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Massive Storm Here


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So right now there is a massive storm here with huge hail, lighting, heavy rains, high winds, yeah I'm ready for a blackout....(Blackout means can't use water though, Power you better stay on!!!)

Edited by Shelie
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I know how you feel.


This time of the year there are a lot of storms here where I live. Like, at least 2 HUGE storms every week.

I don't really mind, except when the power goes down (or when I have to drive).

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Yeah this is the time of year it storms here too except the last couple of years we didn't get the storms through November but got rains in January which resulted in south east qld being flooded but this year the storms have come in Nov and we are still expected to get heavy rain in Jan I'm worried this year will be the worst flood season yet, especially since last year my family received a warning to be ready to evacuate and that's without having the rains already before Jan

From Fires to Floods in Australia, yup just the way Australia likes it....

Edited by Shelie
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your house has just been built and it might flood :( .

Stay safe and evacuate if need be!

I live in Florida... Just tornadoes and hurricanes.

and good you can see hurricanes before they hit.

Flooding is a very minor problem where I live, but then I am like 15-20ft above sea level.

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your house has just been built and it might flood :( .

Stay safe and evacuate if need be!

I live in Florida... Just tornadoes and hurricanes.

and good you can see hurricanes before they hit.

Flooding is a very minor problem where I live, but then I am like 15-20ft above sea level.

I know right haha we have been safe every year so far but they do predict this to be the worst storm season in years so yeah, they better be wrong!

Though I definitely wouldn't want tornadoes or hurricanes I think high winds scare me more than anything well besides raging fires & earthquakes oh and tsunamis thank goodness I dont have any of those here.... XD

And just like that the hail is back bigger & meaner than before oh yay... and its quietened down for now but it seems a worse one is on the way, I hope it doesn't hit here...

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I live in tornado alley, it's literally awful and our really bad storm season is usually March-May but we once had an almost-tornado in August that left some people without power for like a week and electrical cords were hanging in the streets and some buildings were totaled. A tree fell on one of our neighbor's houses & caused their roof to collapse and damaged their truck

stay safe man

Edited by The Best SK
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Thanks everyone!

The storms seem to have subsided for now, but its forecast bad storms all week so, anything can still happen just need to stay prepared...

I didn't sanction this who do I have to smash today

Eesh. Sounds awful. Hope you don't get an outage and stay safe!

That made me Lol XD and thanks

Wow, I knew about the typhoon & the first earthquake, but that is just ridiculous.... seriously I hope you don't get any other disasters again soon....

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i like how you prioritize power over water

Well we cant use water here without power :/ I prefer water over power that's for sure, though in extreme cases we are able to get water straight out of the tank if needed..

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