in a bunch?

I'm more curious as to how the only surviving enemies are Swordmasters

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I did post seven more Fire Emblem related stuff in Miiverse, I did Mareeta, Nanna, Tanya, Assassin Morgan, & Est (w/Chrom) defeated Grima in the Awakening community and Caeda in the Super Smash Bros. community.

Mareeta (FEA community)


Nanna (FEA community)


Tanya (FEA community)


Caeda for Assist Trophy (Super Smash Bros. community)


Assassin Morgan (FEA community)

I just took from the screenshot from a streetpass team from a couple of days ago.


Est (w/Chrom) defeated Grima (FEA community)


And also, I just saw a post that someone that had a screenshot of Frederick got defeated and he fell into the lava. (she told me that this lava chapter was from Sibling's Blade)



Points to whoever recognizes which sword this is (It's a few pixels short so it's not completely accurate).

How did you get so many Swordmasters in that chapter?

Edited by King Marth 64
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Looks like a Steel or Silver Blade or something. :o

*sees the Frederick screen* NOOO, FREDDY BEAR!! ;_:

Edited by Anacybele
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Maxed out units can steamroll through all the other kinds.

Especially if it's NOT on Lunatic.


Yeah, that's something they had no problem doing.

(yes the atk could've been higher, 3 100s just looked better.)

Either way, enemies stop moving once they run out of weapon usage, so from there it's just wasting several hundred turns guarding sword attacks while killing every other class. Bows helped alot.

@Anacybele: Right track, but this blade was pretty special. There's a reason they're all Swordmasters.

Edited by Papero
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I do believe that it is in fact the Regal Blade. Regal_Blade.gif

Right you are.

In the process of taking of that other screenshot, I noticed Entombed always sink back into the ground after the character quote if they're going to activate Miracle. Just an odd tidbit.

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Either way, enemies stop moving once they run out of weapon usage

They do... if they can't swarm together. At least from my streetpass AI tests.

I have to experiment if I want certain results for videos, such as getting rallies on the enemy turn and THEM moving.

As well as mages attacking at range 1.

In the process of taking of that other screenshot, I noticed Entombed always sink back into the ground after the character quote if they're going to activate Miracle. Just an odd tidbit.

They do that whenever they have a defensive skill.

At least if you don't activate a skill first.

Whoever activates a skill "first" during battle animations will move.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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From what I can tell, it seems different if they start out with a weapon, as this was a result of waiting out a few Risen on Lunatic.


I also ran across a random Streetpass team where most of them had a weapon, except Chrom with only a Falchion that he couldn't use because derp sniper. Chrom stood close but once Nowi ran out of weapon usage, he just stopped caring. I sat in the corner for a couple turns and Miriel, the only one left with weapons, felt like pursuing.


Miriel ran out soon afterwards, but all 3 just continued to stand their ground. It may need more testing but it seems they just accept their fate as statues once their weapons break.

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