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I had the strangest dream


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This dream was from quite a few nights ago I have it written down (yes cause I was thinking of the dream for quite awhile) and just thought I would share it with you guys XD

I wrote out different things I remembered in the dream & added some stuff here & there so it makes more sense, though its still very vague though, I am thinking I could change this into a proper story someday

I think its pretty cool and probably one of the most realistic dreams I have ever had

If you all have any dreams you would like to share go ahead

So there was these two guys they were best friends on an adventure when one day some mystic being took them in there sleep to another world and tasked them with saving it,

there mission was to save the some kingdom and make sure none of the royals die as there was some dark force trying to kill them and wipe out that kingdom and if that happened the world would fall into darkness

but the mystic said that should they fail the first time it has the power to send them back in time to start over but there was a catch they only have 7 chances that's all it could give them so that's 7 chances to save the kingdom & try to destroy the darkness completely.

so there's the hero & the friend after a few attempts and failures the hero was starting to feel like a complete failure and was ready to give up the friend trying to cheer him up really wanting to do something for his friend and thought of ways he could help it was driving him mad,

though the darkness could sense something in him how he yearned strongly for something & this ended up giving the darkness control over him, so now the darkness was using him for his own evil deeds, the hero on the other hand had fallen in love with the princess and seeing her die all the time was breaking him

So now it was the 7th time and it seemed like all hope was lost when the hero found the whole kingdom had been murdered.. (and for some reason in my dream I literally pictured everyone covered and surrounded by blood)

by the hands of his best friend, then the darkness was trying to get him to kill the hero but the friend was reluctant and tried to fight it , but the hero kneeled in front of him was ready to die after everything was taken from him and he didn't know how to save his friend,

but then a girl showed up the only person the friend didn't kill, that was because the friend had fallen in love with this girl and she loved him to she wasn't afraid of him and was willing to die to save him she ran as fast as she could trying to avoid being hit and kissed him releasing the darkness control over him as the darkness detested love, the darkness came out of him and materialized into what looked like an elf

after this the hero the friend & the girl by the power of the mystic being reviving the princess and allowing them to wield weapons of light slayed the darkness and saved the kingdom the mystic thankful for slaying the darkness with the last of its powers revived the rest of the kingdom & then gave the hero a choice if he wished to stay with the princess or go back to his world..

then my dream ended I don't know what happened XD

Edited by Shelie
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i had a dream i was living another persons life. my name was kamin i think. it felt 40 years but in reality it was like 20 minutes. i learnt how to play the flute, i started a family, all sorts of stuff happened. but just as our community was about shoot a rocket in to space, the dream ended.

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Well, I had this dream where I kept going down slides and they would randomly take me to random farm fields and then i saw this kid and apparently, He knew a way to find some secret town so we went and it changed into like a world map where i could choose where to go and then when I went to the town, I had to disguise myself for reasons unknown. Then I grew wings and flew to a random school, when students started yelling and firing arrows at me so i bolted, and then I woke up.

I also had a dream once where a teacher kept embarrassing me and insulting me so I bitch slapped her, grew wings and flew away - I distinctively remember seeing hungry jacks.

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I wrote down one of my dreams once. I noticed the length of what I had written was much greater than what you have here and that you mentioned "these two guys" and a "princess" and I think my dream would destroy yours in a fight.

Also I already turned that dream into a story. It has an entire mythos that ties in with all kinds of other stories I've written. I'm a regular Final Fantasy spin off machine.

Edited by Aleph
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hum, there's only a few dreams i specifically remember having through my life.

when i was maybe 15 or so, i had a dream that the girl i liked at the time was sitting at the school cafateria, with a fucking goldfish bowl around her head. she was staring into nothingness, and seemed lifeless.

and this one time back in university, i had a fever dream. it was an obscure mother fucker involving alternate dimensions and stuff through mirrors and oh god, i can't even remember the half of it. then i woke up and went for a piss in the bathtub. then i couldn't remember my own password to my laptop, amongst other fucked up things one may say or do during a fever. that was one fucked up day.

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i had a dream i was living another persons life. my name was kamin i think. it felt 40 years but in reality it was like 20 minutes. i learnt how to play the flute, i started a family, all sorts of stuff happened. but just as our community was about shoot a rocket in to space, the dream ended.

i guess nobody got my star trek reference.

Edited by Aizenberg
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Only dreams I tend to remember (and to get as well) are nightmares :sob: (though, I do have some memorable non-nightmare ones)

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...I can remember a few, like being stuck in a coastal town with sucessive (and massive) tsunamis rolling in (naturally, this being a dream, I survived each one), or being in a small alpine village just as the crazy cultist took over and whipped the villagers into a raging mob, pitchforks, torches and all... and then there was the town utterly overun with friendly Daleks.

Naturally, these ones were when I was quite a bit younger and my kids brain dumped a whole load of baloney into my dreams. They've become a bit more sensible of late.

That said, there was that weird one where I, as part of the UK Royal Air Force cadets (which I left 6 years ago), was over in the USA... just as they declared war on the UK (I have no idea why). Cue us cadets having to split up and dodge patrols while we tried to get out of the country. Another silly little dream that had no basis in reality.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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You guys have some seriously weird dreams XD

Last night I had another crazy dream..... For some reason the world was going to be destroyed by these crystals if they weren't found and done away with I don't remember much but I remember seeing these crystals on the master sword & panicking... and so I set out to find them when I found the first one it was being guarded by.... Hitler like seriously what the heck whats that guy doing in my dream.... and he promptly beats me stabbing me and throwing me into a river it was so freaky I don't even know if I died or not but I literally pictured blood coming out of my eyes and all over my body (no wonder I didn't sleep so well) then the next thing I new I was all better and at the next spot with a crystal there was a huge man beast guarding it that would go on frequent rampages and it beat the heck out of me and I was all badly bloodied & bruised.... and that's all I remember of it, which I am glad...

Like seriously that was a freaky dream all I did was die in it I think o_o

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I just recalled another dream I had earlier this year after FE:A came out, It was me as my avatar running away from Tharja into Libras house, which happened to be a mansion & he said I could hide under his bed, as I walked through his place he had an indoor pool & spa and in there was Lon'qu and Gregor, well I went to hide under Libras bed but Tharja snuck her way into the house as well so I screamed and ran out right into Chrom all confused he said come with me, my avatar was like why?? I am your father Chrom says..... then the dream ended.... Yeah a dream induced by to much fire emblem haha

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